Climate-related events are an issue that impacts all industries, and the insurance industry is certainly no exception.
Beyond the challenges that insurers face in assessing the likelihood of weather-related events and natural disasters, there are also difficulties affecting Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) as countries look at ways to ensure they can fund responses to the consequences of these events. Some of these are not direct IPT measures but inevitably impact IPT, whereas others are direct IPT-related measures.
A gradual shift towards mandatory natural catastrophe insurance?
Natural catastrophe coverage is often an optional add-on to property insurance. In some countries, however, that is not the case – such coverage is mandatory. France and Spain are examples of this, with regimes in place involving the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR) and Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS), respectively.
Against a background of increasing costs due to natural disasters, recent months have seen other European countries follow suit with similar laws or proposals. Italy, for example, passed a law in late 2023 which requires companies to take out insurance policies by the end of 2024 to cover natural disasters occurring in the country. The government has authorised an Italian insurer to provide reinsurance of such risks like CCR in France, up to certain limits.
Germany and Slovenia have also seen resolutions or proposals for similar laws. In Germany, the Federal Council has called on the government to introduce mandatory natural catastrophe insurance. This is in light of the insurance protection gap relating to such coverage of properties. It remains to be seen whether the government will act based on this.
The increasing costs of weather-related events have triggered Slovenia’s national programme for protecting against natural disasters in the coming years, and a discussion of mandatory state insurance was recommended.
Additional premium amounts paid for natural catastrophe insurance can be expected to attract IPT and any applicable parafiscal charges due in these countries.
Changes in IPT due to increasing costs of climate-related events
Weather-related events have also been cited as a reason for various premium taxation changes. In France, the additional premium rates due on risks which trigger natural catastrophe coverage (property and fire, as well as certain motor coverage) are increasing. Most notably, for property and fire risks, the premium rate is increasing from 12% to 20%. As IPT is due on this additional premium, this will significantly increase the IPT due on these policies.
Climate-related issues have had a major impact on levies used to fund emergency services due on property insurance in some states in Australia, specifically New South Wales and Tasmania. There is increasing pressure to reform the levies (with mixed success) due to the spiraling costs of responding to natural disasters. The levies result in huge increases to premium values, so the Insurance Council of Australia, amongst others, has urged the states to find a more sustainable way to fund emergency services.
Sovos actively monitors changes that impact IPT and is best positioned to advise if you have any IPT queries. Contact our experts today for more information.