
The Tax Authorities are in Your Data

A reactive or ad hoc approach to tax compliance across the markets you do business in can mean the authorities have a better overall view of your data than your own internal teams. How confident are you that you have the same view of your data as the tax authorities?

5 Questions Every Non-EU Manufacturer Must Ask when trading in the EU


Settling Your IPT Liabilities For You

Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) can be complex with fragmented rules and requirements levied by the many different tax authorities in the jurisdictions where this tax applies. This only adds to the challenges faced by finance teams when calculating and settling IPT accurately and on time.

Failure to do so can result in penalties, fines and unwelcome audits – all of which will have an adverse effect on profitability.

Unlike other IPT compliance service providers, at Sovos we provide a complete end-to-end service for our customers providing complete peace of mind and allowing them to focus on what they do best while leaving the IPT compliance to us. 

We not only produce and file IPT and parafiscal reports for our customers, but we also make the necessary payments and settle liabilities to the relevant tax authorities using cleared funds held in segregated client bank accounts.

We recognise that IPT is niche and not always a core function for finance teams which is why we offer a client money service for our IPT customers. The funds are held in a segregated bank account for our customers with reconciled statements being provided on a monthly basis.


Based on data uploaded we let our customers know in advance the exact amount needed to settle each of their local IPT liabilities as they become due so there’s plenty of time to ensure the funds are available ahead of tax authority deadlines.

Once the funds have been received, we can then ensure the correct payments are made directly to the tax authorities in line with local legislation.

All receipts and payments with the segregated client bank accounts are reconciled with the submitted returns and monthly reports are provided.


  • No need to tackle IPT alone, lean on our expertise
  • Advance notice of IPT liabilities due
  • Flexible currency options in line with the reporting currency of each territory
  • Payments made in line with local legislation
    – The right amount
    – To the right account
    – In the right currency
    – And, always on time
  • Fully reconciled monthly statements provided

France – Mandatory B2B
e-Invoicing 2024

Faced with a VAT gap of nearly €13 billion, France is introducing mandatory e-invoicing for business-to-business (B2B) transactions from 2024, as well as e-reporting of additional data types. Applying to all companies established or, for e-reporting, VAT-registered in France, this new mandate is complex. It will also require significant planning.

According to the ICC, businesses will need at least 12-18 months to prepare for such continuous transaction control (CTC) mandates so it’s clearly important to start planning now to prepare for the change.

This infographic provides answers to your pressing points surrounding the mandate including:

  • What your company needs to do to comply with the new mandate
  • When your business needs to comply by
  • Other key information surrounding the mandate requirements
  • How Sovos can help

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Mandate aim

The aim of the new mandate is to increase efficiency, cut costs and fight fraud via access to more transaction data. All B2B invoices will need to be transmitted through a central platform. This will be either directly or via registered service providers connected to the platform.

The new mandate will provide the French tax authority with access to all VAT relevant data related to B2C and B2B transactions, so it’s crucial to adjust your business systems and processes to avoid penalties and fines.

France is the latest country to adopt CTCs, as tax authorities across the world look to gain greater insight and close the VAT gap. The proposed requirements come into effect during the years 2024-2026.

France e-invoice and e-reporting rollout dates

July 2024: All companies, irrespective of size, must accept to receive e-invoices under the new rules. The largest 300 companies will be subject to the B2B e-invoice issuance mandate and wider e-reporting mandate. The e-invoicing mandate does not apply to B2C and cross-border invoices. However, there is an obligation to report those transactions so the tax administration has full visibility.  

January 2025: Obligations will apply to a further 8,000 medium-sized companies. 

January 2026: All remaining medium and small companies will be in scope of the mandate. 

How Sovos can help

As France looks set to become the next country in Europe to introduce CTCs with its B2B e-invoicing and e-reporting mandate in 2024, it’s crucial that businesses prepare for and understand their new VAT obligations.

Sovos serves as a true one-stop-shop for managing all e-invoicing compliance obligations in France and across the globe. Sovos uniquely combines local excellence with a seamless, global customer experience.

Our scalable, end-to-end solution ensures e-invoicing and e-reporting compliance in not only France but also 60+ other countries.

Sovos is purpose built for modern tax – an evolving, complex landscape in which global tax authorities are requiring increased visibility and control into business processes, in many cases at the transaction level.

Tax authorities around the globe have embraced digitization to speed up revenue collection and reduce fraud while closing tax gaps. This is the catalyst for companies to move complete, connected and continuous tax compliance software into their digital financial core.

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Easier VAT Reporting with Sovos Advanced Periodic Reporting

Periodic VAT reporting takes time. Data must be accurate, its format must be correct, deadlines cannot be missed and additionally the frequency of submissions puts significant pressure on teams responsible for VAT reporting.

