
Tax Automation:
Integrating Cloud VAT and E-Invoicing Solutions into Your SAP S/4HANA Migration

In today’s business landscape, integrating cloud solutions with ERPs is essential for efficiency and compliance. SAP customers facing challenges with on-premises tax solutions are finding relief through specialized third-party vendors. Streamlining VAT and e-invoicing processes during cloud migration and SAP S/4HANA adoption not only frees up teams but also reduces business risks. In this era of ERP transformation, staying agile and compliant is key to success.

In this eBook, Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) and Sovos make the case that your ERP transformation is the perfect opportunity to free up resources by utilizing automation for tedious processes.

Readers will get a comprehensive view of:

  • The repercussions of inaccurate tax solutions
  • How a centralized global point of contact will be a source of business growth as e-invoicing mandates continue to spread
  • The importance of collaboration between tax and IT teams

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