Germany’s BZSt released both FATCA schema files (XSD files are provided in the [zip file|]), and guidance ([Communications Manual Part III, version 2.0|]).
Both provide important information on how to properly create FATCA returns. Information about the releases can be found in the latest [Infobrief|].
In addition, Germany published guidance on notifications (“[Verarbeitungsprotokolle FATCA|]”), and a [sample notification XML|;jsessionid=59A55E9D225E6CAE8ECB7A25249E2AFD.intranet1?__blob=publicationFile]. Previously, Germany had released an [Abbreviation Index/Glossary|], and [Business Rules|].
All of these files should be reviewed in order to prepare for this August’s FATCA reporting. Germany has already posted guidance on CRS filing.
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