Poland: SAF-T JPK_CIT Possible Postponement

Kelly Muniz
September 16, 2024

In August 2024, the Polish Ministry of Finance (MoF) adopted a Regulation adding new elements to the JPK_CIT (SAF-T obligation for corporate income taxpayers) and making it a periodic obligation, with a phased roll-out starting 1 Jan 2025, among other provisions.

However, on 10 September, the Polish government published a draft regulation to authorize the MoF to exempt taxpayers from having to already comply with this requirement from 2025 and not be required to provide part of the JPK_CIT, which is composed by two files, the JPK_KR_PD and JPK_ST_KR.

There are some steps that still need to be taken for the above to be completed, as it is still a draft, but changes can be expected in the upcoming weeks/months, since the requirement is planned to go-live already from January 2025 for the first group. Therefore, this could mean an exemption or postponement of the obligation for certain taxpayers.

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Kelly Muniz

Kelly Muniz es asesora regulatoria junior en Sovos. Kelly, originaria de Brasil y radicada en Estocolmo, obtuvo una licenciatura en Derecho en su país natal, donde trabajó como abogada autorizada. También posee una maestría en Derecho comercial de la UE de la Universidad de Lund en Suecia.
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