Greece’s VAT reform started back in 2020 and it has manifested itself in three continuous transaction control (CTC) initiatives.

Namely, the initiatives are:

Recently, the introduction of an e-transport mandate was included in the country’s VAT reform strategy, although not much detail has been published yet.

More progress has been made in implementing the myDATA scheme and the new cash registers than for CTC e-invoicing. However, in the last few months, the authorities have taken steps towards setting up the right framework to make CTC e-invoicing – which is currently voluntary for B2B transactions – mandatory for all.

myDATA e-audit reform

myDATA went live as a voluntary system in 2020 and followed a gradual implementation timeline which is ongoing. It is an e-audit system that requires taxpayers to report transactional and accounting data to the tax administration, in real-time or periodically, which populates a set of online ledgers maintained on the government portal. The goal of myDATA is for the online ledgers to be the only source of truth of the taxpayer’s tax and financial results, and for their respective information to pre-fill the taxpayer’s VAT returns and financial statements.

Greece’s myDATA is a reporting obligation of ledger-type data and it is not to be confused with e-invoicing as it doesn’t require invoices to be issued and exchanged in electronic form. Greece allows for invoices (in B2B transactions) to be issued and exchanged on paper or electronically following the standard e-invoicing rules of the EU VAT Directive.

B2B e-invoicing reform in Greece

In parallel with the roll-out of myDATA, the authorities established an accreditation framework for e-invoicing service providers and introduced a voluntary e-invoicing scheme involving accredited entities. These entities are accredited by the government to perform certain functions, namely:

To encourage the uptake of CTC e-invoicing, the government provided several incentives to businesses to use e-invoicing facilitated through accredited service providers. It also obliged businesses who opt for CTC e-invoicing to use no other methods to fulfil the myDATA requirements e.g., ERP reporting, except through accredited service providers. This implies that a business selecting CTC e-invoicing for its B2B transactions must use the same method for issuing and reporting all other invoices, including B2G transactions, and vice versa.

B2G e-invoicing reform in Greece

CTC e-invoicing became mandatory for B2G transactions on 12 September 2023 for VAT-registered suppliers to certain government agencies. The mandate will continue to roll out in phases with the next main milestone coming up in January 2024. This obligation covers the vast majority of public contracts, from defence and security to general supplies and services, with some exceptions (e.g. contracts in defence and security which are classified as secret).

With the introduction of the B2G e-invoicing mandate, the use of CTC e-invoicing has indirectly become mandatory for B2B transactions too, encompassing both issuance and reporting to myDATA. It means that businesses in the scope of the B2G e-invoicing mandate have the obligation to use CTC e-invoicing through accredited e-invoicing service providers to issue and report both their B2B and B2G e-invoice flows to myDATA.

While a B2B e-invoicing mandate cannot be introduced without prior approval by the European Commission, the Greek Ministry of Finance announced that it has started a dialogue with the Commission to discuss the conditions required to implement a nationwide mandate.

Although an ambitious timeline, the Ministry envisions a full implementation of a B2B e-invoicing mandate within 2024.

Looking ahead

Clearly, Greece’s CTC initiatives are in line with the EU paradigm shift towards increased governmental control over transactional and accounting data – it recognises the benefits of tighter tax compliance and taking steps to close its tax gap.

Significant progress has been made, with myDATA operational since 2021. With the addition of CTC e-invoicing and the e-transport mandate in the VAT reform strategy, the Greek government and businesses face a demanding period in the coming years.

Need help with the current VAT reform in Greece? Our expert team can help.

E-documents or electronic documents are rapidly growing in usage across businesses of all shapes and sizes, in countries around the world.

While the automated exchange of e-documents is a relatively new phenomenon which is being adopted on a country-by-country basis, there is basic universal information that your business would benefit from understanding – and potentially utilizing.

This blog will serve as your one-stop shop for required e-document knowledge.

What is an e-document?

An e-document is an electronic transactional document or message and is typically used in an automated business process.

As the digitisation of business accelerates, so too does the use of electronic documents – whether that be an electronic invoice sent in real-time to a national tax authority or an electronic goods receipt note exchanged between companies.

The difference between electronic documents and other digital documents such as PDFs is that e-documents are machine-readable and are generally exchanged by online platforms or software.

That said, there are numerous types of e-documents and there is little standardisation as each country has its own stance and potential mandate on their adoption. The European Union has long been working on its approach to e-documents for increased interoperability with definitions and rules as part of its efforts under the eGovernment Action plan and eIDAS regulation to facilitate digital transactions and services in the EU.

In addition, the UK recently adopted the UK’s Electronic Document Trade Act which is a huge step towards the digitization of trade documents and potentially paperless global trade.

Types of e-documents

There is a wide variety of electronic documents to suit a number of applications across business, helping to streamline workflows and operations, facilitate cross-border trade and save on costs.

E-document mandates in Turkey, for example, include:

Other electronic documents that are used in some countries include:

There has been a notable implementation of e-documents in transport in recent years, with the likes of Romania adopting a system that requires taxpayers to use an electronic waybill system to obtain clearance of the transport document before the transport of goods begins. Read our dedicated blog to find out more about the global rise of e-transport documents.

One particular e-document that has had an exponential rise in utility over the past few years is the e-invoice. Electronic invoices have grown in popularity as countries develop their continuous transaction controls (CTC) and e-invoicing regulatory obligations. The likes of France, Spain and Poland all plan to introduce e-invoice mandates, requiring taxpayers to send invoices electronically.

Read our comprehensive e-invoicing guide for more information.

Why use electronic documents?

There is a host of reasons that electronic documents can be beneficial, which explains why tax administrations globally are implementing e-document mandates.

