Meet the Sovos team in Prague where Anna Norden, Sovos Principal, Regulatory Affairs will be sharing an update on the CIAT Digitalization Classification Matrix. The team will also be waiting to greet you at the Sovos stand to discuss all things e-invoicing.  

e-invoicing in Germany

Germany, like many European countries, is on its way to implementing electronic invoicing requirements for domestic taxpayers of all shapes and sizes. However, e-invoicing is yet to be fully implemented and mandated in the country.

E-invoicing in Germany is currently divided by transaction type. There are national and federal requirements for B2G transactions, but the time hasn’t come for B2B transactions to utilise e-invoices yet. This will begin to change in 2025, and by 2028, all German businesses will be mandated to send and receive invoices electronically.

With Germany’s e-invoicing rollout fragmented and intensive to follow, use this page as your go-to overview to ensure you meet your obligations. Bookmark this page and revisit it whenever you need a reminder of the current requirements.

At a glance: Germany e-invoicing

Germany B2B e-invoicing

CTC Type

  • Post Audit


  • N/A


  • Compliant with EN 16931

eSignature Requirement

  • Not mandatory, qualified e-signature can be used

Archiving Requirement

  • 10 years

Germany B2G e-invoicing

CTC Type

  • Decentralised/PEPPOL


  • Individual state platforms


  • Xrechnung & PEPPOL BIS

eSignature Requirement

  • N/A

Archiving Requirement

  • 10 years

E-invoicing regulations in Germany

Germany B2B e-invoicing

From January 2025, taxpayers must be able to receive electronic invoices. Sending and receiving e-invoices will become mandatory in Germany from 1 January 2027, applying to companies with an annual turnover exceeding EUR 800,000. From January 2028, it will apply to all companies.

This go-live date for German B2B e-invoicing was set in March 2024 when the Bundesrat passed the law known as ‘Wachstumschancengesetz’.

Germany B2G e-invoicing

E-invoicing is mandated when trading with public administrations, though it’s divided at a federal state level. There is a national mandate, but it runs alongside its 16 federal states – each of which has legislative freedom to develop its own e-invoicing platform.

The following German federal states have implemented e-invoicing for governmental transactions:

  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Bavaria
  • Berlin
  • Bremen
  • Hamburg
  • Hessen
  • Lower Saxony
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saarland
  • Saxony
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Thuringia

The aforementioned European Directive (2014/55/EU) requires member-state government entities to be able to receive and handle electronic invoices according to the CEN standard, EN 16931.

Timeline: e-invoicing adoption in Germany

The implementation of e-invoicing in Germany can be hard to follow. Here are the main dates you need to know:

  • April 2017: Germany publishes its e-Bill law
  • 18 April 2020: Federal states implement mandatory e-invoicing in public procurement
  • 27 November 2020: Public authorities must receive e-invoices from state authorities
  • July 2023: Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance presents draft legislation for mandatory e-invoicing
  • 22 March 2024: Germany’s Federal Council approves a legislative package that includes the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing
  • 1 January 2025: German taxpayers must be able to receive e-invoices from their suppliers (B2B)
  • 1 January 2027: German taxpayers with an annual turnover of at least EUR 800,000 must issue e-invoices for B2B transactions
  • 1 January 2028: Remaining German taxpayers must issue e-invoices for B2B transactions

Benefits of e-invoicing in Germany

Implementing electronic invoicing can benefit taxpayers by automating processes. Not only can this save time and headspace, it can also significantly reduce the risk of errors by removing the need for people to input and handle data manually.

Future of e-invoicing in Germany

While it’s now clear that there’s more to come on the e-invoicing front in Germany, there’s a larger initiative that could shift how the technology is implemented in the country – and across EU Member States at large.

VAT in the Digital Age is a proposal to digitize the European VAT system, implementing digital reporting and e-invoicing, among other new, innovative tax solutions.

It’s worth noting that while Germany is still working on implementing e-invoicing for all resident taxpayers, many countries are further along in their electronic invoicing journey. Global tax compliance can be tough, considering the nuances of each country’s tax digitization journey, but Sovos can help – wherever you do business.

Additional obligations for VAT compliance in Germany

While electronic invoicing is an important component of tax compliance in Germany, organisations have other obligations to stay on top of.

