Colombia: Draft Law Proposes Expansion of E-invoicing Scope

Kelly Muniz
August 31, 2022

The Colombian tax authority (DIAN) continues to invest in the expansion of its CTC (continuous transaction controls) system. The latest update proposes an expansion of the scope of documents covered by the e-invoicing mandate.

In this article we’ll address the newly published Draft Resolution 000000 of 19-08-2022. This advances important changes for taxpayers covered by mandatory e-invoicing rules.

These draft changes include a new obligation to issue equivalent documents (documentos equivalentes) in electronic format, a schedule for its implementation, updated technical documentation and other significant developments, all of which require taxpayers to ready themselves to comply.

What will change for Colombian businesses with these new e-invoicing proposals?

Amongst many proposed changes, the draft resolution’s main purpose is to regulate the electronic issuance of the equivalent document.

These documents correspond to the sales invoice under Colombian law, but cover specific types of transactions and are regulated in the draft resolution, as follows:

  1. Cash register receipt generated with P.O.S systems
  2. Cinema admission ticket
  3. Passenger transport ticket
  4. Extract issued by trusts and fund companies
  5. Passenger air transport ticket
  6. Document in localised games
  7. Ballot, fraction, form, card, ticket or instrument issued in games of chance, other than localised games
  8. Document issued for the collection of toll payments
  9. Proof of settlement of operations issued by the Stock Exchange
  10. Document for operation of agricultural stock exchange and other commodities
  11. Document issued for domiciliary public services
  12. Entrance ticket to public shows and performing art shows
  13. Entrance ticket to other public shows

This means that all taxpayers subject to the Colombian e-invoicing mandate who issue one of these equivalent documents will be required to do so in an electronic format, according to the Technical Annex of the Electronic Equivalent Document version 1.0 (Anexo técnico del Documento Equivalente Electrónico), introduced by the draft.

Additionally, the draft provides an initial regulation of the electronic documents of the invoicing system (documentos electrónicos del sistema de facturación). These are documents that aid control by the tax and customs authority, to support tax or customs declarations and/or to support the procedures carried out before DIAN, under the provisions of subsection 1 of article 616-1 of the Tax Statute.

Finally, the technical specifications of the system’s main electronic invoice, the sales e-invoice, is updated to version 1.9 (Anexo técnico de la Factura Electrónica de Venta version 1.9).

Deadlines for Colombia’s e-invoicing proposals

The obligation to issue the equivalent document in electronic format will be implemented gradually, according to the type of equivalent document. It starts on 1 March 2023 and will cover all equivalent documents on 1 July 2023.

Early voluntary implementation will also be possible, once the functionality is available in DIAN’s system. Until the deadlines for the electronic implementation of the equivalent document are fulfilled, these must continue to be issued in accordance with Resolution No. 000042 of 2020.

The draft also sets a schedule for implementation of the electronic documents of the invoicing system, during the taxable years of 2023 and 2024. These documents will be further regulated in the six months following the validity of the official resolution, as well as the adoption of its technical annex, which hasn’t been presented with the draft resolution.

Lastly, the proposal establishes the deadline for implementation of the Technical Annex of the electronic sales invoice version 1.9 by taxpayers. This will be at least three months following its official publication.

What’s next for e-invoicing in Colombia?

The draft resolution, once officially published, will derogate DIAN Resolution No. 000042 of 2020 in all provisions that are contrary to it, except those related to equivalent documents, which will remain in force until the DIAN establishes their electronic implementation.

Taxpayers can also expect new legislation regulating the remaining electronic documents of the invoicing system, in the months following the official publication of this draft resolution.

Until then, companies should prepare for the significant upcoming changes and adjust their businesses processes to comply with the new Colombian mandate.

Take Action

Need help with evolving e-invoicing requirements in Colombia? Get in touch with our tax experts about how Sovos can help your business meet your VAT compliance obligations.

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Kelly Muniz

Kelly Muniz is a Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos, specializing in global e-invoicing developments. Originally from Brazil and currently based in Stockholm, Kelly holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and worked as a licensed lawyer in her home country. She also earned a Master’s Degree in EU Business Law from Lund University in Sweden.
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