A primary reason for the use of e-documents is that they generally allow for the automation of workflows, increasing safety, accuracy, transparency and cost-saving for the involved parties. Automating the process of generating and exchanging documentation reduces the risk of error, allows for seamless transmission of information (including to tax authorities who seek greater transparency) and reduces the reliance on paper (providing an environmental benefit).

Another reason businesses use electronic documents is simply because they are mandated to do so as part of tax digitization controls. An increasing amount of tax authorities are making it an obligation to send documents electronically, and facing a penalty due to non-compliance is not desirable. As CTC regime adoption grows, so too does the need for businesses to meet their new e-document obligations.

Compliance conditions of e-documents

The compliance conditions of e-documents vary depending on the national rules, but there are some typical conditions across regimes.

In the context of tax digitization controls, the conditions that apply to some of the most regulated e-document types, such as the e-invoice, include:

What’s the difference between a digital document and an electronic document?

The difference between electronic documents and digital documents is a hot topic. It’s easy to get confused between the two considering that “digital” and “electronic” are used interchangeably by many, but it’s important to understand the difference.

Digital documents are often a digital analogue of a physical document – think a scanned document, photograph, or PDF – and oftentimes are simple for people to read and digest. An example of a digital document would be an invoice sent as a PDF via email.

Electronic documents are files of data that are generated by and for computers, making them hard for people to read due to their formatting. Such data – like that seen in a structured e-invoice (e.g. XML) – is meant to be sent from one system to another without interference from humans.

How Sovos can help

Sovos’ software allows businesses to manage CTC obligations, including e-invoicing compliance and archiving.

As the world continues its digitisation, it’s important to stay on top of evolving regulations and to keep up with best practices for your business. Working with Sovos, your business can:

Find out more about Sovos’ CTC solutions.

How can manufacturers navigate the ever-evolving and increasingly complex world of value added tax (VAT)? There are several, key ways to evaluate your current and future approach to VAT, maintaining compliance the entire way.

1. Ensure alignment between IT and tax teams

Far too often we have seen IT-centric processes miss (or at least misunderstand) key compliance needs and requirements, and tax-centric processes fail to consider the practicalities of automation. Both tax and IT must realise that they will need each other for ongoing maintenance and solution expansion initiatives.

2. Continually establish and evolve processes to share up-to-date compliance documentation

Organisations would be well served to establish and share solid documentation around their compliance protocols and conduct periodic reviews to ensure they are continuing to do what is necessary to minimise audit risk and keep their company safe.

3. Recognise the consequences of non-compliance

There are both tactical and strategic questions at play here, and manufacturers must make thoughtful business decisions around how to handle the level of VAT compliance requirements that their operations demand. Increased audit volume is coming, so the industry has to commit to effectively and efficiently meeting the ever-growing compliance obligations of e-invoicing and periodic reporting.

4. Regularly review your indirect tax strategy

Although you may have an indirect tax strategy in place, make sure to evaluate how effective your current strategy is, especially as requirements are undergoing significant changes in so many jurisdictions. Is your strategy sufficiently up-to-date to ensure it efficiently and accurately addresses current and upcoming compliance obligations and is scalable to seamlessly meet the rapidly evolving needs business will face tomorrow.

5. Use automation and cloud-based solutions

Digital identity verification and transaction management frees your organisation from regulatory friction and our intelligent solutions integrate with your processes to ensure valid and future-proof transactions.

Sovos helps you remain focused on your central business by reducing the friction of complex tax digitisation mandates. We take a future-facing approach to indirect tax compliance with intelligent tools that provide insights for a competitive advantage.

Learn about compliance solutions built for manufacturers!


When considering motor insurance, it’s worth remembering that everything is high – from tax rates to the amount of administration required.

This blog includes general information about the taxation of motor insurance policies in Europe, covering the types of applicable taxes, how they are calculated, vehicle exemptions and more. We also have blogs for some of the more complex taxation requirements in the region, written by our regulatory experts.


Update: 2 November 2023 by Edit Buliczka

Guarantee Fund Contributions Are Not Payable by Foreign Insurers

The Amendment to the Sixth Motor Insurance Directive, also known as the “MID,” was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 2 December 2021. MID relates to insurance against civil liability in relation to the use of motor vehicles and the enforcement of the obligation to insure against such liability.

The measures of the Directive 2021/2118 (the “Amendment”), which was signed on 24 November 2021, must be transposed into national law by 23 December 2023, at the latest.


Effects of the amendment

Among other important measures, this Amendment is relevant to insurance premium taxation. Two new articles were added to the MID regarding the contributions that may be payable by the insurance companies to the national guarantee funds.

According to Article 10a and Article 25a, every EU Member State is required to ensure that there are sufficient resources available to compensate injured parties in a motor vehicle accident where the relevant insurer is subject to bankruptcy or winding-up proceedings. The insurers may be required to contribute financially to these funds, but only insurance companies authorised by the Member State that imposed the payments may be subject to these levies.

In practice, the measures mean that contributions to the national guarantee funds related to compulsory third-party motor liability insurance policies cannot be collected from foreign insurers that write businesses on a freedom of services (FoS) basis. Since there is a requirement for the implementation of these measurements coming into national law by 23 December 2023, legally no guarantee fund contributions are payable by foreign insurers as of 24 December 2023.

Some governments, including Denmark and Ireland, have already started to draft the necessary regulations and incorporate them into their national laws. Others will likely follow shortly as there are under two months available for the implementation of these rules, at the time of the publication of this update. Perhaps several annual budgets will include the necessary legislative changes to comply with the measurements of the Amendment.