Staying updated with regulatory expectations becomes even more complicated when you consider the evolving nature of laws. Not only do you need to meet your current obligations, but you also need to stay on top of what’s to come – this is demanding in terms of both time and resources.

Non-compliance can be costly, but you don’t need to fall behind. Find out more about German VAT compliance with our dedicated overview.


B2G e-invoicing is mandatory in Germany, and B2B e-invoicing is currently scheduled to come into effect from 1 January 2027 for companies with an annual turnover exceeding EUR 800,000.

For B2G and B2B e-invoicing, German legislation requires the secure archival and access of electronic invoices for 10 years.

Germany has laid out plans to make B2B e-invoicing mandatory for resident taxpayers, following this timeline:

  • 1 January 2025: Taxpayers must be able to receive e-invoices
  • 1 January 2027: Taxpayers with an annual turnover exceeding EUR 800,000 must use e-invoices
  • 1 January 2028: All taxpayers must use e-invoices.

The ZRE stands for Zentrale Rechnungseingangsplattform des Bundes, which translates as Central Invoice Submission Portal. ZRE is a web portal that allows suppliers and service providers to send electronic invoices to federal entities.

ZUGFeRD is a hybrid e-invoicing format that includes human-readable (PDF/A-3) and machine-interpretable invoice data. It’s based on XML, allowing invoices to be sent as attachments or embedded within an email.

ZUGFeRD meets the requirements of the European standard (EN 16931).

XRechnung is a standard for electronic invoicing that the German government accepted in late 2020. It was devised as a standard for converting invoice information into an XML data file, serving as an e-invoice.

XRechnung also meets the requirements of the European standard (EN 16931).

B2G e-invoicing has been mandated at a national level since mid-2019, meaning that all Member State government agencies must be able to receive and manage electronic invoices.

Elsewhere, here’s the timeline for B2B e-invoicing in the country:

  • From January 2025, all German taxpayers must be able to receive electronic invoices from their suppliers.
  • From January 2027, all German taxpayers with an annual turnover of over EUR 800,000 must issue electronic invoices.
  • From January 2028, all German taxpayers must issue and receive electronic invoices.

When transacting with federal contracting authorities, you should send an electronic invoice through the relevant state’s individual transmission platform.

Setting up e-invoicing in Germany with Sovos

B2B e-invoicing has yet to be implemented in Germany, but it provides yet another obligation for organisations to meet once it is. Then, consider the other countries where you do business and the stages they may be at in their tax digitization journeys.

One solution is to pay attention to evolving mandates and regulations everywhere you operate. The more freeing solution is to appoint a single tax compliance partner, like Sovos, to do the busy work for you.

Trusted by the world’s best companies, including half the Fortune 500, Sovos’ solutions provide global compliance through local expertise.

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Greece e-invoicing

Electronic invoicing is mandatory for B2G supplies and optional for B2B and B2C supplies.

However, the Greek authorities are on the way to implementing a nationwide B2B e-invoicing mandate as part of the e-invoicing reform. The reform started in 2020 with the roll-out of the country’s e-audit scheme called myDATA.

E-invoicing requirements across B2G, B2B and B2C transactions vary, making it a demanding task to stay on top of compliance with the country’s e-invoicing regulations. This page details the current status quo and will be updated as changes are enforced – be sure to bookmark it and revisit it to stay compliant.

At a glance: E-invoicing in Greece

Greece B2G e-invoicing

CTC Type

E-invoicing through an accredited e-invoicing service provider



Format of e-invoice

EN-compliant, PEPPOL BIS 3.0 (Greek CIUS)

eSignature Requirement


Archiving Requirement

5 years

Greece B2B e-invoicing

E-invoicing/CTC Type

Post-audit/Voluntary CTC e-invoicing (via an accredited e-invoicing service provider)


Exchange not regulated (unless CTC e-invoicing is used)

Format of e-invoice

E-invoice format not regulated (EN-compliant, if CTC e-invoicing is used)

eSignature Requirement


Archiving Requirement

5 years

Greece B2C e-invoicing

Greece does not have a mandate for e-invoicing as far as B2C transactions are concerned. Fiscal devices currently used for issuing compliant invoices for B2C sales must follow new technical requirements for the connection and real-time reporting of B2C sales data to the myDATA platform (new generation online tax mechanisms).

