Lithuania: Updated Transition Plan Announced for B2G e-Invoicing Via New SABIS Platform

Marta Sowińska
June 24, 2024

As announced earlier this month, the Lithuanian National Centre for General Functions (NBFC) is launching a new platform for the submission of B2G e-invoices. The platform called SABIS, is going to replace the pervious E-sąskaita.

The transition from the E-sąskaita to SABIS platform was initially set to begin on 1 July 2024, yet now the NBFC has decided to implement a phased roll-out of the new SABIS platform, allowing taxpayers more time to prepare and ensure timely compliance.

Therefore, users will be able to use both the existing E-sąskaita platform as well as the new SABIS platform in parallel during the two-month period from 1 July 2024 to 31 August 2024. The transition timeline is as follows:

  1. July 2024:
  • Week 1: Institutions log into SABIS to manage account data, user rights, and review contracts.
  • Week 2: Invoices under oral contracts can be processed via SABIS, and other invoices if mutually agreed between buyer and supplier.
  • Weeks 3-4: Buyer and supplier can continue processing invoices via SABIS after mutually agreeing, in case of any issues they can keep using E-sąskaita.
    2. August 2024:
  • Suppliers shall use SABIS, and in case of difficulties “E-sąskaita”; buyers can still use both systems.

SABIS will fully operate from 1 September 2024, replacing the E-sąskaita system from 30 August 2024.

More information and official news are available here.

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Marta Sowińska

Marta Sowińska is a Junior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos. Based in Lisbon and originally from Poland, Marta earned a Bachelor’s degree in International and European Law from the Hague University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands and has studied at the Beijing Normal University in China.
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