If you would like to receive further information about the guarantee fund contributions, please contact our IPT experts.


Insurance coverage in Europe on motor-related risks

According to Annex 1 of the Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU, often known as the Solvency II Directive, motor vehicle insurance policies are classified as Class 3 Land vehicles (other than railway rolling stocks).

This business category covers any damage or loss to:

  1. Land motor vehicles
  2.  Land vehicles other than motor vehicles

Class 10 Motor Vehicle Liability is another business class that covers motor-related risks. This business class covers all risks associated with liabilities deriving from the operation of motor vehicles on land.

A third-party motor vehicle insurance coverage guarantees that if an accident happens and/or damage occurs to another person’s vehicle, the expenses of the accident or damage are covered by the insurer of the person who caused the accident or damage.

We must not forget Directive 2009/103/EC on civil liability insurance for motor vehicles which governs mandatory motor insurance policies throughout Europe. One of the directive’s main principles is that all motor vehicles in the EU must have third-party liability insurance.

We should also mention that the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Directive (EU) 2021/2118 on 24 November 2021, aiming to modernise and amend the aforementioned directive with a deadline for the transposition of 31 December 2023.

In this blog, we outline the main characteristics of the taxation of motor-related insurance policies.


Which taxes are payable in relation to motor insurance policies?

Premiums derived from motor-related policies are often subject to several types of insurance premium taxes. Class 3 risks are primarily subject to insurance premium tax (IPT), whereas mandatory third-party liability (MTPL) policies are subject to a wide range of taxes.

This may include IPT and/or payments to guarantee funds, as well as additional levies, charges, or contributions such as:

There is also the traffic safety fee, Automobile Rente (CAR) payment, automobile insurance bureau levy and rescue tax. This list goes on.

The disclosure and payment rules are also diverse. These fees can be paid yearly, monthly, quarterly or in instalments – with or without prepayments or final adjustments.


How taxes on vehicle insurance policies are calculated

If IPT is charged on the motor hull or the MTPL policies, it is typically based on the premium amounts received, with the tax being a percentage of the premium. This is not the case in Austria, for example, where the computation of MTPL taxes is complicated.

The tax is calculated based on the engine’s horsepower and CO2 emissions. It also varies depending on the registration date of the vehicle, the frequency of payment and whether the 2017/1151 EU law applies to the vehicle. On top of that, no payment is due if the size of the engine does not reach 24kW or 65 kW. Contrary to the Austrian example, the IPT rate in Hungary is 23% – based on the premium amount.

Contributions to the Guarantee Fund are typically calculated as a percentage of the premium, as in France, Greece or Sweden. However, this fee can also be fixed as it is in Denmark, for example.


What vehicles are exempt from tax?

Most countries exempt premium amounts from policies covering motor hull or MTPL risks based on the following:

If the vehicle is operated by the authorities – such as police vehicles, fire trucks, or ambulances – or the armed services, it is typically exempt. Cars driven by disabled individuals and buses used for public transportation are likewise excluded in most cases. Insurance policies covering electric or hybrid vehicles may be excluded as well.


How Sovos can help with Insurance Premium Tax on vehicle tax

Sovos can provide advice on motor-related insurance premium taxation. Our compliance team may be able to help you in settling IPT in various countries across Europe, contact us today.

5 Questions Every Non-EU Manufacturer Must Ask when trading in the EU

With the rate of change in tax digitization not set to slow down any time soon, it’s more important than ever to keep up with what’s happening where you do business.

This quarter, our VAT Snapshot webinar looks in detail at CTC and e-invoicing implementation timelines across six different countries.

Join Dilara İnal and Carolina Silva from our Regulatory Analysis and Design team for an examination of scope, key timelines and essential milestones for compliance across these jurisdictions.

The webinar will cover:

As always, please bring your questions for our experts in the Q&A at the end.

Stay up to date with the evolving landscape of tax mandates by registering today.

Register now.

Updated: 9 April 2024

Intrastat thresholds are value thresholds which decide if companies in an EU Member State qualify to file a return to tax authorities, based on their intra-community trading. These thresholds change annually, prompting businesses to conduct an annual recalculation to know their obligations.

This blog contains all the Intrastat reporting thresholds for 2024, as well as important information for businesses trading within the EU. It will be updated to reflect any changes as soon as they are implemented.

Level up your Intrastat knowledge with our handy Intrastat guide, which covers reporting requirements, returns and declarations, commodity codes, how Sovos can help and more.

What are Intrastat thresholds?

Intrastat thresholds are annual value thresholds that decide whether businesses must declare their intra-EU trades to the relevant national tax authorities.

While Intrastat is based on a European Union regulation, Member States have implemented the rule differently. As such, companies trading across the EU must be aware of the exemption threshold for each country they trade in – whether that’s acquiring or dispatching goods.

When a business exceeds the threshold in a Member State, it must continue to file Intrastat returns with the country until the applicable January-to-December period has concluded.

How can I calculate Intrastat thresholds?

Intrastat thresholds must be calculated each year as they change annually, and there are separate values for arrivals and dispatches.

To make it easy for your business, we have listed all the Intrastat thresholds below in a table – country-by-country. Find out whether your company needs to file an Intrastat return in EU Member States where you do business.

Intrastat thresholds in 2024

The current Intrastat thresholds have been in place since the beginning of the year. They are due to change again in 2025. For the current applicable thresholds for your business, view the table below.

The table will be kept updated with the latest threshold values.