E-Invoicing regulations in Greece

In Greece, there are several regulations relating to electronic invoicing. The regulations include:

  • The transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU mandates the government sector to receive electronic invoices.
  • Joint Ministerial Decision No. 52445 ΕΞ/2023, mandating the use of e-invoices for all sales made to the government.
  • Joint Ministerial Decision no. 63446/2021 (as amended by Joint Ministerial Decision no. 31781ΕΞ2022/2022), specifies the e-invoice format for B2G transactions which is compliant with the European standard (EN 16931).
  • The Ministerial Decision No. 1017/2020 specifies the e-invoice format for B2B transactions in the nation.
  • The Ministerial Decision No. A.1035/2020 dictates rules and regulations for accredited e-invoicing service providers.

Timeline: B2G e-invoicing adoption in Greece

The tax authority has rolled out the B2G e-invoicing mandate in phases. The mandate covers most public contracts, from defense to general supplies and services. The gradual implementation has been concluded according to the following calendar:

  • As of 12 September 2023, suppliers to some major government agencies (e.g. Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Migration and Asylum, etc.).
  • As of 1 January 2024, suppliers to all central government agencies.
  • From 1 June 2024, suppliers to all other government authorities.
  • From 1 January 2025, other government expenses must be invoiced electronically (outside the scope of public procurement contracts).

Format of an e-invoice in Greece

Governments implement electronic invoices to simplify and standardise the transmission of data in transactions, and Greece is no different. The e-invoice format in B2G transactions is based on the European standard for e-invoicing (EN 16931) and PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0. The format of a B2B e-invoice in Greece is not regulated and largely falls in line with the obligations of the EU VAT Directive. Invoices must include information such as:
  • Issuance date
  • Date of supply
  • Supplier’s VAT number
  • Names and addresses of both supplier and customer
  • Full description and quantities of goods
  • Net taxable value
  • VAT rate and amount
CTC e-invoicing via an accredited e-invoicing service provider for B2B transactions is voluntary. While Greece has yet to implement a nationwide B2B mandate, it has a set standard and format for taxpayers who issue e-invoices voluntarily. The e-invoice must be in a structured format compliant with the European standard.

Process of B2G e-invoicing in Greece

If you do business with a public sector entity in Greece, you must issue invoices electronically. Doing so requires you to follow a set process:

  1. Prepare the e-invoice data and send it to the accredited e-invoicing service provider.
  2. The e-invoicing service provider validates the invoice data before submitting it, using the respective services of the National Interoperability Center (KED), which is responsible for receiving all e-invoices by suppliers through the PEPPOL network.
  3. The e-invoicing service provider reports certain invoice data in a structured format and according to specific technical specifications to the myDATA platform for clearance and receives back a unique registration number (MARK).
  4. The e-invoicing service provider prepares the e-invoice based on the European standard, according to the Joint Ministerial Decision no. 63446/2021 (as amended by Joint Ministerial Decision no. 31781ΕΞ2022/2022).
  5. The e-invoicing service provider submits the e-invoice to the Access Point of the National Interoperability Center through the PEPPOL network.
  6. The National Interoperability Center receives and validates the e-invoice according to the European standard and national rules for e-invoicing.
  7. The National Interoperability Center routes the e-invoice to the competent contracting authority.
  8. The competent contracting authority handles the e-invoice according to their internal procurement and payment process.
  9. Upon receipt of the e-invoice, the contracting authority sends a response message regarding the status of the e-invoice back to the supplier through the National Interoperability Centre and his e-invoicing service provider.

Benefits of using e-invoicing in Greece

Greece provides incentives for using CTC e-invoicing through accredited service providers, as per Law 4701/2020, for the 2020-2024 tax years.

These incentives include a reduction of the statute of limitation for fiscal matters by two years and a depreciation of twice the cost incurred for acquiring technical equipment and software required to implement electronic invoicing.

Implementing e-invoicing can also be beneficial by automating and standardising your processes, reducing the chance of clerical errors and freeing up resources.

Future of e-invoicing in Greece

Following the steps of other EU countries, Greece has applied for an authorization from the EU to implement a country-wide B2B domestic e-invoicing mandate. The country is close to receiving this derogation, with the final approval from the Council of the EU still pending.

