Mexico: The SAT publishes Version 3.1 of the Carta Porte Supplement

Mariadelc Aguilar
June 24, 2024

On June 17, the Tax authority published an update of the technical documentation of the Carta porte in version 3.1.

This version makes modifications and additions in various fields and incorporates the RegimenesAduaneros also affecting its printed representation.

The update of the CFDI Filling Instructions with Carta Porte version 3.1 was published as follows:

Motor transport


Air transport


The Carta Porte supplement version 3.1 must be used by taxpayers as of July 17, 2024, according to the Rule of the RMF in force, which establishes that the supplements that the SAT publishes on its Portal, will be enforced and mandatory for taxpayers after 30 days, counted from their publication.

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Mariadelc Aguilar

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