Country Arrivals Dispatches
Austria EUR 1.1 million EUR 1.1 million
Belgium EUR 1.5 million EUR 1 million
Bulgaria BGN 1.65 million BGN 1.9 million
Croatia EUR 400.000 EUR 300.000
Cyprus EUR 320.000 EUR 75.000
Czech Republic CZK 15 million CZK 15 million
Denmark DKK 41 million DKK 11.3 million
Estonia EUR 700.000 EUR 350.000
Finland EUR 800.000 EUR 800.000
France No threshold No threshold
Germany EUR 800.000 EUR 500.000
Greece EUR 150.000 EUR 90.000
Hungary HUF 270 million HUF 150 million
Ireland EUR 500.000 EUR 635.000
Italy EUR 350.000 (goods)
EUR 100.000 (services)
No threshold
Latvia EUR 350.000 EUR 200.000
Lithuania EUR 550.000 EUR 400.000
Luxembourg EUR 250.000 EUR 200.000
Malta EUR 700 EUR 700
Netherlands The Netherlands have abolished the Intrastat threshold. Intrastat has become a report to submit “on demand” of the Dutch authorities. The Netherlands have abolished the Intrastat threshold. Intrastat has become a report to submit “on demand” of the Dutch authorities.
Poland PLN 6.2 million PLN 2.8 million
Portugal EUR 600.000 EUR 600.000
Romania RON 1 million RON 1 million
Slovakia EUR 1 million EUR 1 million
Slovenia EUR 220.000 EUR 270.000
Spain EUR 400.000 EUR 400.000
Sweden SEK 15 million SEK 4.5 million
United Kingdom GBP 500.000 GBP 250.000


Intrastat threshold exemptions and exceptions

Businesses that trade within an EU Member State but at figures lower than those listed in the above table are not required to file Intrastat returns. There are additional nuances that exist on a country-by-country basis that may change the obligations of a company.

The Netherlands removed its threshold in 2023. Its tax authorities will notify taxpayers subject to submitting Intrastat returns. They monitor intra-community transactions performed by domestic taxpayers monthly.

Italy and France differ from other countries as it has combined Intrastat returns and ECSL returns into a single declaration.

It can be difficult to stay on top of Intrastat, especially with the variety among countries, but Sovos can help. Contact our team of experts to find out how we can assist.

If you are interested in learning more about European VAT compliance, download our free eBook.

How Sovos can help with Intrastat

Sovos’ Advanced Periodic Reporting (APR) is a cloud solution. It mitigates the risks and costs of compliance, futureproofing and streamlining the handling of your periodic reporting – including Intrastat.

Our solution automates, centralises and standardises the preparation, reconciliation, amendment and validation of summary reports to make meeting your obligations simple.

Intrastat is an obligation created in 1993 that applies to certain businesses that trade internationally in the European Union. Specifically, it relates to the movement of goods – arrivals and dispatches – across EU Member States.

The requirements of Intrastat remain similar across the EU, though certain Member States have implemented rules differently. As a result, it can be confusing when trading cross-border in the region.

From reports and returns to thresholds and specific codes, knowing what applies to your business and how to comply is important. Consider this your go-to guide to understand Intrastat rules, requirements, reporting and terminology.

Intrastat reporting

Intrastat reporting largely involves statistics but does occasionally require fiscal data. The information needed depends on the threshold of the EU Member State that your business is established within.

The mandatory data in Intrastat reports were originally regulated by Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004, which is no longer in force, though it also lists optional elements for reporting consistency across the EU. Typical data requirements included:

In 2022, a project for the modernisation of Intrastat was introduced, Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 was abolished, and a new Regulation 2019/2152 entered into force. In addition to the data mentioned above, it made the following information mandatory in all Member States:

Optionally, Member States can also opt to ask for:

Intrastat return

An Intrastat return, also known as an Intrastat declaration, replaced customs declarations in 1993 to serve as the source of trade statistics within the European Union.

These returns provide the European Commission, as well as EU National Customs Authorities, with detailed insights into the goods being traded in the European Union. Due to the information required in the declarations, authorities can identify the kinds of goods that are circulating, as well as the volume of such goods.

If a company does not submit Intrastat returns when qualifying to do so it might be liable to hefty fines.

It’s important to understand how Intrastat works with other compliance obligations in general, such as submitting VAT returns, recapitulative statements (EC Sales Lists) and, notably for e-commerce sellers in the EU, schemes like Union OSS.

Do I need to submit an Intrastat return?

Intrastat returns are required when your business dispatches goods to or acquires goods from another EU Member State when the value exceeds the country’s threshold. Each Member State sets the deadline for the submission of declarations to its respective national tax authority.

In Germany, for example, applicable businesses must report every month, with each declaration required within 10 days after the end of the reporting period ending. This can be done online or through the Germany statistics authority portal.

Your business should check the value of goods traded within EU Member States for the past year to see whether they exceed national thresholds.

Intrastat thresholds

Qualifying thresholds dictate whether a business must register for Intrastat or not. These thresholds must be calculated each year, with each EU Member State having its own figure that changes annually.

When a threshold is exceeded in a country, businesses should continue to file Intrastat returns until the applicable January-December period is complete.

Read our blog for a comprehensive Intrastat threshold table containing each country’s qualifying figure.

Intrastat numbers

Otherwise known as commodity codes or Combined Nomenclature (CN), Intrastat numbers are part of a system allowing authorities to identify the types of goods traded across the European Union. The requirements for Intrastat numbers are largely the same across EU Member States, with just a few exceptions.

These numbers, or codes, are part of an eight-digit system that is comprised of Harmonized System (HS) codes and EU subdivisions. They contain complete nomenclature for the description of goods and are subject to annual revisions, ensuring they are up to date with technology and trading patterns.

The European Commission published the Intrastat numbers for 2023 in October 2022.

