Ohio 2024 Expanded Sales Tax Holiday

Bradley Feimer
June 4, 2024

The Ohio Department of Taxation announced the state will have an expanded sales tax holiday from July 30 through August 8, 2024.

During the holiday period, all goods that are $500 or less except for certain watercraft, motor vehicles, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, vapor products, or any item that contains marijuana will be exempt from sales tax.

Previously, the holiday period was for three days and was limited to school related items such as clothing, supplies, or instructional materials.

For more information please see the Ohio Department of Taxations FAQs.

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Bradley Feimer

Bradley Feimer is Regulatory Counsel at Sovos. Within Sovos’s Regulatory Analysis function, Bradley focuses on domestic sales tax, international Value Added Tax, and Global Sales Tax. Bradley received a B.A. in English from The Ohio State University and J.D. at Suffolk University Law School. Bradley is a member of the Massachusetts Bar.
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