
Keep Your Company Safe from Audit Risk While Adapting to COVID-19

Tax compliance has always been a balancing act – directing available energy and resources on those activities and solutions that will do the most to keep your company safe from audit risk. While the challenges may differ (as resources may be less available to some businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic) the obligation of tax professionals […]

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Sports Cancellations Cost States Big Time

This year’s sports cancellations, including the NBA and March Madness, have left many states with far fewer tax dollars than expected. Since it was legalized by the Supreme Court in 2018, sports betting has been legalized by state governments across the country. Last year, nine states legalized sports betting. This brings the total number of […]

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International Tax Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the last several weeks, we have monitored many efforts by federal, state and local governments to provide relief to both businesses and individual taxpayers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As they relate to indirect tax (VAT/Sales Tax/GST), the measures enacted to-date have followed varying paths. Here are a few examples of the types of […]

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Overcome the Latest Challenges of Form 1042-S

The 1042-S form is one of the most complex IRS forms. Our recent webinar: “Form 1042-S: Turn Stress into Success” discusses updates to the 1042-S for the 2019 filing year, obstacles to filing and how your business can stay compliant. Below are the key takeaways from the webinar. What is the 1042-S The primary difference […]

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US Supreme Court will Hear ACA Challenge: What are the Ramifications for Tax?

On March 2, the Supreme Court announced it would consider a challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly referred to as Obamacare. The legal challenge, brought by the Attorney General of Texas and before the Supreme Court as California v. Texas, seeks to overturn the landmark healthcare law. The challenge proposes that since the […]

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Virginia Lowers Reporting Threshold for Third-Party Settlement Organizations

The Virginia legislature recently passed legislation which makes significant changes to the reporting obligations of gig economy participants and specifically third-party settlement organizations (TPSOs). SB 211 stipulates that TPSOs must issue Form 1099-K to report payments made to their payees. And TPSOs must report payments made to participating payees with a Virginia address if those […]

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Prepare to Pay Taxes on Crypto Held in Foreign Accounts

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), a U.S. Congress watchdog, published a report evaluating the IRS’s approach to regulating virtual currency (crypto) and the guidance it has offered the public. The GAO’s Recommendation However, a portion of the report was directed at the IRS and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. […]

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IRS Agrees to More Clarity on Crypto Information Reporting

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), a U.S. Congress watchdog, published a report evaluating the IRS’s approach to regulating virtual currency (crypto) and the guidance it has offered the public. In the report, the GAO offered three recommendations for the IRS, and an additional recommendation for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the […]

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Will AB5 Become a National Trend?

California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) has sparked a national trend towards increased regulations on the gig economy. New York, New Jersey and Illinois have followed California’s lead, attempting to pass their own versions of AB5. What is AB5? Triggered by the landmark Dynamex ruling, California’s AB5 requires businesses that hire gig workers to treat those […]

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Sovos Makes Back-to-Back Statutory Reporting Acquisitions with Purchase of Booke

In 2019, Sovos acquired Eagle Technology Management (ETM) for its history of innovation in statutory reporting and other key compliance solutions for U.S.-based insurance companies. Today, Sovos announced the acquisition of Booke, which provides critically important educational seminars to employees of American insurance companies and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on topics across property, casualty, […]

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Starbucks Shakes Up the Banking World

Experts believe Starbucks plans to enter the financial services industry. This belief is based on the huge sum of money Starbucks holds in stored value card liabilities and Starbucks’ investments in crypto. It also removed the word coffee from its signboard. Billions in value card liabilities Starbucks customers generate a massive amount of money purchasing […]

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See the Latest IRS FY19 Updates on Crypto and Gig Economy Enforcement

The IRS commissioner Chuck Rettig issued the agency’s FY19 updates last month, which included updates on compliance and education initiatives aimed at the emerging gig and crypto industries.   Publication 5382 was released in December to provide taxpayers with updates on the IRS’  FY19 goals. Of the six goals discussed in the report, goal two promised […]

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Take 5 Minutes to Learn This Year’s Last Minute Tax Information Reporting Changes

Tax time is upon us, which means last minute IRS and state tax information reporting changes are keeping us on our toes. Take five minutes to learn what these changes are and what you need to do to protect your business from penalties. 1. California’s last-minute change On December 9th, the Franchise Tax Board posted […]

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IRS Sunsets Paper e-Filing for 1099s

Historically, the IRS required 1099 filers of 250 or more forms to file electronically (e-file). For businesses filing fewer than 250 forms, the IRS allowed paper filings. However, the 1099 reporting process will soon be almost completely electronic. The state of Oregon made a similar change in 2018, and the trend is about to go […]

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The Affordable Care Act is Alive and Kicking

Despite what you may have heard, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax reporting requirements are not dead. In fact, enforcement of the Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions (ESRPs) under IRC 4980H is very much alive at the federal level. And states are enforcing the individual mandate. Federal Enforcement of ESRPs Many employers and other filers of […]

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Illinois Enacts Form 1099-K Reporting Requirements

For the first time in state history, the Illinois state legislature has enacted form 1099-K reporting requirements as part of the FY20 Budget Implementation Act.   This change is a new direct state reporting requirement for payers of income made to Illinois residents. For 2019 reporting, Illinois requires form 1099-K reporting to be submitted to them […]

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IRS Tax Gap Data Previews the Future of 10-series Reporting Requirements

A recent fact sheet released by the IRS shows the latest tax gap estimates and overall taxpayer compliance, and demonstrates why the IRS is likely to strengthen its tax reporting enforcement policies. The findings are based on data from tax years 2011, 2012 and 2013. The purpose of this document is to let the public […]

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Crypto Exchange and Custodian Gemini Chooses Sovos as its Tax Reporting Solution Provider

Gemini, one of the world’s most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges and custodians, has selected Sovos, the largest private filer of 10-series tax forms, to automate Gemini’s 1099 forms and filings. Sovos will enable Gemini to eliminate potential errors and get automatic regulatory updates on the ever-changing cryptocurrency compliance landscape.   The growing confusion related to crypto tax […]

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