According to the EU Commission’s proposal for the derogation decision, Greece would be able to introduce mandatory B2B e-invoicing as early as July 2025. The mandate will target Greek established businesses and will function alongside the existing myDATA e-audit obligation.

The Greek government has not yet announced the official deadlines or regulatory framework for its upcoming B2B e-invoicing mandate, but this is now only a matter of time.

As many European countries seek to digitize their tax systems to increase transparency for tax authorities and reduce the VAT gap – Greece is moving in this same direction with changes on the horizon.

Additional obligations for VAT compliance in Greece

Electronic invoicing and myDATA are important obligations for taxpayers in Greece to be aware of, but there are more compliance needs that many need to meet.

Consider the evolving nature of tax regulations. The number of obligations and the chance of change make meeting your obligations an ongoing, demanding task.

It’s vital that you are aware of what applies to your organisation, and how to stay on top of your requirements. Find out more about Greece VAT compliance through our dedicated overview, and bookmark the page to stay updated on any regulatory updates.


Electronic invoicing is mandatory for B2G supplies, as of September 2023, and optional for B2B and B2C supplies. However, invoice data for B2B, B2G and B2C supplies, and other accounting data must be reported to the myDATA platform.

Greece has requested EU authorization to implement mandatory domestic B2B e-invoicing, still pending final approval. If approved, implementation would be possible from July 2025.

Taxpayers who transact with the public sector (B2G) must issue electronic invoices based on the European standard.

The PEPPOL network must be used to exchange e-invoices between businesses and the public sector (B2G transactions).

Since 2021, companies established in Greece have been required to electronically report accounting data through the myDATA system. MyDATA is mandatory for all taxpayers subject to Greek accounting rules.

Greece’s myDATA is a reporting obligation of ledger-type data, and it is not to be confused with e-invoicing as it doesn’t require invoices to be issued and exchanged in electronic form.

Greece mandates e-invoices in B2G transactions and allows for invoices in B2B/B2C transactions to be issued and exchanged on paper or electronically, following the standard e-invoicing rules of the EU VAT Directive or the voluntary CTC e-invoicing scheme.

How Sovos can help

Sovos’ Compliance Cloud is a complete platform for tax compliance and regulatory reporting. The platform provides one place to identify, determine and report on global tax obligations, including those in Greece.

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The Italian Customs Authorities recently updated their national import system by applying the new European Union Customs Data Model (EUCDM). These new changes came into effect on 9 June 2022.

According to the new procedure, the old model of paper import declarations has been abolished. The import declarations are now transmitted to the Italian Customs Authorities’ information system with a digital signature.

What does this mean in practice?

The acceptance of a customs declaration is notified to the economic operator (that can be the importer, the Customs Agent, etc.) through a Master Reference Number (MRN), an alphanumeric string of 18 characters.

The old IM message (telematic track to be submitted at the time of the import to the Italian Customs Authorities through the Customs Telematic Service (i.e. Servizio telematico doganale (STD)) has been replaced by the following paths as defined by EU legislation:

How can I know how much import VAT is due on goods imported from outside the EU into Italy?

At the time of the release of the goods, Italian Customs Authorities make available the “summary statement for accounting purposes of the customs declaration” (prospetto di riepilogo ai fini contabili della dichiarazione doganale). The summary includes all data necessary to detect customs duties, import VAT and any other charges due.

The summary mentioned above is made available to the importer and the declarant/representative in the reserved area of the single portal of Italian Customs Authorities through the “Document management – customs declarations” service.

We recommend that importers contact their Customs Agent to receive a copy of this summary for their accounting purposes.

How and when can I recover my Italian import VAT?

As per Italian VAT Law, possessing a Single Administrative Document (SAD) is needed to exercise the right to recover import VAT in Italy. As the SAD is now unavailable, Italian Customs Authorities, in agreement with the Italian Revenue Agency, agreed that the new accounting summary is sufficient to allow the importer to exercise the right to recover the import VAT.

Therefore, the new accounting summary is needed to exercise your right to recover the import VAT paid to the Italian tax authorities.

Moreover, the right to recover import VAT is exercised only once the summary is reported in the Purchase VAT Ledger as per art. 25 of Italian VAT Law.

