Content Library

Don’t just take our word for it. There’s a reason Sovos products are used by over half the Fortune 500 and the world’s smartest companies.

E-Book: What Is VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA)?

This VAT in the Digital Age eBook includes a deeper dive into the technology implications of ViDA and why technology is front and center of the discussion.

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ebook: VAT Digitization in Eastern Europe

Tax regulations in Eastern European countries are complex but that shouldn’t be a reason not to do business there. If you’re responsible for VAT compliance, this ebook provides key details of the varying VAT digitization mandates and business requirements across the region.

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Understanding European VAT Compliance

This e-book is the result of our tax experts’ research and is ready for you to download. It’s ideal for anyone involved in VAT compliance who is keen to learn more.

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SAF-T Global Standards
SAF-T International Standards: SAF-T Compliance

SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) is an international standard for the electronic reporting of accounting data from organisations to a national tax authority or external auditors used by tax administrations to gather granular data from businesses either on demand or periodically.

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Bridging the IT-Tax Compliance Gap

Sorting out indirect tax issues was not traditionally at the top of any IT organisation’s to-do list. Today that’s changed and new VAT compliance mandates being introduced at an increasing rate around the world have elevated its status.

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ebook: Preparing for France’s E-invoicing and E-reporting Mandate

France is now moving towards continuous transaction controls (CTCs), introducing mandatory e-invoicing coupled with e-reporting.

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ebook: Managed Services for VAT Compliance

Sovos’ end-to-end, technology-enabled VAT Managed Services can ease your compliance workload and mitigate risk where-ever you operate today, while ensuring you’re ready to handle the VAT requirements in the markets you intend to dominate tomorrow.

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Ebook: Simplify EU VAT with IOSS

The EU E-Commerce VAT Package came into effect on 1 July 2021. And with it, the need for operational change, business disruption and plenty of accounting complexity.

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Trends 13th Edition 2022

Welcome to the 13th edition of Sovos’ annual Trends report where we put a spotlight on current and near-term legal requirements across regions and VAT compliance domains.

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How Tax Compliance Impacts Supply Chain Globalisation

A detailed look into crucial elements of tax compliance – inform your VAT strategy and reap the benefits of an efficient global supply chain.

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eBook: IPT Compliance – A Guide for Insurers

Keeping up to date with the latest rates, rules, and regulation of Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) is a challenge for insurers. Not to mention this is especially complex for insurers writing across multiple territories.

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EU E-Commerce VAT Package: New Rules for 2021

From 1 July 2021, the existing Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) scheme transitions to a new framework. This is the 2021 EU e-commerce VAT package. This e-book guides you through the EU’s OSS, IOSS and the new VAT rules for e-commerce.
This edition of “Trends” is the first to expand its scope well beyond e-invoicing compliance to the full universe of continuous transaction controls, including e-archiving, and VAT determination and reporting.

Governments worldwide are moving rapidly toward adopting clearance e-invoicing, making them real-time trading partners in business-to-business transactions. At the same time, corporations are launching massive IT projects to migrate enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations to a powerful new generation of systems, including SAP S/4HANA.

As a result, VAT compliance has never been as complex or as critical as it is now. Companies that mishandle it risk halting or even reversing their own digital transformations. This report provides a path to compliance, as well as comprehensive updates on global mandates.

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Spain IPT: How to Stay Compliant in a Complex Tax Jurisdiction

Spain is one of the most complex countries within Europe for insurance premium tax compliance. The complexities and challenging means of reporting liabilities only adds to the difficulties for insurers writing policies in the country.

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Location of Risk Rules: Insurance Premium Tax

Download this eBook to learn why a robust calculation and apportionment procedure is key to compliance.

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