The legal framework of SAF-T in Romania
The SAF-T mandate in Romania has been introduced through the amendment of the Fiscal Procedure Code, which foresees the obligation for taxpayers to submit a declaration containing information from the accounting and tax records.
The Fiscal Procedure Code also determines that the submission of the SAF-T file must be done electronically, leaving the remaining conditions to be determined by order of the ANAF.
Accordingly, ANAF has issued Order No. 1783, of 4 November 2021, which introduced the SAF-T reporting requirement from 1 January 2022. The Order provided the SAF-T Form D406, as well as the legal deadlines for submitting the various SAF-T files and the procedure and conditions for submission.
In these terms, the D406 file must be submitted electronically by generating an XML format file, which is submitted to a validation procedure, and preparing the corresponding D406 Form in PDF format.
The various SAF-T files can be submitted monthly, quarterly, annually and on-demand, depending on the VAT regime applicable to the taxpayer as well as on the type of file being submitted.