ECUADOR: New Version 2.21 of Technical Document for the Electronic Invoice:

Ramón Frias
May 11, 2022

The tax administration of Ecuador (SRI) has released a new version 2.21 of the guide containing User Manual, Catalog and Technical Specifications of the electronic invoicing system of Ecuador. This new version incorporates several important changes that are worth to underline:

  1. New Annex 22: This new annex is intended to define the additional requisites with which the invoices issued by the taxpayers under Simplified Regime for Entrepreneurs and Popular Business (locally known as Regimen Simplificado para Emprendedores y Negocios Populares – RIMPE) should comply with. Namely, the new requisite mandates to include in those invoices the legend indicating their affiliation to that regime: “CONTRIBUYENTE REGIMEN RIMPE”. For that purpose, the XML document should follow these technical specifications:
  2. ISD and VAT Withholding Percentages: An update on the Percentages of withholding applicable to the Tax on Remittance of Foreign Currencies (Impuesto a la Salida de Divisas – ISD) as approved by the Executive Decree 298/2021 and the percentages of withholding of the Value Added Tax (IVA). For the ISD, those percentages will be applied according to the schedule in the table below:

For the VAT, the percentages will be the following:

  1. Update of the Table for the VAT rates: The purpose of this change is allow the use in the invoices, of the new reduced rate of 8% applicable to certain tourism related transactions, as defined in the Executive Decree 339/2022. For that purpose, a new code 8 (IVA diferenciado) will be used to mark the rate of 8% on those transactions as explained in the following table:

Please notice that according to the mentioned Decree 339/2022, the application of the 8% special rate for qualifying Tourism related transactions and services will be allowed ONLY for those transactions carried out from February 26 to March 1, of 2022 as well as transactions made from April 15 thru 17 of 2022.

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Ramón Frias

Ramon is a Tax Counsel on the Regulatory Analysis team at Sovos. He is licensed to practice law in the Dominican Republic and is a member of the Dominican Bar Association. He has a Certificate Degree from Harvard University as well as a J.D. from the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. Ramon has written a number of essays about tax administration and has won the first prize in the international essays contest sponsored by the Inter American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT). Prior to joining Sovos, Ramon worked for more than 10 years in the Department of Revenue of the Dominican Republic where he served as Deputy Director. He is proficient in French and Spanish.
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