How Sovos can help

Sovos’ SAP Framework for periodic reports including Intrastat takes care of the extraction of data required to generate periodic reporting for businesses. Sovos’ solution generates compliant Intrastat reports by extracting data from required SAP modules. Using SAP with this add-on provides a framework for periodic returns including Intrastat, EC Sales Lists and SAF-T.

In turn, this increases the ease of compliance and reduces the risk of penalties from incorrect filings – producing cost and time savings for your business.

Speak to our team about how we can help with Intrastat compliance.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Intrastat still required after Brexit?

Intrastat returns are still required by businesses registered for VAT in the UK, even after Brexit, with respect to supplies of goods from the EU into Northern Ireland and vice-versa.

Who needs to file Intrastat?

Businesses in the EU that trade goods with other EU countries – whether they’re dispatched or received – need to file Intrastat returns if the annual trade value exceeds the applicable country’s threshold.

What is Intrastat reporting in Europe?

Intrastat is a system which allows the European Union to track traded goods between its Member States. It was devised to replace customs reporting on the movement of goods within the EU, which stopped in 1993.

What is an Intrastat code?

Intrastat divides goods into categories that are identified by eight-digit codes. These categories are typically referred to as Intrastat codes, commodity codes or Combined Nomenclature (CN).


Want to learn about EU VAT compliance? Our Introduction to EU VAT is a great place to start. We also have specific guides to help you understand important EU tax requirements, including the EU VAT e-commerce package and VAT between European countries.

The speed at which regulations and requirements evolve can make it difficult to stay abreast of VAT Reporting and SAF-T.

Remaining knowledgeable about recent changes enforced by tax authorities is the initial stride towards readiness for repercussions.

In Sovos’ most recent quarterly update webinar on VAT Reporting and SAF-T, Inês Carvalho, Regulatory Counsel, delves into the freshest legislative revisions concerning VAT reporting and SAF-T and the potential implications for your business.

In this webinar, our expert will cover updates on:


Are you in search of a new Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) provider? Need guidance on making a smooth transition? Join our exclusive live Q&A webinar, “Choosing a New IPT Provider,” where we’ll address all your inquiries and help you confidently navigate this important decision.

Changing IPT providers can be a daunting process, but we’re here to simplify the transition for you with our industry expertise and hands-on experience. Our team has successfully assisted numerous clients in finding the right IPT solution that aligns with their needs, and we’re excited to share our knowledge with you.

Join Sovos’ IPT experts Bev Gunner, Sudhan Ramesh and Dawn Rowlands, as well as Allianz’s Andreas Kessler for an insightful session where we’ll dive into the intricacies of selecting a new IPT provider and answer your burning questions about the transition process. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – empower yourself with the knowledge you need to make a well-informed choice.

Register here.

Sovos’ recent observations of audits by EU Tax Authorities are that Tax Officers are paying more attention to the contents of One Stop Shop (OSS) VAT Returns. They have challenged, and even excluded, companies from this optional scheme.

OSS VAT returns must contain details of supplies made to customers in each Member State of consumption by the taxable person. Supplies that need to be reported are as follows.

Non-Union scheme

Supplies of services to non-taxable persons taking place in the EU. This includes supplies of services taking place in the Member State of identification.

Union scheme

Supplies of services made to non-taxable persons taking place in a Member State in which the supplier is not established. This includes the intra-community distance sales of goods.

Additionally, a taxable person can also declare domestic supplies of goods for which they are a deemed supplier in the Union scheme.

OSS VAT Return exemptions

A taxable person might be excluded by the Member State of identification from the scheme for several reasons. Considering the most common reasons, it’s important to note the following:

Let’s look at two case studies to further demonstrate the above.

Frequency of OSS VAT Returns

A taxable person submits a quarterly OSS return and pays the VAT owed by the last day of the month, following the end of each quarter. If they have not sold any goods in the EU during a tax period, they should submit a nil return.

OSS VAT Return deadlines

Taxable persons must submit their quarterly OSS VAT returns according to the following schedule.

If the due date falls on a weekend or bank holiday, the deadline is not moved to the next workday.

Case Study 1

A company, established and VAT registered in Spain, applied to the optional OSS Scheme under the Union scheme.

This company has an e-commerce store and customers can request delivery to their premises in any EU Member State. Under the terms and conditions on the website, the company clarifies that this channel is only for private individuals.

However, during an audit carried out by the German Tax Authorities, it has been noticed that some supplies are carried out in favour of business customers.

In some cases, the business customers have just shared their company name. In other cases, the companies have included their German VAT number in the purchase order on the internet (e.g. under “Additional comments”) and this information has been included on the invoice issued by the Spanish company.

Under these circumstances, the German Tax Office has provided the Spanish company with a warning as:

Case Study 2

A company established and VAT-registered in Turkey applied to the optional OSS Scheme under the Union scheme in Slovakia.

This company has an e-commerce store and customers request delivery from Slovakia, where the main supplier of the Turkish company is located, directly to their premises in any EU Member State.

Due to financial issues, the Turkish company has not paid its VAT liabilities despite submitting the OSS VAT returns on a timely basis.

Slovakian Tax Authorities have decided to exclude the company from the OSS Scheme.

Under these circumstances, the Turkish company:

What’s next for OSS?

The information about the supplies, available from EU Tax Authorities, will increase massively with the implementation of the Central Electronic System of Payment information (CESOP).

On 18 February 2020, the EU Council adopted a legislative package requesting payment service providers to transmit information on cross-border payments originating from Member States and on the beneficiary (“the payee”) of these cross-border payments.

