
2023 Direct-to-Consumer Spirits Shipping Report

The second annual Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Spirits Shipping Report, presented by Sovos ShipCompliant and the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA), finds that consumer desire for their favorite spirits to arrive at their front doors continues to grow. The report offers an in-depth analysis of a consumer poll and ACSA’s take on the opportunities for the market.

The Sovos ShipCompliant/Harris Poll consumer survey finds that 87% of regular craft spirits drinkers would purchase spirits for DtC shipping monthly if permitted in their state—an increase from the 80% who said the same in 2022. However, spirits DtC interstate shipping is still only available in eight states and Washington, D.

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Consumers continue to push against regulatory roadblocks

The survey revealed the following key takeaways:
  • Reform efforts once again bottled up. No state legislature passed a bill to open their DtC spirits shipping market in 2023. This is in contrast to the 82% of regular craft spirits drinkers saying it should be legalized – similar to the 79% who felt that way in 2022. California, Hawaii, New York and Texas have all made recent attempts to expand DtC spirits shipping but have not found permanent solutions.
  • Brand clout, free advertising and revenue: all lost. Along with positive brand association and word-of-mouth advertising that would come with the option of DtC spirits shipping, distilleries are also missing out on possible sales. The report found that 86% of regular craft spirit drinkers would be likely to try a new spirit from a distillery or purchase from a distillery more frequently (82%) if they offered DtC shipping.
  • Consumers are ready to put their money where their mouth is. Craft spirits DtC continues to be an underserved market. On average, regular craft spirits drinkers who are likely to purchase craft spirits via DtC would spend about $114 each month, or about $1,369 annually. Additionally, 75% reported that they would be likely to sign up for a spirits subscription club if DtC shipping was an option.

The Direct-to-Consumer Spirits Shipping Report also profiles DtC craft spirits drinker demographics. Download your complimentary copy of the report today for an in-depth look at the consumer and producer sides of this emerging market.

*These surveys were conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Sovos ShipCompliant from August 21-23, 2023 among 2,017 adults ages 21+, among whom 598 drink craft spirits/liquor at least once per month. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 4.7 percentage points using a 95% confidence level. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact helloship@sovos.com.