France: Updated External Specifications for e-Invoicing and e-Reporting

Inês Carvalho
June 20, 2024

The French authorities published the updated version of the ‘External specifications file for electronic invoicing’.

After an extensive process of consultation with interested stakeholders, the DGFiP recently published a new version of the French e-invoicing mandate External Specifications file. This latest version constitutes the ‘source of truth’ for describing the functional principles of the central piece of the ecosystem – the Public Portal (‘PPF’) – and its interactions with the other parties (notably the taxpayers and the Dematerialization Partner Platforms – ‘PDPs’).

In addition, the new specifications provide some other key enhancements, namely:

  • Simplified and clearer exchanges with the PPF Central Directory
  • Overhauled Lifecycle Management – a more comprehensive set of statuses for the different business objects (Invoices, Transmissions, Directory) and flows and a new ‘Invoice Lifecycle Statuses Matrix’ is provided
  • Clarified rules regarding attached documents
  • Flexibilization of rounding method regarding the VAT calculated per invoice line

A subsequent version is expected to be published in the last quarter of 2024, with further ‘ecosystem’ feedback and new critical elements (e-invoice XSDs, Swaggers, examples and Schematrons)

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Inês Carvalho

Inês Carvalho is a Regulatory Counsel at Sovos. Within Sovos Regulatory Analysis team Inês is focusing on Value Added Tax and periodic reporting. Inês earned a Bachelor’s degree in law and a Master’s in company law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa and has experience as a former tax consultant at EY Portugal and as a tax lawyer.
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