Easing Cross-Border Transactions
From 1 July 2021, the existing Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) scheme transitions to a new framework. This is the 2021 EU e-commerce VAT package. This e-book guides you through the EU’s OSS, IOSS and the new VAT rules for e-commerce.
The growth of e-commerce and cross-border trade is having a radical effect on VAT. Companies large and small are caught up by sweeping changes. With more change on the horizon, now is the time to prepare.
The introduction of the new EU VAT e-commerce package, in addition to the UK’s recent changes to the rules regarding overseas goods sold to customers in the UK, means businesses across the world should implement new systems. Now is the time to familiarise themselves with how the new frameworks affect their operations, commercial position and liabilities in both the EU and the UK.