Under this package, payment service providers offering services in the EU will have to monitor the payees of cross-border payments. They will have to transmit information on those who receive more than 25 cross-border payments per quarter to the administrations of the Member States.

As mentioned by the Tax Authorities:

Payment Service Providers in the EU will need to report cross-border payments on a quarterly basis as of Q1 2024, with the first report due by 30 April 2024.

Sovos’ recommendations

We suggest double-checking the quality of the data included in your OSS Returns to the possibility of exclusion from the scheme.

Sovos’ experts are at your disposal to support you through a pre-audit of your data or corresponding with the Tax Authorities. Contact our team for more information.

Our latest webinar delves into the intricacies of VAT and reveals key insights into both Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) transactions.

Sovos’ VAT expert Francisco Gomes will share insights for businesses seeking to expand their reach and streamline operations.

In our free 30-minute webinar, you will learn more about:

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of VAT in cross-border trade and unlock the growth potential. Find out more details in our webinar filled with practical insights and expert advice to propel your business forward, and bring your questions to the Q&A session at the end.

Register here.



Extension of the implementation dates of the B2B e-invoicing Mandate.

Update: 9 December 2024 

On September 15th, 2024, the French Tax Authorities published a Press Release announcing a profound change in the upcoming French Mandate for electronic e-invoicing & e-reporting. 

Indeed, the Public Portal (aka PPF) will no longer provide e-Invoicing Services, making it compulsory for every FR-established and VAT-Registered Taxpayer to send and receive e-Invoices via a 3rd Party Dematerialization Platform (aka PDP) of its choice. 

After this initial announcement, the FR TA has communicated additional details, whether on the rationale behind that pivotal decision or on the next milestones until the Mandate enters into force: 


Update: 2 January 2024 

The Finance Law for 2024 has been officially adopted and published in the Official Gazette on 30 December 2023. With the finalization of the law, the new implementation dates are as follows: 

Receipt of e-invoices: Starting from 1 September 2026, ALL taxpayers, regardless of their size, will be required to be capable of receiving e-invoices. This date may be extended to December 1, 2026, at the latest, but only by decree. 

Issuing e-invoices: 

International B2B, B2C transaction and payment data transmission: 

The e-reporting obligation for international B2B (sales and purchases) and B2C transactions and Payment data follows the same timetable as that for issuing electronic invoices (September 1, 2026 or September 1, 2027 depending on the size of the company). 

The implementing decree that will formally ratify this new schedule is expected during the first quarter of 2024. 

Looking for more information about how to comply with the French Mandate? Contact our expert team.


Update: 19 October 2023

The long-awaited new implementation timeline regarding the e-invoicing and e-reporting within the draft Finance Law for 2024 has been unveiled on 17 October 2023. 

According to the draft amending General Tax Code and Law No. 2022-1157, the new dates are as follows: 

Implementation phases: The roll out of the mandate will now occur in two phases, as opposed to the previously planned three phases. 

Issuing e-invoices: 

Receipt of e-invoices: Starting from 1 September 2026, all taxpayers will be required to be capable of receiving e-invoices. 

E-reporting obligations: The enforcement of e-reporting obligations will follow the same revised dates. 

It is important to note that the above-mentioned dates, September 2026 and September 2027, may be subject to readjustment with the possibility of rescheduling to the 1st of December as the latest date, in the respective years. 

After the adoption of Finance Law for 2024, a Decree complementing the law is expected to be issued in the first quarter of the upcoming year for full enforcement of aforementioned obligations. 

Companies need to take advantage of the additional time through active participation in the pilot phase during which all relevant use cases should be tested so that changes to applications, processes and systems can be taken care of and fine-tuned in good time to ensure compliance.  

Looking for more information about how to comply with the French Mandate? Contact our expert team.


Update: 15 September 2023

In a recent meeting of the Communauté des Relais, the tax authority released additional details surrounding the previously communicated postponement of the B2B e-invoicing mandate in France.

This delay is a result of the tax authority listening to feedback from French businesses who have struggled to meet the original timeline. It’s further evidence, as previously iterated by the ICC of just how much time and effort is required for most businesses to compare for the complexities of a new mandate.

While the formal dates are still to be defined, the revised main timeline was presented as part of a roll-out in 3 stages:

2024: The authorities will publish the first list of officially registered service providers (PDPs – Plateformes de Dématérialisation Partenaires) by the spring of 2024. During the course of 2024, the development of the public portal (PPF – Portail Public de Facturation) will be completed.

2025: During this year, a large-scale pilot project, involving companies of all sizes will be conducted. The tax authority views this pilot as an opportunity for taxpayers to fine-tune their e-invoicing and e-reporting processes and systems to comply with what has grown to be, a complex and sophisticated CTC framework.

2026: The roll-out of the obligation for the entire economy will largely take place during 2026. However, at what pace remains to be seen once the Finance Law is adopted by Parliament at the end of 2023.

Businesses impacted by the French mandate, headquartered in France and elsewhere, will now be in a better position to successfully comply with the new reform, assuming they make use of the added time provided by the French authorities. In particular, by proactively using the pilot program to build confidence and knowledge on the critical path to readiness. For the largest taxpayers facing these obligations, it would be prudent to regard these changes as a mere 6-month postponement, with the beginning of the pilot program acting as the de facto starting date. To understand the full impact on their business processes and data flows, companies will need to thoroughly test up to 36 use-cases. The many software vendors helping companies to streamline their purchase-to-pay and order-to-cash processes will certainly be eager to test the compliance of their solutions as early as possible in what has become a completely new ecosystem.

Participation in the extended pilot, with professional support from Sovos, provides a risk-free environment to assess and then conduct the essential finetuning.