Add to these challenges frequent changes in regulation, cross-border complexities and also the fact that no single jurisdiction operates the same, and it’s clear that that your business would benefit from automating and centralising periodic VAT reporting.

This infographic explains how both global and multinational companies can meet their periodic VAT reporting obligations through the power of technology with Sovos Advanced Periodic Reporting (APR).

Sovos APR can help with:

  • Centralising your tax filing and reporting through a single system
  • Improving the quality of VAT returns and declarations
  • Validating data integrity
  • Meeting periodic VAT reporting obligations and deadlines
  • Simplifying how you work with greater visibility and dashboards

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The many benefits of Sovos APR

Lower total cost of VAT compliance

Manual tasks can be automated, processes are easily standardised, and you can also reduce your reliance on outsourcing providers. These advantages, coupled with the ability to lower management costs associated with keeping systems up-to-date, quickly add up.

Greater operational efficiency

Tax professionals need the right resources (both people and tools) at the right time. Sovos APR ensures you can continuously safeguard indirect tax compliance in a way that above all saves time and enhances accuracy. As a result, you can redeploy resources to focus on more strategic deliverables.

Seamless integration with VAT Compliance Solutions Suite

Sovos APR is an integral part of a fully scalable solution suite that addresses all VAT compliance obligations, including e-invoicing and e-archiving. Solve tax for good at a scale that suits your specific business.

What else does Sovos APR offer?

Need more detail on Sovos APR? This infographic dives deep into the solution and also how it helps tax professionals solve their periodic VAT reporting challenges.

This includes:

  • Global outlook – Dedicated reports for a growing number of countries; whilst 60+ countries are monitored for regulatory changes.
  • Universal templates – Additional proprietary reports can also be created to facilitate VAT analysis in 208 jurisdictions, both national and subnational
  • Expert driven – Our pedigree of regulatory research has kept customers compliant for nearly two decades. This knowledge feeds directly into Sovos APR.
  • Always up to date – Full, in-house compliance monitoring and maintenance by the Sovos regulatory team informs how our solution evolves.

Read the infographic now to learn how Sovos APR can:

  • Save you time while providing complete visibility of your filing obligations
  • Build an end-to-end approach that scales with your business
  • Ease the burden of tracking indirect tax regulatory changes
  • Reduce total cost of VAT compliance
  • Enhance decision-making and also maximise operational efficiency

Sovos APR lets you efficiently review everything from a centralised platform. Stay on top of any regulatory changes while remaining compliant both now and in the future.

Download the Infographic


IPT compliance – taking care of the detail so you don’t have to

Insurance premium tax (IPT) is a complex thing to deal with. Get it wrong and the implications can be problematic.

At Sovos we take care of the detail, giving you the complete peace of mind you need. We are compliance specialists and we solve tax for good. IPT is one of our specialisms, so we know it well. We’ve been in it from the start and, as a result, many of the world’s largest insurers trust us with their IPT compliance business.


Trade effectively and without problems

As regulations change and become more complicated throughout Europe, you need the certainty that you can trade effectively and without problems. That’s what we provide. Our team of tax compliance specialists cover over 100 countries and know the ins and outs of each jurisdiction. It’s this depth and accuracy of knowledge that ensures you have the right level of compliance, are only paying what you need to pay, while having the latest information to always keep you aware of changes and stay ahead of the curve.

Compliance peace of mind

Our leading software gives you the freedom to achieve this yourself. It integrates seamlessly into your existing system and is easy to use. Simplify the preparation of IPT and parafiscal returns and use accurate, real-time rates and calculations to help you reduce both the amount of errors and reprocessing needed.

Or, if you prefer, we can manage it all for you, from registration through to fiscal representation. Either way, we’re always here for you to make the process simple and smooth no matter what the future holds. And because our team works together in the same location and knows how different tax authorities prefer to operate, you can be sure that whether you’re trading in a new jurisdiction, or across multiple different jurisdictions, the process will be fast and free from any niggles, big or small.

We’re a market leader for IPT compliance in Europe with award winning solutions.

  • IPT Determination – calculate and apply global IPT rates at quotation
  • IPT Reporting – generate returns needed for IPT compliance on a global basis
  • Full managed service solution
  • Fiscal representation
  • Consultancy
  • Bespoke approach to meet your changing business needs

Trusted by Fortune 500 companies

We actively work with 80% of insurers across Europe including many of the top 100 UK insurers, FTSE Eurotop 100, in addition to Fortune Global 500 companies.

As the challenges and complexities of IPT compliance continue to rise, more companies are realising the benefits of taking both a holistic and global approach. Sovos was built to solve the complexities of the digital transformation of tax with complete connected offerings for tax determination, and tax reporting and more.



Blending human expertise and software - VAT Managed Services

Companies around the world face growing VAT compliance obligations. Governments globally continue to look for ways to prevent fraud, increase revenue and ultimately close VAT gaps. It’s a challenge and especially as VAT requirements can be complex and fragmented across different markets. European Union countries alone lost an estimated €140 billion in VAT revenues in 2018. So it’s easy to see why governments are taking steps to reduce this.

