Understanding the basics and changing nature of state reporting for 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC will help you stay compliant
State reporting requirements for 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC forms are growing increasingly complicated. Whether your business is undergoing mergers and acquisitions, working to keep pace with regulatory change or is just experiencing growth, knowing the basics of state reporting is crucial to maintaining compliance.
Tax reporting for nonemployee compensation includes both federal and individual state reporting requirements. First, there is the Combined Federal/State Filing program (CF/SF), which is an IRS program that forwards information received on to the states that participate in the program (not all states participate). There is also the direct to state reporting (DSR) requirement. Filers must report to each applicable state, with the states providing the information requirements and reporting deadlines. How can your business keep pace with the details for each state in which it operates?