
Insurance Premium Tax Prepayments: Austria

In the next edition of our series of blogs in Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) prepayments, we look at a less familiar regime to many, the Austrian IPT Prepayment. IPT prepayments in Austria Those who are well versed in the IPT sphere will be perplexed at this blog, as they most likely will never have paid […]

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Meet the Expert – Mai Nguyen, Senior Compliance Services Representative

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and insurance premium tax (IPT) compliance services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about regulatory changes and developments in global tax regimes, to […]

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Understanding IPT Prepayments in Belgium

It’s time to return to Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) prepayments – a continuation of our blog series on this important IPT topic. You can find the first entry in our blog series here. Throughout Europe’s different countries and jurisdictions, IPT is declared and settled in different ways. Monthly, quarterly, biannually – this varies across Member […]

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Netherlands Storage and Own Transport – IPT Changes Explained

The Dutch government issued an updated Policy Statement for Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) on 12 May 2022. The first of its kind since February 2017, the update is intended to replace the 2017 version in full. While the majority of the content remained consistent, there were notable details pertaining to Netherlands storage insurance and ‘own […]

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European IPT Prepayment Guidelines

There are some countries across Europe where declaring and settling insurance premium tax (IPT) and parafiscal charges on time is not enough to prevent late payment penalties. You may ask why. Or you may say it’s unfair. The answer is simple. Some European countries collect insurance premium tax and parafiscal charges or part of them […]

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Meet the Expert – Hector Fernandez, Principal Compliance Tax Services Representative

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about regulatory changes and developments in global tax regimes, to support you in your […]

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Transactional Trends: The Latest Developments in IPT Reporting

An increasing insurance premium tax (IPT) trend is using transactional level information in various returns and reports. Preparation and education are key to ensuring details are being captured on an ongoing basis rather than at the last moment. Furthermore, in some cases where legacy systems are being utilised and don’t have the capability to capture […]

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Portuguese Surcharges: ASF, INEM and ANPC

A parafiscal tax is a levy on a service or a product which a government charges for a specific purpose. It can be used to financially benefit a particular sector (public and private). Unlike the drastic changes in Stamp Duty reporting within the Portuguese region, the parafiscal taxes have remained consistent and unchanged for many […]

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Extra Profit Tax: An Introduction to Hungary’s Supplemental Insurance Premium Tax

Update: 20 May 2024 by Edit Buliczka Hungary Amends Extra Profit Tax Declaration and Prepayment Rules In May 2023, the Hungarian government extended the extra profit tax on insurance premium amounts (EPTIPT) for another year. It updated the regulations again in January 2024, adding the fourth amendment to the two-and-a-half-year history of this tax (this […]

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Under the Bonnet: Spanish IPT Reporting

The complexities of Spain’s insurance premium tax regulations can be daunting for anyone responsible for IPT reporting and compliance for this country. Apart from the different tax authorities involved with Spanish IPT reporting and various submission processes, there are also many different declarations that tax compliance teams must be aware of. Here we’ll look at […]

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Determining Location of Risk: Marine Insurance

Identifying the location of risk for Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) purposes is the first step to ensuring IPT compliance in a given territory. This area perhaps isn’t as straightforward as it first seems for marine insurance. As with the location of risk rules for all classes of insurance in Europe, the starting point for marine […]

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Meet the Expert, Manisha Patel, Senior Compliance Services Representative – IPT

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about regulatory changes and developments in global tax regimes, to support you in […]

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Italy IPT: A quick guide

Insurance Premium Tax in Italy is complex. This blog helps insurers navigate challenges in Italy, from IPT rates to reporting requirements. You can find all recent updates on IPT in Italy below in the update section. Read our Insurance Premium Tax guide for an overview of IPT in general. Update: 1 September 2023 by Edit Buliczka Italian […]

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Deep Dive – Portugal’s Stamp Duty Requirements

The most recent update to the Portuguese Stamp Duty system has included some of the most comprehensive tax reporting changes seen in recent years. Stamp Duty is the oldest tax in Portugal and has been around since the Royal Decree in 1660. Considering its age, updates to bring it in line with the global standard […]

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Importance of Accurate IPT Amount Calculation in Multiple Jurisdictions

There are many taxes (IPT) and parafiscal charges levied on insurance premiums throughout Europe. As a consequence of the lack of tax harmonisation, no general rules can be applied to establish which taxes exist in which countries and how to calculate the correct IPT amounts. Some insurers do not have a dedicated IPT team; this […]

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Meet the Expert: Hooda Greig, Compliance Services Manager – IPT

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about new regulatory changes and the latest developments on tax regimes across the world, […]

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Deep Dive – Insurance Premium Tax in France

France is known for its challenging Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) filing system. Understanding which tax authorities you need to register with, file with and talk to when you have questions is essential to meeting your business’s IPT compliance obligations. In this blog, we identify France’s IPT tax authorities and explain what makes IPT so different […]

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Deep Dive: Insurance Premium Tax in Belgium

The Belgian taxation landscape can be challenging for insurers if they are not well versed in the rules and requirements for ongoing compliance. Belgium ranks as one of the somewhat trickier countries to deal with in the Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) sphere with a plethora of different taxes due dependant on the class of business […]

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