Keeping up with VAT rates and reporting changes is daunting. For multinational companies, that complexity only intensifies. If you trade across multiple borders the associated workloads also increase.  For these reasons, companies need to ensure they have a robust compliance continuity plan in place to ensure their VAT compliance obligations are met wherever they operate.

The cost of noncompliance can be high. And errors can be caused by various reasons. These include late filings, using incorrect tax rates, misinterpretation of the regulations or simply due to human error.  Whatever the cause, the repercussions can be costly leading to loss of VAT deductions, invasive and time consuming audits and other financial penalties and reputational damage.

As the challenges and complexities of VAT compliance continue to rise, more companies are realising the benefits of embracing a managed service approach to all or part of their VAT compliance obligations.

Download the Product Brochure.

Technology enabled VAT Managed Services

Ease your compliance workload reducing risk wherever you trade

Sovos VAT Managed Services is a blend of human expertise and software. Our multi-lingual team of VAT experts use our proprietary software which is updated as and when VAT regulations change. Our team is your team. In addition, our global regulatory specialists monitor all regulatory changes, so you don’t have to. Allowing you more time to focus on your business.

Sovos VAT Managed Services takes care of your compliance for both periodic and continuous reporting obligations. This applies across all markets where you operate today and for the markets you intend to dominate tomorrow. A dashboard provides you with full visibility of the status of each of your filings. And, at a later date, if your strategy changes and you want to bring your VAT compliance function back in-house, that’s not a problem. Your partnership with us as a global tax technology provider is flexible. So this means you can readily switch to a fully insourced software solution.

VAT legislation is complex and continues to change. Businesses need the support of both managed services and technology to help them meet their VAT compliance obligations and to allow them to continue to trade with confidence. Appointing Sovos with our blend of human expertise and technology empowers companies to comply with and face the changing VAT landscape head-on.

Keeping up with VAT rates and reporting changes is daunting. For multinational companies, that complexity only intensifies. If you trade across multiple borders the associated workloads also increase.  For these reasons, companies need to ensure they have a robust compliance continuity plan in place to ensure their VAT compliance obligations are met wherever they operate.

The cost of noncompliance can be high. And errors can be caused by various reasons. These include late filings, using incorrect tax rates, misinterpretation of the regulations or simply due to human error.  Whatever the cause, the repercussions can be costly leading to loss of VAT deductions, invasive and time consuming audits and other financial penalties and reputational damage.

As the challenges and complexities of VAT compliance continue to rise, more companies are realising the benefits of embracing a managed service approach to all or part of their VAT compliance obligations.

VAT Solutions From Sovos – Tax Peace of Mind

It is time to get ready for the digital transformation of tax with Sovos VAT solutions.

New VAT reporting requirements are sweeping across the world with increasing intensity and diversity. Tax authorities are on a digital transformation journey, profoundly impacting how companies operate and comply with VAT law. As a result, the challenges that a company trading cross-border faces today may well be among the most onerous in history.

We are here to help.

The Rise of Continuous Transaction Controls

The end of this tax revolution, caused by varying forms of digitalization, is not yet in sight. Many countries around the world, particularly in Europe, have just started their individual journeys toward continuous transaction controls (CTCs). Then there are other countries such as Chile and Brazil in Latin America that have had them for many years. They continue to add new features to further close VAT gaps and to add interoperability. As a result, these additions increase economic benefits to the foundations they built.

Multinational companies need a global VAT solution that grows with them. Many companies feel lost among the rapid succession of CTC mandates around the world. They don’t know how to avoid placing themselves in a costly and perilous corner by using a multitude of diverse local solutions. In working with such companies and their solution providers, we know how crucial it is for responsible executives to help all affected corporate functions cooperate toward forming and adopting a coherent approach that turns CTCs into an advantage rather than a risk.

Tax peace of mind

Sovos is a global leader in tax compliance with global coverage and local expertise. We process more than five and a half billion tax compliance transactions every year in more than 100 countries. Our global coverage is supported by over 2,500 employees in more than 15 countries.

We provide our customers with complete tax peace of mind by providing the first complete global cloud solution for modern tax.  Our team of 100 regulatory experts constantly monitor the VAT landscape for regulatory changes across thousands of jurisdictions.

As more tax authorities introduce tax reforms to increase efficiency and close VAT gaps, we make sure our customers are prepared. We ensure they’re able to meet the challenges that increased compliance requirements bring. We help businesses stay ahead of fast-changing government regulations allowing them the breathing space to innovate and grow.

Get ready for the digital transformation of tax

Our solutions are built into the business process platforms used today, including SAP, Oracle, and Magento. Sovos provides seamless integration with one global provider and a centralized global VAT solution.