Finally, the import document must be included in your quarterly VAT return and your annual VAT return which must mirror your Italian VAT Ledgers.

To ensure your import VAT is not lost, we recommend considering that the last day to recover the import VAT, related to an import of goods carried out in 2022, is 30 April 2023.

Further documents introduced from June 2022

In addition to the Summary Prospetto di riepilogo ai fini contabili della dichiarazione doganale, discussed above, economic operators will be able to receive:

Italian Customs Authorities advise customs operators to provide the Prospetto di svincolo to transporters as proof of the fulfilment of customs formalities in the case of checks.

Take Action

Speak to our team if you have any questions about the latest Italian importing requirements and their impact on your business’s compliance.

Since 1993, supplies performed between Italy and San Marino have been accompanied by a set of customs obligations. These include the submission of paperwork to both countries’ tax authorities.

After the introduction of the Italian e-invoicing mandate in 2019, Italy and San Marino started negotiations to expand the use of e-invoices in cross-border transactions between the two countries. Those negotiations have finally bore fruit, and details are now available.

Building SDI connectivity to San Marino

Italy and the enclaved country of San Marino will abandon paper-based customs flows.

The Italian and Sammarinese tax authorities have decided to implement a “four-corner” model, whereby the Italian clearance platform SDI will become the access point for Italian taxpayers, while a newly created HUB-SM will be the SDI counterpart for Sammarinese taxpayers.

Cross-border e-invoices between the countries will be exchanged between SDI and HUB-SM. The international exchange system will be enforced on 1 July 2022, and a transition period will be in place between 1 October 2021 and 30 June 2022.

FatturaPA: The format of choice

HUB-SM’s technical specifications are now available for imports from Italy to San Marino, and exports from San Marino to Italy. The countries have also decided to choose FatturaPA as the e-invoice format, although content requirements for export invoices from San Marino will slightly differ from domestic Italian FatturaPA e-invoices.

The SDI and HUB-SM systems will process e-invoices to and from taxpayers connected to them, or under each country’s jurisdictions.

In other words, Italian taxpayers will send and receive cross-border invoices to or from San Marino via the SDI platform, while Sammarinese taxpayers will perform the same activities via HUB-SM.

Both platforms will deliver invoices to the corresponding taxpayers through the Destination Codes assigned by the respective tax authorities. This means HUB-SM will also assign Destination Codes for Sammarinese companies.

Integration documents for Sammarinese companies

Inspired by the Italian methodology for fiscal controls in cross-border transactions, San Marino will require Sammarinese buyers to fill out an additional integration document (similar to a “self-billing” invoice created for tax evidence reasons) upon receipt of the FatturaPA. This document will be filled out in a new XML-RSM format created by the enclave and sent to HUB-SM.

After the larger rollout of the SDI for B2B transactions in 2019, the platform has proven capable of adapting to new workflows and functionalities.

Since last year, e-purchase orders from the Italian National Health System have been exchanged through the NSO, an add-on to the SDI platform. In January 2022, the FatturaPA replaces the Esterometro as a cross-border reporting mechanism.

SDI has already debuted in the international arena through the acceptance of the e-invoices following the European Norm, which are mapped into a FatturaPA before being delivered to Italian buyers. This integration between SDI and HUB-SM might also reveal the early steps of interoperability between both tax authorities’ platforms for cross-border trade.

Take Action

Get in touch with our experts who can help you understand how SDI and HUB-SM will work together.

Download VAT Trends: Toward Continuous Transaction Controls to find out more about the future of tax systems around the world.

Italy postpones e-document legislation until 2022. In September 2020, Italy introduced major changes to the country’s rules on the creation and preservation of electronic documents. These new requirements were expected to be enforced on 7 June 2021 however the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) has now decided to postpone the introduction of the new rules until 1 January 2022.

The new ‘Guidelines for the creation, management, and preservation of electronic documents’ (“Guidelines”) regulate different aspects of an electronic document. By following the Guidelines, businesses benefit from the presumption that their electronic documents will provide full evidence in court.

The postponement of the introduction of the Guidelines is a reaction from the AGID to claims of local organizations who have particularly expressed concern about the obligation to associate metadata with e-documents. The Guidelines set forth an extensive list of metadata fields for keeping alongside e-documents in a way that will enable interoperability.

