Regulatory Analysis

Posted July 15, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Peru: Resolution Officializes New Rules on the E-transport Document

Following the recently released draft publication, the Peruvian tax authority, SUNAT, published Resolución de Superintendencia 000123-2022 on 12 July 2022, officially modifying the rules regarding the country’s e-transport document, the Guía de Remisión Electrónica – GRE. As provided in the draft, the official resolution requires mandatory issuance of the e-transport document electronically, no longer allowing […]

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Posted July 7, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Uruguay: Production and Testing Schedules for the new versions of the CFE/Report format and Schemas

The Uruguayan tax authority (DGI) has informed that version 23 of the CFE Format document and version 13 of the Report Format document, and their corresponding XSD schemas will be implemented according to the following schedule: Testing: 1 October 2022 Production: 1 November 2022 As previously informed, the new versions of the CFE/Report format and […]

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Posted July 7, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Uruguay: New version 1.42.1 of the Electronic Invoice’s Schema

The Uruguayan tax authority (DGI) released version 1.42.1 of the XSD schema of the electronic invoice. This change is under the “to be published” status. The previous released version 1.42.0 is now under the “substituted” status. The new Schema is available for download at: Source:

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Posted July 5, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Peru: SUNAT postpones the deadline for the transmission of electronic invoices and related electronic notes until 1 January 2023

On 30 June 2022, the Peruvian tax authority (SUNAT) published Resolución de Superintendencia n. 117-2022, which postpones again the 3-day deadline for transmission to SUNAT and the OSE (Operator of Electronic Services) of electronic invoices and its related electronic notes, until 1 January 2023. The previous rule, established by Resolución de Superintendencia 201-2021/SUNAT, determined that […]

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Posted June 30, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Peru: Urgency Decree extends the deadline for transmission of electronic invoices and receipts issued by professionals, once again

A new Emergency Decree (Decreto de Urgencia n. 016-2022) enacted by the Peruvian government, extends until 31 December 2022 the deadline of four (4) days for the transmission of electronic invoices and electronic receipts issued by professionals, as established in article 2 of Decreto de Urgencia n. 050-2021. According to this last provision, exceptionally, electronic […]

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Posted June 29, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
RF-1563 Uruguay: New Versions of the E-invoice Technical Documentation and XSD Schema have been published

The tax administration of Uruguay (Dirección General Impositiva – DGI) has released new versions of the technical documentation and XSD Schema supporting the country’s electronic invoice mandate (Comprobante Fiscal Electrónico – CFE). The main alterations include changes in validation rules, descriptions and codes and are contained in the following documents: Documento Funcional Formato de los […]

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Posted June 14, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Ecuador: New resolution establishing e-invoicing obligations to taxpayers previously out of scope

The Internal Revenue Service (SRI) issued RESOLUTION No. NAC-DGERCGC22-00000024 on May 27, 2022, establishing the obligation to issue e-invoices to taxpayers required to issue invoices but not required to issue e-invoices and the obligation for these taxpayers, qualified as agents of withholding, to issue the Simplified Transactional Annex (ATS) version of withholding documents. These taxpayers […]

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Posted June 10, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Ecuador: New resolution establishing e-invoicing obligations to taxpayers previously out of scope

The Internal Revenue Service (SRI) issued RESOLUTION No. NAC-DGERCGC22-00000024 on May 27, 2022, establishing the obligation to issue e-invoices to taxpayers obliged to issue invoices but not required to issue e-invoices, as well as the obligation for these taxpayers, qualified as agents of withholding, to issue the Simplified Transactional Annex (ATS) version of withholding documents. […]

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Posted June 9, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Peru: Draft Resolution Introduces Changes to the Guía de Remisión Electrónica (E-transport Document)

The Peruvian tax authority (SUNAT) has published a draft resolution introducing changes to the guías de remisión electronica (GRE), the electronic transport document that must be issued in connection to invoices (comprobantes de pagos). The aim of this draft resolution is to further regulate the issuance of the e- transport document, introducing several changes, mainly […]

