Romania: Draft Legislation Published on the Expansion of e-Reporting Grace Period

Inês Carvalho
March 22, 2024

Following speculation on a possible expansion of the grace period of the Romanian e-invoicing mandate, the Romanian Ministry of Finance published today, 22nd March 2024, a Draft Government Emergency Order confirming their intention to defer the grace period. The Emergency Order proposes that the deadline for the application of penalties for non-compliance with electronic reporting of B2B invoices be changed to 31st of May 2024. The original grace-period was due to end on March 31st and penalties would apply from April 2024.

This much-anticipated postponement aims to allow taxpayers extra time to continue adapting their procedures and systems for the transmission of invoices in the national RO e-factura platform.

In addition, the Draft Government Emergency Order also provides further clarification on how penalties for non-compliance with the e-reporting requirement should be applied. In particular, it indicates that penalties should apply for the act of non-compliance itself, rather than to each individual invoice which the taxpayer failed to report electronically.

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Inês Carvalho

Inês Carvalho is a Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos, specializing in Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance and global e-invoicing trends. Inês holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and a Master’s in Company Law from Universidade Católica Portuguesa, having worked as a tax consultant at EY Portugal and as registered tax lawyer.
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