
Belgium Steps Closer to Mandatory E-Invoicing

Update: 5 February 2024 by Marta Sowinska On 1 February, 2024, the Belgian Parliament approved the law implementing mandatory domestic B2B e-invoicing in the country, starting from 1 January 2026. The adopted bill can be found here. This means that starting from 1 January, 2026 all VAT-registered taxpayers established in Belgium will be required to issue/receive […]

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Portugal Authenticity and Integrity E-invoicing Requirements

Update: 26 March 2024 by Carolina Silva The implementation of the qualified electronic signature requirement to establish the presumption of integrity and authenticity for e-invoices has been postponed, as announced in the 2024 State Budget. It had already been postponed several times in recent years. This requirement was initially expected to be enforced on 1 […]

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E-invoicing in Italy – Upcoming Changes From July 2022

Since becoming the first EU country to make electronic invoicing mandatory through a clearance process in 2019, Italy has kept a steady pace in improving its continuous transaction controls (CTC) system to close the gaps in VAT compliance. Over recent years, Italy has gradually expanded its system by introducing various mandates. The following changes reflect […]

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Saudi Arabia: E-invoicing Phase 2 Developments

Update: 30 May 2024 by Dilara İnal Implementation waves of Phase 2 of E-invoicing in Saudi Arabia Implementation of Phase 2 of Saudi Arabia’s e-invoicing initiative started in January 2023 with the first wave of taxpayers. Subsequent waves – which are announced by Saudi Arabia’s Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) – are based on […]

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Romanian E-Transport System: What Businesses Need to Know

Update: 29 February 2024 by Inês Carvalho Since January 2023, Romania‘s mandatory e-transport system has monitored the transport of certain goods in the national territory. The e-transport system operates in parallel with Romania’s e-invoicing system. This blog answers frequently asked questions about Romania’s e-transport system including what and who is in scope, document format and fines […]

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United States, Australia and New Zealand: E-Invoicing Reforms

The global trend in the e-invoicing sphere for the past decade has shown that legislators and local tax authorities worldwide are rethinking the invoice creation process. By introducing technologically sophisticated continuous transaction control (CTC) platforms tax authorities get immediate and detailed control over VAT, which has proven a very efficient way to reduce the VAT […]

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Italy Expands its E-invoicing Mandate

The Italian government has taken important steps to broaden the scope of its e-invoicing mandate, more specifically by widening the scope of taxpayers subject to electronic invoice issuance and clearance obligations, starting 1 July 2022. On 13 April 2022, the draft Law-Decree, known as the second part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Decreto […]

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Philippines Advances Towards Mandatory CTC Reporting

The Philippines continues in constant advance towards implementing its continuous transaction controls (CTC) system, which consists of near real-time reporting of electronically issued invoices and receipts. On 4 April, testing began in the Electronic Invoicing System (EIS), the government’s platform, with six companies selected as pilots for this project. The initial move toward a CTC […]

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Poland Moves Towards Mandatory E-Invoicing with EU Derogation and E-Invoicing App Testing

Transition from voluntary to mandatory e-invoicing expected from 1 April 2023 From 1 January 2022, taxpayers have been able to issue structured invoices (e-invoices) using Poland’s National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) on a voluntary basis, meaning electronic and paper forms are still acceptable in parallel. Introduction of the KSeF system is part of the digital transformation […]

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Tax Reform in Brazil

Update: 12 September 2023 by Robson Satiro de Almeida Tax Reform in Brazil: Simplification Statute Published Recent developments in Brazil indicate changes on the horizon, as the country continues to move towards a tax reform for simplification of e-invoicing obligations. A significant reform of ancillary tax obligations is underway aiming to create a unified system […]

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VAT in the Digital Age: Part III – VAT and the Platform Economy

In the European Union, the VAT rules around supplies of goods, as well as ’traditional’ two-party supplies of services, are well-defined and established. Peer-to-peer services facilitated by a platform, however, do not always fit neatly into the categories set out under the EU VAT Directive (Council Directive 2006/112/EC). There are ambiguities around both the nature […]

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Romanian E-Transport System Details Announced

Governments throughout the world are introducing continuous transaction control (CTC) systems to improve and strengthen VAT collection while combating tax evasion. Romania, with the largest VAT gap in the EU (34.9% in 2019), is one of the countries moving the fastest when it comes to introducing CTCs. In December 2021 the country announced mandatory usage […]

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VAT in the Digital Age: Part II – VAT Reporting and E-invoicing

The European Commission’s “VAT in the Digital Age” initiative reflects on how tax authorities can use technology to fight tax fraud and, at the same time, modernise processes to the benefit of businesses. A public consultation was launched earlier this year, in which the Commission welcomes feedback on policy options for VAT rules and processes […]

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Belgium Expands B2G Mandatory E-Invoicing – Will B2B Come Next?

In November 2021, a Draft Royal Decree was published by the Chancery of the Prime Minister of Belgium, aiming to expand the scope of the existing e-invoicing mandate for certain business to government (B2G) transactions by implementing mandatory e-invoicing for all transactions with public administrations in Belgium. This obligation was already in place for suppliers […]

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European Parliament Recommends Harmonising E-invoicing Across the EU

On 10 March, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a Resolution to the Commission’s Action Plan on fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy, which set forth 25 initiatives predominantly related to European Union Value Added Tax (EU VAT). The document includes several general considerations and recommendations to the Commission for the VAT Directive revision […]

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Poland’s E-Invoicing System: Latest Developments

Poland has been moving towards introducing the CTC framework and the system, the Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF), since early 2021. As of 1 January 2022, the platform has been available for taxpayers who opt to issue structured invoices through KSeF and to benefit from the introduced incentives. As the taxpayers have been using KSeF for […]

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Australia Boosts B2B E-invoicing

Unlike many other country initiatives that we have seen in the e-invoicing space recently, Australia does not seem to have any immediate plans to introduce continuous transaction controls (CTC) or government-portal involvement in their B2B invoicing. Judging from the recent public consultation, current efforts are focused on ways to accelerate business adoption of electronic invoicing. […]

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India Expands E-invoicing Scope From 1 April 2022

On 24 February 2022, the Indian Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) issued a notification (Notification No. 01/2022 – Central Tax) that lowered the threshold for mandatory e-invoicing. In India, e-invoicing is mandatory for taxpayers when exceeding a specific threshold (businesses operating in certain sectors are exempted). The current threshold for mandatory e-invoicing […]

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