Sovos is one of the first 20 candidates for service provider (PDP) accreditation in France, and as such will be ready to sustain our customers as they take the numerous steps needed to fully comply with the new CTC framework, drawing on its rich experience of keeping customers compliant with complicated e-invoicing obligations around the world.

Looking for more information about how to comply with the French Mandate? Contact our expert team.


10 August 2023

The French Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) officially postponed the implementation of the country’s electronic invoicing mandate on 28 July. The postponement is in order to provide necessary time for taxpayers to comply with the mandate.

The latest official word states that the revised timeline for the mandate will be provided within the framework of the Finance Law for 2024. We expect this law to be adopted in late 2023.

In addition, on 31 July the DGFiP published updated ‘External specifications file for electronic invoicing’(version 2.3). Despite deferral of the initial go-live, these updates demonstrate the authorities’ commitment to developing the mandate and set the expectation that preparations by taxpayers, vendors, PDP candidates and professional organizations must continue.

The French Mandate is one of the most complex tax digitization initiatives seen in EMEA to date. It’s essential that companies continue their preparations. Compliance with this mandate requires readying applications, processes and systems to a complex set of requirements. According to the ICC, businesses need at least 12-18 months to prepare for the shift to e-invoicing and e-reporting.

Please note that this information is subject to any further updates or changes from the French authorities and no further details are available at present. We will communicate any additional information once it is made available.

Sovos is experienced in helping our customers navigate digitization regulations around the world, including the French Mandate.

Looking for more information about how to comply with the French Mandate? Contact our expert team.

Value Added Tax (VAT) recovery is a matter of great significance for businesses; therefore it is crucial to understand the correct procedures for ensuring successful recovery. Businesses can recover their incurred VAT through either their VAT return or by submitting a refund claim.

The deadline for submitting claims under the 8th Directive is rapidly approaching on 30 September 2023. Failing to meet this deadline could result in the rejection of your claim, emphasising the importance of thorough preparation in handling VAT recovery for your business.

To streamline the process and alleviate complexities associated with VAT compliance, utilising the services of a reputable provider like Sovos is highly recommended. By choosing Sovos, you gain access to language capabilities and valuable resources that facilitate your VAT compliance workload.

Participate in Sovos’ VAT expert-led session to enhance your understanding of the following key aspects:


The Portuguese government has been working on introducing mandatory B2G (Business-to-Government) electronic invoicing in recent years, alongside other obligations for the digitization of VAT compliance in the country.

This aligns with the European Union’s efforts towards harmonising the adoption of e-invoicing in public procurement. To achieve this goal, the EU has implemented Directive 2014/55/EU to outline the responsibilities and criteria for e-invoicing in public procurement processes. The EU requires Member States to enforce an obligation for the Public Administration to receive invoices electronically.

However, several Member States, such as Portugal, have taken a step forward by making the issuance of electronic invoices mandatory for suppliers of the Public Administration. The Portuguese mandate, known as “Electronic Invoicing to the Public Administration” (Fatura Eletrónica à Administração Pública – FEAP), was introduced to streamline invoicing processes and improve efficiency in transactions between businesses and the public sector.


What is B2G e-invoicing in Portugal?

In Portugal, Law Decree 111-B/2017 and subsequent amendments established the beginning of the obligation to issue, receive and process electronic invoices in public procurement. ESPAP (Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública) is the Portuguese entity responsible for the implementation and management of B2G e-invoicing.

This obligation is also present in the Public Contracts Code and requires suppliers of the Public Administration to issue all invoices to public sector entities in electronic format. This excluded contracts declared secret or accompanied by special security measures and contracts concluded following the simplified direct award process (contracts below EUR 5,000).

The implementation of this regime was gradual, starting with the mandatory receipt of electronic invoices by the Public Administration in April 2019. This was followed by a phased introduction of compulsory issuance of e-invoices for suppliers of the Public Administration, starting with large companies in January 2021. The implementation calendar has been postponed several times for small, medium and microenterprises. Currently, only large companies are required to issue invoices electronically.


What is a B2G e-invoice?

An e-invoice, according to the EU Directive on e-invoicing in public procurement, is an invoice issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format.

Electronic invoicing requires data creation in a structured format and its transmission from the seller’s system to the buyer’s system in an automated manner. As a result, the invoice can be automatically imported into the public entity’s system.

As per Portuguese regulations, the e-invoicing model to be adopted is the semantic data model proposed for the Portuguese standard known as CIUS-PT. There is no obligation to send a PDF document attached to the electronic invoice. An invoice in PDF format is not considered an electronic invoice as they do not comply with European standards.

Suppliers must also archive electronic invoices and ensure they are accessible for the period required by the tax authority, which is typically 10 years.


What are the consequences of non-compliance?

Considering the general obligation to issue e-invoices in the B2G sector, it is possible to identify four main legal consequences for non-compliance with this legal obligation:

  1. Judicial fulfilment of the obligation:an invoice that does not comply with B2G e-invoicing rules is in breach of a legal obligation and the issuer may be required to fulfil this obligation by judicial means.
  2. Non-payment of the invoice:the public contractor must refuse to pay a non-compliant invoice since this constitutes a violation of rules applicable to the payment of public expenditure.
  3. Inability to demand payment: the supplier will not be able to demand the fulfilment of the contract by the debtor since the established legal form has not been observed.
  4. Non-performance of the contract:if the contract also includes the legal obligation to issue and receive e-invoices in CIUS-PT, non-compliance may lead to an additional breach of contract and the application of contractual sanctions. Ultimately, it may also result in contract cancellation and impede participation in future public procurement processes.


