Sovos COVID-19 Business Continuity Plan

Sovos continues to monitor news about the evolving spread of the new coronavirus, or COVID-19, around the world.  

As a global company delivering mission-critical services to customers like you, we have long had a pandemic plan in place. This plan ensures you will be fully supported regardless of events such as the spread of COVID-19. It accounts for multiple levels of business continuity and includes contingencies for everything from customer support, to IT and information security, to client services. 

In response to local government guidance on social distancing, communities surrounding several of our 14 offices in 10 countries are scaling back public gatherings, and we’re going to do the same in those locations. This means that some of our 1,300+ employees around the world will be working from home — something they are well-equipped to do without any interruption to customer service or support.  

We have taken a number of other steps to prepare for potential outbreaks in areas where we operate. Our goal is to help contain and reduce the possible risk of spreading COVID-19 among our employees, our customers and our communities, while ensuring we continue to deliver the products and services you trust to help you solve your tax compliance and regulatory reporting needs.

These steps include but are not limited to the following:

  • Absenteeism planning
  • 14-day isolation for employees potentially exposed to COVID-19
  • Suspension of all business travel
  • Limiting office visitors to essential business only
  • Enhanced office cleaning
  • Pandemic plan testing and readiness
  • Social distancing as indicated by local authorities

Our response team is regularly reviewing updated guidance from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other agencies, and we will adapt our response accordingly.

Regardless of how this outbreak progresses, you can continue to rely on Sovos products and support.   

Thank you,
Sovos Critical Response Team

Sovos is dedicated to bringing you the most recent information on global tax regulations impacted by COVID-19