Market Ready

Simplify go-to-market complexities with automated project management and real-time government integration.

A Product For ...

Make your three-tier business more efficient

Reduce time spent on manual compliance processes as you expand into new states.

  • Streamlines and automates state product and brand label registrations
  • Integrates directly with 10+ government systems
  • Acts as a central repository for all brand compliance data
  • Provides a centralized project tool to keep track of state requirements and forms, and important license renewal deadlines
  • Guides you through all distribution compliance, including state license forms, brand registration requirements and tax compliance

Product Features & Benefits

Get Products to Market Efficiently

  • Prepare all forms for state product and brand label registrations with our step-by-step guide
  • Pre-populate all required fields and supporting documents, so all you have to do is print, file electronically or submit automatically
  • Streamline registration outputs with a single, consistent workflow

Additional Features

  • Streamline Project Management

    Centrally maintain all data needed to submit certificate of label approval (COLA) applications directly. Generate registrations for state requirements regardless of submission method: paper, eFile or Product Registration Online (PRO).

  • Improve Visibility for Your Team

    Identify common reasons for corrections, so federal registrations can be submitted right the first time, avoiding denials. View anticipated dates for state approvals to give your team accurate product launch timelines. Enable sales, distributors and other key stakeholders for any enforcement by seeing what products are approved at the federal and state levels.

  • Gain Insights into Products Coming to Market

    Instantly search all federally approved beverage alcohol labels with our LabelVision tool. Learn about products on or coming to market to assess competitive threats and opportunities. Prevent costly trademark disputes through proactive market research and monitoring.

Speed Filings with Direct Government Integration

  • Expedite filings using the only industry solution that integrates directly with 10+ government systems
  • Streamline with a COLA submission tool integrated directly to the TTB

Our Clients

Sovos ShipCompliant is the trusted beverage alcohol compliance partner for more than 2,000 wineries, breweries, distilleries, importers, distributors and more.

Want to go a little deeper?

This series of short videos takes you inside Market Ready and how it helps with COLAs, state and brand label registrations, solicitor management, label research and trademark monitoring, and more.

Check out Market Ready

Success Story: Left Hand Brewing

ShipCompliant Market Ready helped Left Hand Brewing remove guesswork and inefficient manual processes from its compliance efforts, ensuring reporting accuracy and timeliness.
Read the success story