Tax Management is Simpler if You Avoid This Common Mistake
Working with intermediaries in insurance is common practice. And using the knowledge and resources of an intermediary can deliver additional sales for an insurer without
Working with intermediaries in insurance is common practice. And using the knowledge and resources of an intermediary can deliver additional sales for an insurer without
There are two types of no claims bonus. The first one is a refund of premium at the end of the policy. This happens when,
As 2020 draws to a close, Brexit is firmly back on the radar as a concern for businesses across Europe, and the insurance industry is
New cells in Italy’s annual IPT return Update: 8 June 2023 by Edit Buliczka On 31 March the Italian tax authority released a new Insurance
In most cases, the primary responsibility of calculating, reporting and settling insurance premium tax (IPT) remains with the insurance company. But similar to VAT and
For cross-border insurers, navigating the complex tax landscape across multiple jurisdictions can feel overwhelming. Tax authorities continue to take measures to boost revenues, increase efficiency
There’s no harmonisation across Europe for how tax declarations are submitted. And methods vary tax by tax, country by country, and even region by region.
Tax filing, wherever you are in the world, is becoming increasingly complex, with regular rate updates and governments eager to close tax gaps via new
From underwriting to reporting, the insurance industry is having to adjust and by choice or imposed, is embracing the digital evolution of its practices. On
Accurately calculating Insurance Premium Taxes (IPT) across Europe can be a challenge, especially when there are inconsistent methods of calculations and a vast array of
The Spanish tax system is one of the most complex in Europe. If the tax system and surcharges are not fully understood it can be
Whilst M&A activity may have slowed down slightly, deals are still taking place and the future of many insurers could depend on a buy-out. Continued
With the fast pace of change happening on the global tax landscape, where tax authorities require more granular information with electronic tax submissions, it’s not
Unprecedented times. It’s a phrase that’s been used so much of late but the pandemic is certainly not the first incident that has adversely affected
A non-authorised insurer is the term used to describe an insurance company that isn’t licensed with a particular country to provide insurance. This can also
Car insurance premiums are always making headlines. With the cost of insurance for younger drivers continuing to rise, a new generation of drivers are questioning
Over recent years, the number of insurance captives domiciled in Europe has stagnated, if not fallen. Against this backdrop, the challenges faced by captives across
InsurTech companies are really getting their claws into the insurance industry. New products are coming to market, processes are being overhauled and end customers are