Sovos NFCom Smart

High-volume intelligent messaging, capable of integrating invoice systems, validating CPF and CNPJ and correcting errors.

Communication and Telecommunications Service Invoicing

Issue NFCom in bulk, integrated with your invoicing systems.

Sovos’ NFCom Smart works as an intelligent orchestrator of the entire NFCom issuing process. With it, your company integrates billing and invoicing systems to prepare electronic documents, validates your customer’s CNPJ or CPF registration data and determines and calculates taxes correctly. All this with the capacity to handle the large volume of documents transacted by telecommunications companies.

This way, your company will be ready to submit its NFComs to the tax authorities and, if the information is rejected, you can easily identify inconsistencies for correction. All this intelligently and without conflicts between systems.

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How the solution can help your business

  1. Your company generates the information needed to issue the NFCom through its billing and ERP systems;
  2. NFCom Smart validates your customer’s CPF and/or CNPJ registration information, determines and calculates the tax on the transaction and sends the digitally signed electronic document to SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda);
  3. SEFAZ receives the batch of NFComs, validates their authenticity and authorizes or rejects them;
  4. The solution’s validation component creates a report with the documents that have not had their data approved for mass correction;
  5. NFCom Smart validates the corrected data and reissues the document, stores the XML in the cloud and updates the status in the ERP with a protocol;
  6. Finally, it generates the information for EDI;

Key product features

  • Total control and reliability related to the issuance of NFCom in high volume (millions/month)
  • Management and storage of NFCom information and all electronic tax documents in one place
  • Issuing and receiving the XML file signed with a digital certificate
  • Availability of XML for future consultation within the period established by law
  • Clarity in the process of contesting electronic billing notes on the consumption of information
  • Traceability of documents relating to agreement 86 for ICMS credit recovery
  • Guarantee of having all transactions validated by the tax authorities, reducing risks and tax exposure
  • Greater competitiveness, reduced risks and assessments by determining taxes correctly and automatically
  • Database with CPF or CNPJ information validated by SERPRO
  • Configuration of alerts in the Cloud for warnings regarding rejected documents.