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Posted June 1, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Peru: On 1 June 2022 e-invoicing becomes mandatory for the last group of taxpayers operating in the country

According to Peruvian legislation (Resolución de Superintendencia n. 128-2021/Sunat), 1 June 2022 is the final deadline for the inclusion of the last group of taxpayers in the country’s e-invoicing system (Sistema de Emisión Electrónica). On 1 April 2022, B2B electronic invoicing became mandatory for the small taxpayers with annual revenue below 23 UIT (Unidad Impositiva […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
PERU: Two Days Deadline for Remittance of the CPE Postponed

Emergency Decree No. 113-2021, issued by the Peruvian government, postpones until June 30, 2022 the deadline of four days (counted from the day of issuance of the voucher) for the remittance of the electronic invoice and the fee vouchers issued by professionals. According to the previous regulations, starting January 1, 2022, the taxpayers had a […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
ECUADOR: New Version 2.21 of Technical Document for the Electronic Invoice:

The tax administration of Ecuador (SRI) has released a new version 2.21 of the guide containing User Manual, Catalog and Technical Specifications of the electronic invoicing system of Ecuador. This new version incorporates several important changes that are worth to underline: New Annex 22: This new annex is intended to define the additional requisites with […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
PARAGUAY: New Schedule of Implementation of Electronic Invoice

Resolution 105/2021 was issued by the tax administration of Paraguay (SET) with the purpose of establishing the new schedule of implementation of the electronic invoice in that country. This new resolution substitutes the provisions of previous resolution 95/2021 and basically establishes a new calendar for the deployment of the e-Invoicing mandate using the SIFEN platform […]

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Posted May 5, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
URUGUAY: New Resolution n. 531/2022 on Electronic Fiscal Documents (CFE)

By means of Resolution n. 531/2022, the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Uruguay made an adjustment to the regime of electronic fiscal documents (comprobantes fiscales electrónicos – CFE) in order to establish regulatory conditions, thus modifying Resolution n. 798/2012 of May 8, 2012, which provides the regulatory basis on this matter. The changes introduced […]

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Posted May 3, 2022 by Victor Duarte
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: XSD update for the Comprobantes Fiscales electrónicos (e-CF v1.0)

The Tax Authority in the Country published an XSD update for the following documents: e-CF 31 v1.0 (Factura de Crédito Fiscal Electrónica) e-CF 32 v1.0 (Factura de Consumo Electrónica) e-CF 33 v1.0 (Nota de Débito Electrónica) e-CF 34 v1.0 (Nota de Crédito Electrónica) e-CF 41 v1.0 (Comprobante Electrónico de Compras) e-CF 43 v1.0 (Comprobante Electrónico […]

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Posted April 28, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
PERU: SUNAT Issues New Resolution to Establish the Module for Keeping Electronic Records of Purchases (RCE)

The Peruvian tax administration has released a new Resolution n. 00040-2022/SUNAT intended to expand the process of change to the System of Electronic Ledgers established in the country. This new module is closely related to the changes introduced in August 2021, by means of Resolution n. 000112-2021/SUNAT, when a similar module was first introduced for […]

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Posted January 28, 2022 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay: New Schedule of Implementation of Electronic Invoice

Resolution 105/2021 issued by the tax administration of Paraguay (SET) establishes the new schedule of implementation of the electronic invoice in that country. This new resolution substitutes the provisions of previous resolution 95/2021 establishing a new calendar for the deployment of the e-invoicing mandate using the SIFEN platform (National Integrated System of Electronic Invoicing). For […]

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Posted December 6, 2021 by Ramón Frias
ARGENTINA: The AFIP informs of the New Simplified Export System for Small Taxpayers

The Argentinean tax administration (AFIP), along with the Customs Administration (DGA) and the Productive Development Ministry, has informed that effective November 1, 2021, the new “Exporta Simple 2.0” Platform is in full production mode. According to the news release from the AFIP, the main changes under this new version of the system are related to […]

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