
Turkey: E-Fatura and E-Arşiv Cancellations and Objections Guidelines Update

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) has published updated guidelines on the cancellation and objection of e-fatura and e-arsiv invoice. Two different guidelines are updated: guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-fatura and guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-arsiv. The updated guidelines inform taxable persons about the new procedures […]

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How to Navigate Marine Insurance IPT Treatment across Europe

There are a variety of different approaches to Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) treatment for marine insurance across Europe. Before looking at how individual countries treat marine insurance, it is worth noting the challenges in determining the country entitled to levy IPT and any associated charges. The location of risk relating to marine vessels falls within […]

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stairs with Spanish flag in a Spanish town
IPT in Spain: An Overview

Update: 9 March 2023 by Hector Fernandez IPT in Spain is complex. Navigating the country’s requirements and ensuring compliance can feel a difficult task. Sovos has developed this guide to answer prominent and pressing questions to help your understanding of Insurance Premium Tax in the country. Originally created following a Spain IPT webinar we hosted, […]

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ACA reporting 2022
Mandatory Transition to E-Invoice and E-Arşiv Invoice Applications for Healthcare Organisations in Turkey

An amendment in the General Communiqué No. 509 has announced healthcare service providers and taxpayers providing medical supplies and medicines or active substances must use the e-invoice application from 1 July 2021. The mandated scope for transition to e-invoice and e-arşiv invoice applications in the healthcare industry Published in the Official Gazette the implementation will […]

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Italy Postpones E-Document Legislation
Italy Postpones E-Document Legislation

Italy postpones e-document legislation until 2022. In September 2020, Italy introduced major changes to the country’s rules on the creation and preservation of electronic documents. These new requirements were expected to be enforced on 7 June 2021 however the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) has now decided to postpone the introduction of the new rules […]

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VAT Trends: CTCs and Their Impact on Business Today
VAT Trends: CTCs and Their Impact on Business Today

This blog is an excerpt from Sovos’ Annual VAT Trends report. Please click here to download your complimentary copy in full. VAT requirements and their relative importance for businesses have changed significantly in recent years. For data that is transactional in nature, the overall VAT trend is clearly toward various forms of continuous transaction controls […]

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EU Council Approves DAC7 Rules on Digital Platform Tax Reporting

On 22 March 2021 the EU Council approved DAC7, which establishes EU-wide rules meant to improve administrative cooperation in taxation. In addition, the Directive addresses additional challenges posed by a growing digital platform economy. What is DAC7? In 2011, the EU adopted Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation in the EU […]

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Russia Introduces Mandatory E-Invoicing From 1 July 2021
Russia Introduces Mandatory E-Invoicing From 1 July 2021

Russia introduces a new e-invoicing system for traceability of certain goods on 1 July 2021. Federal Law No. 371-FZ will amend the Russian Tax Code to introduce the new procedure for the traceability system, which will bring the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing for taxpayers dealing with traceable goods. Since its introduction, B2B e-invoicing in Russia […]

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Reflection on Insurance Premium Tax Rate Increases – What’s Next for Europe?

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when new taxes or tax rate increases will happen. Covid-19 has impacted almost everything, including a massive deficit in the economy. Many banks have applied negative interest and governments have put funding in place to aid recovery. It’s highly likely that tax authorities will be looking at ways to bring […]

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Croatia’s fiscalization system Cash transaction monitoring made easier
Croatia: Electronic Invoicing and Fiscalization

Update: 25 August 2023 by Carolina Silva Croatia to Introduce E-Invoicing and CTC Reporting System According to official sources from the Ministry of Finance, the Croatian tax authority will introduce a decentralised e-invoicing model alongside a continuous transaction control (CTC) real-time reporting system of invoice data to the tax authority. This move is part of […]

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VAT Trends: CTCs and Their Impact on Business Today
A Brief History of VAT Digitization and the VAT Gap

VAT accounts for 15-40% of all public revenue globally. We estimate that the global VAT gap – i.e. lost VAT revenue due to errors and fraud – could be as high as half a trillion Euros. The GDP of countries like Norway, Austria or Nigeria are at a similar level and this VAT gap is […]

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Possible Consequences of not Reviewing Contracts Post-Brexit

Given the complexity of international VAT and the potential risk, pitfalls and associated costs, finance directors face a predicament. Unlike direct taxes, which tend to be retrospectively determined, VAT is effectively calculated in real-time. It’s linked to various aspects of the supply chain. If the related transaction has incorrect VAT calculations or erroneous codes, these […]

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How the World can Meet the Post COVID-19 Automation Challenge

It’s good to see light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, it’s too little, too late for many smaller – but also plenty of larger – companies. Thousands couldn’t weather the storm because they were particularly dependent on human contact. Others were affected disproportionally simply because COVID-19 hit them just as they traversed a […]

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OSS and the EU E-Commerce VAT Package: What you need to know about the upcoming changes

The EU introduces the E-Commerce VAT Package and OSS on 1 July 2021. The previous delay from 1 January 2021 was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is far from resolved with many Member States still suffering significantly with wide-ranging restrictions in place in many countries. Regardless, the European Commission’s current plan is to press ahead […]

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VAT Trends: CTCs and Their Impact on Business Today
VAT and its Challenges

The basic principle of value added tax (VAT) is that the government gets a percentage of the value that is added at each step of an economic chain, which ends with the consumption of the goods or services by an individual. While VAT is paid by all parties in the chain, including the end customer, […]

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Five things businesses need to consider about the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The UK entered into a new relationship with the EU on 1 January 2021. The Transition Period ended and the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) came into force. The UK fully implemented this into law but applied on a provisional basis by the EU. The European Parliament needs to ratify it. This is due […]

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Brexit Myth Busting: Separating the Fact From Fiction for all Things Tax

There is a plethora of misinformation and misconceptions surrounding Brexit and tax. The aim of this blog is to dispel such myths and clear up any confusion. We will dig deeper into news stories to explain the facts and keep you informed. Brexit Myth 1 – Brexit’s unique taxation regime for EU imports The story: […]

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How the EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement Affects Business

The EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA) was finally agreed on 24 December 2020. A week before the end of the transition period. Fully implemented into UK law, but the TCA remains provisional. It needs to be ratified in the European Parliament. Therefore it applies on a provisional basis until 28 February 2021. The TCA […]

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