
Expert Series Part V: New Roles for IT in the Wake of Expanding Global Mandates

Part V of V – Christiaan Van Der Valk, vice president, strategy and regulatory, Sovos  Click here to read part IV of the series.   Government-mandated e-invoicing laws are making their way across nearly every region of the globe, bringing more stringent mandates and expectations on businesses. Inserted into every aspect of your operation, governments are […]

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Expert Series Part IV: New Roles for IT in the Wake of Expanding Global Mandates

Part IV of V – Ryan Ostilly, vice president of product and GTM strategy EMEA & APAC, Sovos Click here to read part III of the series.   Government-mandated e-invoicing laws are making their way across nearly every region of the globe, bringing more stringent mandates and expectations on businesses. Inserted into every aspect of your […]

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UK: Updates to Making Tax Digital for VAT

Update: 3 November 2022 by Russell Hughes Making Tax Digital – Filing VAT Returns through Online VAT Account to become redundant From Tuesday 1 November 2022, businesses filing VAT returns in the UK will no longer be able to submit via an existing online VAT account unless HMRC has agreed to an exemption from Making […]

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Expert Series Part III: New Roles for IT in the Wake of Expanding Global Mandates

Part III of V – Eric Lefebvre, chief technology officer, Sovos  Click here to read part II of the series. Government-mandated e-invoicing laws are making their way across nearly every region of the globe, bringing more stringent mandates and expectations on businesses. Inserted into every aspect of your operation, governments are now an omni-present influence in your […]

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The Red Phone is Ringing and IT Needs to Answer the Call – Five Things to Know

It might not quite be THAT red phone that’s ringing, but rest assured, management is currently dealing with a serious problem, and they are looking at IT to solve it for them. There are two things that make Boards and C-Suites nervous beyond all else. Risks that have the potential to impact the bottom line […]

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Invoicing in Chile – foreign currency exchange operations

Invoicing in Chile is changing on 1 December 2022. This is when resolution 66 from the Chile Internal Revenue Service comes into force. This new regulation concerns organisations with foreign currency operations. Banks, stockbrokers, exchange houses and financial institutions are affected. Other intermediaries or entities that carry out foreign currency purchase and sale operations themselves […]

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VAT Exempt Supplies: Selling under Ex Works Clause

A recent preliminary ruling request to the European Court of Justice, Case C-664/21, NEC PLUS ULTRA COSMETICS, has re-emphasised the importance of collecting documentation when carrying out a zero-rated supply in the EU. The 2017 NEC PLUS ULTRA COSMETICS case involved a company established in Switzerland selling cosmetics products under the Ex Works clause from […]

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Expert Series Part II: New Roles for IT in the Wake of Expanding Global Mandates

Part II of V – Oscar Caicedo, Vice president of product management for VAT Americas, Sovos Click here to read part I of the series.  Government-mandated e-invoicing laws are making their way across nearly every region of the globe, bringing more stringent mandates and expectations on businesses. Inserted into every aspect of your operation, governments […]

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The Data Partner You Didn’t Ask for is Now in Charge

Imagine this scenario. Your business partner changes the rules on you mid-stream and your ability to conduct business with them is now contingent on changing your entire reporting structure to meet their new demands. Oh yeah, I should also mention the time frame to meet these demands is extremely tight and if you don’t, you […]

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Expert Series Part I: New Roles for IT in the Wake of Expanding Global Mandates

Part I of V – Steve Sprague, chief commercial officer, Sovos  Government-mandated e-invoicing laws are making their way across nearly every region of the globe, bringing more stringent mandates and expectations on businesses. Inserted into every aspect of your operation, governments are now an omni-present influence in your data stack reviewing every transaction in real […]

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French CTC Regime: How to Comply as a Service Provider and Taxpayer

France is implementing a decentralised continuous transaction control (CTC) system where domestic B2B e-invoicing constitutes the foundation of the system, adding e-reporting requirements for data relating to B2C and cross-border B2B transactions (sales and purchases). Under this upcoming regime, data or invoices can be directly sent to the Invoicing Public Portal ‘PPF’ (Portail Public de […]

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Brazil Launches EFD-REINF for Tax Withholdings

Update: 2 March 2023 by Kelly Muniz Postponement of EFD-REINF Deadline for Events Referring to Withholding IRPF, CSLL, PIS and COFINS The publishing of Normative Instruction RFB n. 2.133, of 27 February 2023 postpones the deadline of the obligation to submit EFD-REINF (Digital Fiscal Record of Withholdings and Other Fiscal Information) events related to withholding: […]

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Poland Proposed Amendments to the KSeF Regulation

On 30 August 2022, the Ministry of Finance published draft legislation amending the Regulation on the use of the National e-Invoice System (KSeF). The purpose of the draft amendment is to adapt KSeF’s terms of use to the specific conditions that apply to the local government units and the VAT groups that will operate as […]

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Upcoming Changes to UK’s Customs Systems

It seems such a short time since HMRC sent a reminder letter in March 2022 recalling the upcoming changes to the UK’s customs systems and explaining what to do to prepare for these changes. With the deadline rapidly approaching, here’s a brief recap. The Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system, which is […]

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Romania Extends SAF-T Filing Grace Period

Update: 30 November 2022 by Charles Riordan ANAF Reverses Position on Grace Period Extension Romania SAF-T Filing declarations are changing. The draft order extending the grace period for SAF-T will not be implemented. The President of ANAF has confirmed that decision. The extension originally supported large taxpayers who have had to submit SAF-T since 1 […]

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Italian Transfer Pricing Adjustments and VAT

In Italy, the discipline of transfer pricing states that in intra-group transactions between entities from different countries, where one is resident in Italy, transactions must take place on an arm’s length basis. In other words, transactions are based on freely competitive prices and under comparable circumstances. Companies carefully treat the transfer pricing adjustments from a […]

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VAT in the Digital Age: Mandatory E-invoicing in the EU

The European Commission (EC)’s action plan for fair and simple taxation – ’VAT in the Digital Age’- continues to progress. After a public consultation process, the EC has published Final Reports discussing the best options for the European market to fight tax fraud and benefit businesses with the use of technology. The areas covered are: […]

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Portuguese Surcharges: ASF, INEM and ANPC

A parafiscal tax is a levy on a service or a product which a government charges for a specific purpose. It can be used to financially benefit a particular sector (public and private). Unlike the drastic changes in Stamp Duty reporting within the Portuguese region, the parafiscal taxes have remained consistent and unchanged for many […]

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