Metadata requirements modified

In addition to delaying the introduction of the new e-document legislation, the AGID has also modified metadata requirements. They included new pieces of metadata and changing the description of some fields. The AGID has also corrected references – especially to standards – and rephrased statements to clarify some obligations.

The updated Guidelines and their corresponding Appendices are available on the AGID website.

Take Action

Get in touch to discuss e-invoicing requirements in Italy.

Anyone predicting Italy’s clearance model e-invoicing system,  FatturaPA, would undergo further reform would be right. Agenzia delle Entrate – AdE, the Italian tax authority, has issued new technical specifications and schemas for Italian B2B and B2G e-invoices. But – what do these changes really mean? And what impact do they have on business processes?

Technical and content updates

Over recent weeks, three updates have been introduced:

  1. A new version 1.6 of the FatturaPA B2B XML format
  2. A new version 1.3 of the FatturaPA B2G XML format; and
  3. A new version 1.8 of the technical specifications for the SDI platform.

The inclusion of withholding taxes (especially social contributions) is one of the new content requirements for the B2B and B2G XML formats. There are also 12 new document types (including self-billed invoices and integration documents) and a further 17 new nature of transactions options (such as reasons for exemptions and reverse charges).

These content updates now require Italian companies to have a deeper understanding of the Italian tax system. The changes impact the moment taxpayers classify their supplies: under the current model, Italian companies don’t have to worry about this until the submission of their VAT returns but under the new schema this classification will be performed in real-time. These updates are likely to impact business processes.  They are a necessary next step in paving the way ahead of the upcoming introduction of pre-completed VAT returns, an initiative largely considered to eliminate administrative burden and make life easier for most Italian businesses.

In parallel, further changes resulting from the new versions of the FatturaPA formats have a technical impact on businesses, demanding IT implementation readiness. Among the technical updates are the inclusion of additional fields, length of content, permitted characters, shifting from optional to mandatory field fulfillment and vice-versa, and how often a field can be repeated.

The new technical specifications also introduced new validations that will be performed by the Sistema di Interscambio – SDI, the Italian government-platform responsible for clearance of e-invoices. Most of the new validations check the content of the e-invoice against document types and the indicated nature of the transactions and require taxpayers to eventually be able to understand, process and react accordingly to new errors.

Implementation deadlines

The SDI platform will start processing B2B invoices in the new FatturaPA format from 4 May 2020, but the AdE will enforce use of the new schema on 1 October 2020, triggering new validations and errors only after this date as per the Provvedimento from 28 February 2020.  Different deadlines apply to B2G invoices, unless of course the AdE publishes new transition rules for these invoices before that date. The enforcement of the new schema for B2G invoices is set to begin on 1 May 2020.

In practice, the effect of these deadlines mean that while the schemas for B2B and B2G invoices are indeed the same from a technical perspective, taxpayers will must be ready for different deadlines and be prepared to work with two different invoice schemas from 1 May until 4 May.

Important update

On 12 March (after this blog was posted), AdE has republished version 1.3 of the FatturaPA B2G technical specifications. Although the version number remains the same, the republished version states a new effective date for the new B2G schema: 4 May. With enforcement of the B2G schema on 4 May, the SDI platform will be able to process both B2G and B2B schemas simultaneously, and not on different dates, as informed previously.

Take Action

To find out more about what we believe the future holds, download Trends in Continuous VAT Compliance.

Italy has been at the forefront of B2G e-invoicing in Europe ever since the central e-invoicing platform SDI (Sistema di Interscambio) was rolled out and made mandatory for all suppliers to the public sector in 2014.

While a number of its European neighbours are slowly catching up, Italy is continuing to improve the integration of new technologies with the public administration’s processes. Its latest move is to make e-orders mandatory in public procurement. By leveraging the successful use of the public administrations’ Purchase Orders Routing Node platform (Nodo di Smistamento degli Ordini, or NSO) in the Emilia-Romagna region, Italy is now extending the functionality throughout the country.

E-ordering for purchases beyond healthcare products

As of 1 October 2019, all purchase orders from the Italian National Health System (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, or SSN) must be delivered to and received by suppliers through the NSO platform. The suppliers affected by the mandate will be required to receive e-orders from public entities; the public administration will not proceed with the liquidation and payment of invoices issued by non-compliant companies. It is noteworthy that the mandate covers all purchase orders made by entities associated with the SSN, including office supplies and electronics, and not just health-related products.

