5 Highlights from the 2021 DtC Beer Shipping Report

Delaney McDonald
April 8, 2021

This blog was last updated on March 21, 2024

Sovos ShipCompliant recently released the first-ever 2021 Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Beer Shipping Report in partnership with the Brewers Association. This report features exclusive data from two surveys, both consumer and industry perspectives, documenting the state of DtC craft beer sales and shipping.

2020 brought unprecedented challenges to the brewing industry and beer lovers alike. Due to closures and limitations on taprooms, brewpubs, restaurants and bars, many beer drinkers sought delivery of their favorite beverage right to their doorstep, and breweries’ interest in and engagement with the direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping channel grew.

Highlights from the 2021 DtC Beer Shipping Report

This new report is packed full of data and insights about consumer behavior and attitudes as well as craft beer industry best practices and attitudes. Here are some salient findings from the report that illustrate the current state of DtC beer shipping.

  • Among regular craft beer drinkers (defined as those who drink craft beer at least once per month), more than four in five men aged 35-44 (83%) say they have purchased craft beer DtC.
  • 84% of regular craft beer drinkers agreed with the statement, Current beer shipping laws should be updated to make it legal to ship beer DtC in more states than the 13 U.S.
    states it is currently available in.
  • 80% of regular craft beer drinkers agreed with the statement, I would be more likely to try new beer brands if I were able to purchase the beer via DtC shipping to my home.
  • Among regular craft beer drinkers who are males 35-44, 54% said they were very likely to purchase craft beer directly from a brewery for DtC shipment, 28% said they were somewhat likely, and 17% said they were not at all/ not very likely to do so.
  • 82% of brewers indicated some form of direct-to-consumer sales. When broken down into different categories, the most widely used were to-go sales, with 79% of breweries having them, and taproom/ brewpub sales, with 73% of craft breweries having them.

How we got the numbers for the 2021 DtC Beer Shipping Report

Consumer survey methodology

The consumer survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Sovos ShipCompliant from January 11-13, 2021 among 1,869 U.S. adults ages 21 and older, among whom 568 drink craft beer at least once per month.

Craft brewers survey methodology

All breweries (Brewers Association members or not) were invited to complete this direct-to-consumer survey upon completion of the annual Brewers Association Beer Industry Production Survey. The survey received 141 responses, covering breweries from 38 states.

Take Action

Download the 2021 Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report for additional data and insights into the DtC beer channel.

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Delaney McDonald

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