When do companies need to comply with B2G e-invoicing in Portugal?

All public administration entities are currently obligated to receive e-invoices in the structured CIUS-PT format. Additionally, all large company suppliers to the public administration must issue e-invoices in the same format.

The obligation for small, medium and microenterprises was, once again, postponed in the 2023 State Budget. The obligation is now poised to enter into force on 1 January 2025.

Until then, micro, small and medium-sized companies can use invoicing mechanisms other than e-invoicing in the structured CIUS-PT schema when contracting with the Public Administration.

Need more information on B2G e-invoicing in Portugal? Speak with our expert team.

VAT regulations can be complex and change often, posing significant challenges for companies operating in the distribution industry.

In this informative on-demand session, Sovos’ Senior Consulting Manager Russell Hughes and Sales Director Alexis Desjardins delve into the implications of VAT for distribution businesses, sharing valuable insights, real-life case studies and strategies to overcome these challenges.

Tune in to find out more about:

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about achieving VAT success. Watch our on-demand session on strategies for distribution today.

Register here

Sovos is one of a short list of applicants to register as a Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP). The company, with its 20 years of international business process and data expertise in international tax compliance, will benefit from an SAP extension, one of the few available on the market. 

London, 27, June 2023 – International tax compliance software provider Sovos announces its application for registration as a dematerialization platform partner (PDP).

France is introducing a major e-invoicing and e-reporting reform which will be rolled out in a phased approach initially to the largest companies from 1 July 2024 and run beyond 2026.  Since the beginning of May this year various software publishers and ERPs have been able to submit their applications to the French government to become an approved PDP.

PDPs are playing a key role in this VAT reform. As trusted third parties, these portals will act as the interface between companies and the French government and will be directly involved in issuing and receiving invoices. The aim is for companies to choose the methods and formats for exchanging their electronic invoices (incoming/outgoing) with the obligation to communicate invoicing, transaction and payment data to the authorities.

International e-invoicing experience 

Sovos has 20 years of business process and data expertise and a global reach with modern cloud architecture that currently processes over 6 billion compliant transactions a year.

The company has extensive experience as a delegate of tax authorities around the world, with several certifications already obtained in various countries in Latin America, as well as in Turkey, where electronic invoicing is now well established. In addition, Sovos is set to be one of the only platforms to feature an extension for SAP, which is designed to provide dematerialization operator (DO) capabilities.

“We’ve seen high demand for a demo of our solution and initial demonstrations to many of the companies that rely on Sovos have been extremely positive and have provided valuable feedback. Our solution not only integrates the legal and technical requirements for France, but also leverages all the best practices from our decades of experience, and the compliance suite we’ve built, supporting complex obligations for tens of thousands of companies in other jurisdictions” says Cyril Broutin, Product Manager at Sovos.

Providing agility and anticipating future regulatory changes 

E-invoicing regulations are regularly modified and updated and are therefore constantly evolving. In Italy, for example, the e-invoicing mandate has been revised more than 40 times. In France, the tax authorities have already published four versions of the specifications for the next reform, which are likely to be further amended or supplemented. Added to this is the European “VAT in the Digital Age” (ViDA) initiative and the many changes it will bring. Sovos intends to assert itself as a PDP capable of supporting companies over the long term, taking into account the regulatory changes which will occur after the application of the reform, at both national and European level. Indeed, the e-invoicing reform is part of a more global drive to digitalize taxation.

“Sovos believes that companies want to remain agile and not be held back by the changing compliance requirements they face in France and around the world. That’s why we’ve adopted a deliberate strategy of loosely coupling tax compliance obligations with the process automation requirements sought by businesses. Our aim is to enable companies to focus on their core business by removing the friction of complex tax digitization mandates. ” explains Cyril Broutin.

About Sovos
Sovos was built to solve the complexities of the digital transformation of tax, with complete, connected offerings for tax determination, continuous transaction controls, tax reporting, and more. Sovos customers include half the Fortune 500, as well as businesses of every size operating in more than 70 countries. The company’s SaaS products and proprietary Sovos S1 Platform integrate with a wide variety of business applications and government compliance processes. Sovos has employees throughout the Americas and Europe and is owned by Hg and TA Associates. For more information visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Implementing certified add-ons in SAP S/4HANA on-premise or a private cloud environment will allow you to expand the capabilities of your system. However, it is necessary to maintain a pristine core by strictly adhering to the most effective procedures.

This blog details the most important steps companies should take to design an add-on with a clean core.

Keeping a clean core

Ensure that all umbrella modules of the add-on have been SAP certified for SAP S/4HANA compatibility. This will prove that the add-on satisfies the requirements for integration and avoid investment risk for non-certified modules that use objects forbidden by SAP.

For each major release from SAP, non-certified modules may no longer work to the expected requirement. At Sovos, we make it a point to guarantee that all of our SAP modules are certified against the latest releases. Examples of these modules include VAT Determination (Sales, Purchasing, Monitoring & Reporting, and VAT ID Validator) and continuous transaction controls (CTC) frameworks.

It is important to provide comprehensive user training on the add-on’s functionalities and document changes or upgrades made throughout the installation.

Using the appropriate software is essential for compliance and efficiency when dealing with indirect taxes. Avoid taking quick routes. Make a choice based on accurate information that helps tax procedures run smoothly.

By adhering to these standards, businesses can successfully implement certified add-ons into SAP S/4HANA while keeping the system core clean. This method, which restricts the use of customisations, prioritises the employment of standard functions and ensures an uninterrupted connection – resulting in the production of an SAP S/4HANA system that is highly effective and optimised.

Are you a SAP user that cares about tax compliance? Download our free eBook today.