In addition to mandatory receipt of e-orders, suppliers will also be able to send messages to the public administration. In cases where suppliers and the public administration have previously agreed, the supplying company may send pre-filled e-orders to the public administration buyer, which will confirm or reject the proposed supply.

Foreign suppliers and the new e-ordering mandate

Moreover, foreign suppliers must also comply with this mandate. The NSO mandate will have some impact on e-invoicing for Italian public administrations seeing as certain e-order data must be included in the e-invoices that are transmitted through the SDI.

The NSO system is built upon the existing SDI infrastructure, and as a result, the communication with the NSO requires similar channel accreditation as the SDI. Suppliers and intermediaries already performing the transmission of messages through the SDI platform are required to comply with complementary accreditation requirements, which are yet to be published. Furthermore, the technical specifications show that PEPPOL intermediaries may interact with the NSO platform through an Access Point service accredited with the NSO.

Take Action

Learn how Sovos helps companies handle e-invoicing and other mandates in Italy and all over the world. To find out more about what we believe the future holds, download the Sovos eBook on Trends: e-invoicing compliance.

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Companies struggling to meet Italy’s electronic invoicing deadline of January 1 will get some relief from financial penalties if they can’t immediately issue invoices at the moment of supply, but it seems the Italian Tax Authority will not delay rolling out the system.

The government had stated that invoices that did not comply with the new mandate after January 1 would be subject to penalties ranging from 90 to 180 percent of the applicable tax. The tax authority will consider invoices not correctly formatted or not issued through the new SDI reporting system to be non-compliant.

But many businesses, especially smaller firms, have had trouble transitioning from their existing processes to the new e-invoicing framework that requires real-time e-invoice clearance through the state-operated Sistema di Interscambio, or SDI, platform.

In response to business concerns, the government is opening up to a grace period of sorts: Instead of postponing the e-invoicing roll-out as such, Italy will waive penalties for delayed clearance transmission. Furthermore, as of July 2019, Italy will loosen the main rule for when an invoice must be issued, which effectively will allow businesses more flexibility in the e-invoicing process.

Businesses get a grace period for Italian electronic invoicing penalties

The new rules on penalties allow for a short grace period. The tax authority will not apply penalties for e-invoices that are issued and cleared by the SDI within the VAT liquidation period to which the invoice belongs – in other words, by the 15th of the following month in which the invoice should be issued and consequently cleared (according to  Decree n. 100 from 1998, updated in 2018). For e-invoices that the SDI issues and clears by the end of the following VAT liquidation period (usually the end of the following month), the tax authority will reduce the penalty by 80 percent.

For example, if a business can’t transmit invoices in compliance on January 1, it can delay the clearance transmission of an invoice that should have been issued to February 15 without any penalties for the delay. If the business still needs more time, it can delay the clearance transmission of invoices through the SDI until March 15 and pay an 80 percent reduction of the regular penalty.

Italy eases timing of electronic invoicing issuance

Italy is also loosening its requirement for the timing of issuing an invoice. Since 1972, Italian VAT law has stated that suppliers must issue invoices to the government at the point of supply. However, beginning in July, suppliers will be able to issue invoices through the SDI platform within 10 days of supply. Invoices not cleared by SDI are not valid for fiscal purposes, so taking 10 days to issue an invoice could cause delays in receiving payment.

For companies doing business in Italy, the relief is welcome, but it is also a sign that Italian e-invoicing is moving forward on schedule. That means companies with Italian operations need to get their systems ready to comply with the new mandate or face penalties by mid-February.

Takeaways: What this means for doing business in Italy

What is also clear from the latest developments is that e-invoicing regulations in Italy can change at any time. The problem becomes exponentially more difficult to solve when businesses figure in similar changes happening all over the world. Adopting a system that automates e-invoicing and provides a single source of truth for data in both accounts payable and accounts receivable is essential.

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Sovos has been keeping companies in compliance in Italy for more than a decade. Find out how Sovos saves clients from penalties, cancelled shipments and other potentially expensive e-invoicing pitfalls.