
Infographic: France – Mandatory B2B e-Invoicing from 2023

Faced with a VAT gap of nearly €13 billion, France is introducing mandatory e-invoicing for business-to-business (B2B) transactions from 2023, as well as e-reporting of additional data types. Applying to all companies established or, for e-reporting, VAT-registered in France, this new mandate is complex. It will also require significant planning. According to the ICC, businesses […]

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Brexit One Year On – What Do We Know?

The Northern Ireland Protocol regarding goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland continues to cause problems, leading to calls to suspend it via Article 16. But at the same time, some NI politicians are looking to capitalise on the possibility of inward investment by companies that can benefit from being in both the UK […]

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Eastern Europe: The Rise of CTCs

In a blog post earlier this year, we wrote about how several Eastern European countries have started implementing continuous transaction controls (CTC) to combat tax fraud and reduce the VAT gap. However, it’s been an eventful year with many new developments in the region, so let’s take a closer look at some of the changes on the […]

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Understanding IOSS – EU E-Commerce VAT Package FAQs

The EU e-commerce VAT package was introduced in July 2021. The new schemes, One Stop Shop (OSS) and Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) bring significant changes to VAT treatment and reporting mechanisms for sales to private individuals in the EU. In the last of our series of FAQ blogs, we answer some of the more […]

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How to Manage VAT Changes

In our previous blog, we completed the compliance cycle with tax authority audits. However, that’s not the end of the challenges businesses face in remaining compliant in the countries where they have VAT obligations. VAT rules and regulations change as do a business’s supply chains – these need to be carefully reviewed and appropriate action […]

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How Union One Stop Shop Impacts Other Declarations

The EU e-Commerce VAT Package is nearly six months old and businesses should have submitted their first Union One Stop Shop (OSS) return by the end of October 2021. Union OSS provides a welcome simplification to the requirement to be registered for VAT in multiple Member States when making intra-EU B2C supplies of goods and […]

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Poland: Insurance Ombudsman Contribution

Update: 12 January 2024 by Edit Buliczka Upcoming Submission Deadline for Polish Claims Report The Polish Financial Ombudsman Office (Rzecznik Finansowy), like other regulatory bodies such as the Italian IVASS, requires insurance companies to submit various reports about their activities. One of these is the Claims Report. According to the Act on the Consideration of […]

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IPT Location of Risk in Europe
The Future of E-Invoicing in Europe

Several EU Member States have been introducing continuous transaction controls (CTCs), aiming to close their VAT gaps, increase revenue and have more control over the data of their economy. However, the CTC regimes adopted by those countries are far from uniform. So far, Italy is the only country that obtained a derogation from the VAT […]

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How to Prepare for a VAT Audit

In our previous blog, we looked at the challenges that businesses face in submitting VAT and other declarations on an ongoing basis. However, the compliance cycle doesn’t end there as tax authorities will carry out audits for a variety of reasons to validate declarations. Why do tax authorities carry out audits? When VAT returns consisted […]

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Norway – 2022 Digital VAT Return Coming Soon

As we inch closer to the implementation date of 1 January 2022 for Norway’s new digitized VAT return, let’s take a second look at the details. Norway announced its intentions to introduce a new digital VAT return in late 2020, with an intended launch date of 1 January 2022. With this update comes the removal […]

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E-Factura - Romania’s New E-invoicing System
Romania E-Invoicing Mandates and Updates

Update: 3 January 2024 by Inês Carvalho Romania Issues Last-Minute Amendments to B2B E-invoicing Regulations After the implementation of Romania’s new B2B e-invoicing regulations, effective January 2024, the country introduced Government Emergency Order No. 115/2023 with last-minute amendments. We can summarise the key amendments from the new legislation in three categories: 1. Exemptions from the […]

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Germany: Mandatory B2B E-Invoicing

Update: 25 June 2024 by Dilara İnal Ministry Publishes Draft Guideline on B2B E-Invoicing The German Ministry of Finance (MoF) released a draft guideline on 13 June 2024, detailing the upcoming B2B e-invoicing mandate which will roll out on 1 January 2025. Although the current law only obliges taxpayers to issue and receive e-invoices for […]

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Saudi Arabia’s E-Invoicing Mandate is Fast Approaching

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) announced the finalised rules for the Saudi Arabia e-invoicing system earlier this year, announcing plans for two main phases for the new e-invoicing system. The first phase of the Saudi Arabia e-invoicing system is set to go live from 4 December 2021. With the mandate just around the […]

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The EU E-Commerce VAT Package: Lessons Learned Two Months On

On 1 July 2021 the EU E-Commerce VAT Package was introduced. The package replaced existing distance-selling rules and extended the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) into a wider-ranging One Stop Shop (OSS). The implementation of the EU E-Commerce VAT Package was designed to simplify the VAT reporting requirements for sellers and improve the tax take […]

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Pre-Filled VAT Returns: The Current Landscape

The widespread adoption of electronic invoicing regimes has given tax authorities access to enormous quantities of taxpayer data. In many jurisdictions, this data enables tax authorities to summarise a taxpayer’s transactional information for a given filing period. It also enables them to present the taxpayer with a draft VAT Return, filled in ahead of time […]

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Understanding Aviation Hull and Aviation Liability

In Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) compliance, the Aviation Hull and Aviation Liability policy is defined under Annex 1, Classes of Non-Life Insurance, as described in DIRECTIVE 138/2009/EC (SOLVENCY II DIRECTIVE). But there are variations and identifying which class the policy is covering can be a challenge. This article will cover what insurers need to know […]

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Portugal: How to Prepare for 2022 E-Invoicing Changes

Back in 2019, Portugal passed a mini e-invoicing reform consolidating the country’s framework around SAF-T reporting and certified billing software. Since then, a lot has happened: non-resident companies were brought into the scope of e-invoicing requirements, deadlines have been postponed due to Covid, and new regulations were published. This blog summarises the latest and upcoming […]

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Romania SAF-T: Updated Guidance Released

In our last look at Romania SAF-T, we detailed the technical specifications released from Romania’s tax authority. Since then, additional guidance has been released including an official name for the SAF-T submission: D406. Implementation timeline for mandatory submission of Romania SAF-T Large taxpayers (as designated by the Romanian tax authorities) – 1 January 2022 Medium […]

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