How and Where Can I Legally Ship Spirits DtC?

Lizzy Connolly | March 14, 2023

While the first annual Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Spirits Shipping Report, presented by Sovos ShipCompliant and the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA), found that 80% of regular craft spirits drinkers would purchase spirits for DtC shipping monthly if permitted in their state, it’s not necessarily as apparent to producers how they can legally ship spirits DtC.

We’ve outlined key things to keep in mind around shipping spirits directly to consumers, ensuring your business stays compliant through the entire process.

Which states allow DtC spirits shipping?

As of March 2023, eight states and Washington, D.C. allow interstate DtC spirits shipping. The states that allow shipments to a consumer’s home are:

Rules vary from one state to the next

Remember that state regulations can differ – just because a state allows DtC wine or beer shipping does not automatically mean that it allows DtC spirits shipping. Furthermore, a state may allow DtC spirits shipping, but with certain caveats. For example, Arizona only permits spirits to be shipped DtC by distilleries producing less than 20,000 gallons of spirits per year. Ensure that you adhere to the rules of the state where the consumer will receive the product shipment.

Age verification is necessary

Regardless of the state in which you are shipping spirits, some level of age verification will be required. This could include ID checks at the point of delivery, collecting recipient signatures or both. There are also some states that require point-of-sale (POS) age checks – verify the state requirements before you start shipping products directly to consumers.

Shortcuts are not the answer

While third-party services are necessary to complete the DtC spirits shipping process, don’t assume that those organizations will iron out the details. If your company is found to be shipping products improperly, your company – not the third-party service – is the one that is going to be held responsible. Especially when a third-party says it has a “work around,” make sure you understand how the service works and what you will remain responsible for.

Take Action

Still unsure about how to legally ship spirits DtC? Learn how ShipCompliant Direct can help.