With the publication of Resolution No. 102300000004, the Bolivian tax authority postponed the term indicated in Resolution No. 102200000025 of November 29, 2022, until March 31, 2023, term in which the third group of taxpayers classified by Resolution No. 102200000010 of May 18, 2022, must start issuing Fiscal Documents only through the assigned online invoicing […]
Argentina: General Resolution No. 5323/2023 issued by the AFIP anticipates to February 23 and 24, 2023 the due dates for compliance with the obligations of determination and / or payment of Value Added Tax which original term was February 27 and 28 of this year. This change is according to the termination of the Unique […]
Panama published Resolution No. 201-0717 of 26 January 2023 in Official Gazette No. 29712 on 31 January 2023, which regulates the phases for banks and other financial institutions to comply with the requirements to issue invoices using authorized fiscal equipment or through the e-invoicing system, Sistema de Facturación Electrónica de Panamá (SFEP), as per Law […]
The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama published Executive Decree No. 3 of 20 January 2023 in Official Gazette No. 29706-B on 23 January 2023, which granted an extension for the adoption of electronic invoicing mechanisms for several activities that were initially required to adopt one of the mechanisms available (“fiscal equipment” or the […]
The Uruguayan Tax Authority has informed that the new version of the Daily Report Format 13.1 is now available in the production environment and applies to all reports sent from 1 February 2023. The Daily Report Format v.13.1 is available on the website of the General Tax Directorate of Uruguay. It is incorporated in Section: […]
The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) informs all taxpayers that the sequences of Tax Receipt Numbers (NCF / e-NCF) authorized during the year 2021 and that have not been used until December 31, 2022, will expire as of December 1st. of January 2023, respecting the provisions of General Standard No. 06-2018 on Tax Receipts. […]
The Superintendence of Tax Administration of the Government of Guatemala published Resolution Number SAT-DSI-1350-2022, through which informs that no later than March 31, 2023, all legal entities and individuals that are registered in the Small Taxpayers Regime must start issuing their DTE (Electronic Tax Documents) and must apply the provisions established for that regime. It […]
The new version of the CFE Format v23.3 is now in production. The document is available on the website of the General Tax Directorate of Uruguay under “Documents of Interest”. The only change in relation to version 23.2 is an adjustment in the wording of the description of field B.2: Type of Code related to […]
The Aruban Department of Taxes announced a 1% increase to the turnover tax (BBO) rate effective 1 January 2023. As a result the combined BBO, BAVP, and BAZV rate will increase to 7%. Please note that the proposed VAT system previously announced for implementation from 1 January 2023 has been delayed until 2024. The announcement […]
Suriname is introducing a new VAT system that will replace the current sales (turnover) tax. A 10% VAT rate will come into effect on 1 January 2023. Businesses with annual taxable turnover exceeding SRD 1 million are required to register and others may voluntarily register. Non-resident suppliers providing digital services to non-taxable persons in Suriname […]
The General Tax Directorate of the Republic of Uruguay has published on its website the following technical documents for the electronic fiscal documents (CFE) in the production environment: CFE: CFE v23.2 format Daily report: CFE Report Format v13 Response Message: Response Message Format v15 Schema: XSDs_FE_V1.42.1 XSD_Formato_Envío de Información Proveedores de SW v1.5.
The internal revenue service of Ecuador has published on its website a new version of the guide for taxpayers on the request for authorization to issue electronic receipts. The guide establishes the requirements and instructions to access the issuance of electronic receipts in a test environment and later in a production environment, and details the […]
The Chilean Internal Revenue Service published Circular No. 50 with instructions on the forthcoming entry into force of the modifications introduced by Law No. 21,420, which reduces or eliminates tax exemptions. Among its modifications is the change in the definition of the basic taxable event “service” which is defined as “the action or provision that one […]
The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration of Peru (SUNAT) published a draft resolution to allow the issuance of electronic invoices for foreign tourists. The draft resolution modifies the Payment Voucher Regulations, as well as the regulations on the electronic issuance of payment vouchers to allow the issuance of invoices for sales made by […]
The National Directorate of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador published resolution DGERCGC22-00000052 by virtue of which the electronic invoicing of land transport operators throughout the country, except taxis, will be made possible. With this regulation change, the partners, or shareholders of commercial transport operators, except taxis, may be designated as exclusive points of issuance […]
The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador has recently approved Decree 487 with relevant reforms to the Tax Code, introducing the initial and general legal framework for its mandatory electronic invoicing system, for which there is currently no provision under the country’s tax legislation. The Decree defines the different types of Electronic Fiscal Documents (Documentos Tributários […]
The Argentinian tax authority (AFIP) has established the procedure for linking the electronic transport document for flour (Remito Electrónico Harinero – REH) with the electronic sales invoice that supports the operations of sale of flour and by-products derived from the milling of wheat. As recently established for the e-transport document for meats (Remito Electrónico Cárnico […]
The Uruguayan tax authority (DGI) has informed that Version 23.2 of the CFE Format document (electronic fiscal documents), version 13 of the Report Format document, version 15 of the Response Message Format and XSD schema version 1.42.1 are now available for testing. The new versions and their XSD schemas are published in the Functional and […]