We hope you found last month’s update on our product roadmap helpful. Our teams are always studying up on regulatory changes to help you stay compliant. Here’s a selection of updates from the past few months.
- Arizona: We've retired the XML version of the state TPT-2 Privilege Tax Report since it's not compatible with the state site.
- Colorado:
- We've fixed some issues with location codes on the state Retail Sales Tax Return.
- The new DR-1786 Retail Delivery Fee Return is now available for paper or eFiling.
- We have fixed a bug that prevented tax due from showing correctly in the preview for the Colorado DR-0100 Sales Tax Return (taxes were calculated accurately on the returns themselves).
- We've fixed an issue preventing Line 14 from populating correctly on the state Retail Sales and Use Tax Return.
- We made minor changes to form DR-0448: Wine Shipper Return, in line with state revisions.
- Connecticut: We now support cider products on the state Direct Shipping Report.
- Georgia: The state has changed rates on form ST3 for Calhoun (3%), Haralson (4%), and Pike (2%).
- Idaho:
- The name of state form 1754 has changed to Wholesalers, Wineries, Direct Shippers, and Brewers of Beer over 5% Alcohol by Volume Tax Return.
- We've updated state form 1754: Distributors, Wholesalers, Wineries, Direct Shippers, and Brewers of Beer over 5% Alcohol by Volume Tax Return to ensure it's in line with state changes.
- Iowa: We've updated the Iowa Sales and Use Tax Return with minor changes.
- Kansas: We have updated the mailing address for the state LE-3 Liquor Enforcement tax return.
- Louisiana: We've updated state form R-1029 Sales and Use Tax Return with minor changes to reflect the new state template.
- Maine: We have updated the Maine Division of Liquor Licensing & Enforcement - Report of Shipments to include a state-required PDF with invoice numbers.
- Montana: We now support the new state Hard Cider Tax Return for sellers of cider 7% ABV or less.
- North Dakota: The city of Steele's tax rate for the Sales and Use tax report has increased from 2% to 2.5%.
- Ohio: We've fixed an issue where direct shipments on the ALC-83 Beer and Malt Beverage Tax Return (DtC) were populating on the wrong schedule.
- Oregon: We have updated the state OLCC DS-1 Direct Shipper Statement and Schedule to ensure combo sales are accurately represented.
- Tennessee: We now support the state vendor compensation credit for timely filing of report SLS-450. The credit is equal to 2% of state tax due, with a maximum of $25.
- Virginia: We've added the city of Danville as a new jurisdiction to the state ST8/ST9 Sales and Use Tax Report.
- Washington:
- We've updated the following tax rates on the state Combined Tax Return: Kittitas County (1.6%), Everett RTA (3.4%), Bothell/Snohomish (4%), Snohomish County non-RTA (1.4%).
- We have made some changes to the state Combined Tax Return for direct shippers that don't have physical or economic nexus in Washington.
We appreciate your continued business and partnership!