Taxation of Motor Insurance Policies: Italy
In Italy, the insurance premium tax (IPT) code (which is being revised as of the date of this blog’s publication) and various other laws and
In Italy, the insurance premium tax (IPT) code (which is being revised as of the date of this blog’s publication) and various other laws and
Italy: IPT Treatment on Used Vehicle Warranty Services On 21 May 2024, the Italian tax authority published a ruling (No. 110/2024) on the IPT treatment
Climate related events impact all industries; the insurance industry is no exception. Here’s how it’s affecting Insurance Premium Tax.
Regarding calculating Insurance Premium Tax (IPT), Hungary is the only country in the EU where the regime uses the so-called sliding scale rate model.
When considering motor insurance, it’s worth remembering that everything is high – from tax rates to the amount of administration required. This blog includes general
Norway has an indirect tax that applies to elements of coverage under a motor insurance policy. This blog details everything you need to know about
Liechtenstein is one of many countries with Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) requirements, specifically the Swiss Stamp Duty and Liechtenstein Insurance Levy. This blog provides an
Monaco is one of many countries with Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) requirements, specifically the Special Annual Tax and Fire Brigade Tax. This blog provides an
There is a wide variety of indirect taxes and parafiscal charges that apply to the different elements of coverage that can be included under a
Much of the discussion on the Location of Risk triggering a country’s entitlement to levy insurance premium tax (IPT) and parafiscal charges focuses on the
Drone usage has increased significantly in recent decades, far beyond their initial use in the military. They can be expensive themselves and, equally, can also
Following the publication of various circulars by the Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany in 2021, rules on the taxation of guarantee commitments were made
Insurance Premium Tax in Germany is complex. From IPT rates to law changes, this quick guide will help you navigate the challenges of IPT in
Problems encountered with Fire Brigade Tax rate increase in Slovenia Slovenia’s Fire Brigade Tax (FBT) has changed. The rate increased from 5% to 9%. This
What is the current situation for insurance for businesses? Until the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, the view was that businesses provide insurance such as
Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and insurance premium tax (IPT) compliance services.
Update: 25 January 2024 by James Brown Judgment in the Netherlands and Lloyd’s Position on Space Insurance There have been a couple of key developments
There are several countries within the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) that have introduced a Fire Brigade Tax (FBT). Fire Brigade Tax