In Italy, the insurance premium tax (IPT) code (which is being revised as of the date of this blog’s publication) and various other laws and regulations include provisions for taxes/contributions on motor hull and motor liability insurance policies.
This article covers all you need to know about this specific indirect tax in the country.
As with our dedicated overviews of the taxation of motor insurance policies in Spain, Norway and Austria, this blog will focus on the specifics in Italy. We also have a blog covering the taxation of motor insurance policies across Europe.
Which taxes are payable concerning motor insurance policies in Italy?
In Italy, there are four types of charges payable on motor insurance policies:
- Insurance Premium Tax (IPT/RCA)
- Contributions to the Solidarity for Victims of Extorsion and Usury (CONSAP)
- Contributions to the Emergency Fund (EMER)
- Contributions to the Road Accident Victims` Fund (RAVF)
How are the taxes calculated for motor insurance policies in Italy?
Whilst motor insurance policies can include various coverages as add-ons, this blog’s main focus is on motor hull and motor liability.
- Motor Hull (Class 3)
Calculating taxes on land vehicles, i.e., motor hulls (Class 3), is simple. There is only IPT at 12.5% and CONSAP at 1%.
The taxable premium is the basis of these taxes. Both taxes are declared in the annual IPT return and payable monthly.
- Motor Liability (Class 10)
The taxation of insurance policies against civil liability arising from the circulation of motor vehicles is more complex.
The IPT rate (so called Responsabilità Civile Auto or RCA tax) is determined on a provincial level. Legislative Decree 6 May 2011, No. 68 quotes that the rate of the RCA tax is equal to 12.5%. However, this can be increased or decreased by the province or metropolitan city by a maximum of 3.5%. That is why RCA tax rates are sometimes referred to as a tax with a rate ranging from 9-16%.
In Italy, there are 20 regions, each with one or more autonomous provinces or cities. To complicate matters further, the province or city can modify the tax rates within the tax year.
CONSAP does not apply on motor liability policies, however EMER is at a rate of 10.5% with an additional 2.5% required for RAVF.
RCA and EMER are declared in the annual IPT return, and payments are due monthly.
Although RAVF is also declared annually, the declaration process differs, and there is also a prepayment obligation. The actual amount of RAVF depends on the management fee set annually by the Italian insurance supervisory body (IVASS) – the percentage of which is published during November for the next year.
As previously stated, IPT/RCA regulations are undergoing major renewal (during 2024). The legislation governing the tax provisions on private insurance and life annuities (Law 29 October 1961, No. 1216) is part of the Italian Government`s tax reform initiatives.
According to the available draft legislation, the IPT law will be divided into three parts:
- Minor taxes (technical aspects of this tax)
- Assessment rules (procedure rules)
- Penalty regulations
The government extended the deadline for enactment of the new regulation to the end of 2025.
What vehicles are exempt from tax in Italy?
There are not many exemptions available for IPT/RCA tax, nor for CONSAP, EMER and RAVF. However, cars registered in Italy to NATO Allied Force benefit from an exemption from IPT/RCA.
If you still have questions about the taxation of motor insurance policies or IPT in Italy, speak to our experts.