
Greek E-Invoicing Reform: Potential Impact of Recent National Elections

On 7 July, Greece began voting to elect a new government.  The disposed governing left party has been dealt with a hefty blow having been in power since 2015.  It was hoped they would introduce less severe politics which many claim they have not only failed to do but, in fact, they actually introduced stricter […]

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From E-invoicing to E-ordering: New Mandate Coming to Italy in October

Italy has been at the forefront of B2G e-invoicing in Europe ever since the central e-invoicing platform SDI (Sistema di Interscambio) was rolled out and made mandatory for all suppliers to the public sector in 2014. While a number of its European neighbours are slowly catching up, Italy is continuing to improve the integration of […]

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French VAT Fraud Prevention Package to Include a New Attempt to Mandate B2B E-invoicing

The French Minister of Public Accounts and Action, which has authority over all tax matters, has taken advantage of the process that is required to transpose the EU E-Commerce Directive to launch a number of initiatives to curb VAT fraud, including a renewed attempt to create a system of mandatory e-invoicing. Going from B2G to […]

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France: New Mandatory Invoice Content Requirements Introduced

To help reduce delays in the payment of invoices, the French authorities by Ordinance No. 2019-359 of 24 April 2019 have clarified their invoicing rules to include two new mandatory content requirements.  These are in addition to those already in place. The two new requirements stipulated in the France invoice mandate are: 1) To provide […]

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Portugal‘s New E-Invoicing Rules Impact Archiving and Reporting

Beyond the implications outlined in our last blog, Decree-Law 28/2019 (the Decree-Law)  impacts areas beyond invoicing, introducing modifications to both archiving and the reporting of tax data. Mandatory electronic archiving A novelty of the Decree-Law is the explicit introduction of an obligation to archive electronic invoices in electronic format which in turn further promotes the […]

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Portugal Issues New E-Invoicing Rules: A Flavour of Clearance but Not Quite There

On 15 February 2019, Portugal published Decree-Law 28/2019 regarding the processing, archiving and dematerialisation of invoices and other tax related documents including: The mandatory use of certified invoicing software General requirements for paper and electronic invoices Dematerialisation of tax documentation Archiving of tax documentation (including ledgers, etc) Adjacent tax rules and obligations The decree aims […]

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Italy: Is a Last-Minute Moratorium on E-invoicing Fines on the Horizon?

There is no doubt that the roll out of the Italian clearance e-invoicing mandate has kept the e-invoicing market and local taxpayers on their toes. Compliance with the mandate’s legal and technical requirements is not an easy task to fulfil. Consequently, taxpayers of different sectors of the economy, as well as different stakeholders of the […]

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Mandatory E-invoicing in Greece: What to Expect

More than six months ago the Greek authorities announced their intention to introduce mandatory e-invoicing and e-bookkeeping rules, and enough information is now available to assess what the proposed rules will mean for Greece. Although formal legislation has yet to be published, it’s expected the new e-invoicing measures by the Independent Public Revenue Authority, the […]

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Italy Postpones Some Electronic Invoicing Penalties But Mandate Rollout Continues

Companies struggling to meet Italy’s electronic invoicing deadline of January 1 will get some relief from financial penalties if they can’t immediately issue invoices at the moment of supply, but it seems the Italian Tax Authority will not delay rolling out the system. The government had stated that invoices that did not comply with the […]

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Use Your HANA Migration to Solve Your Tax Challenges for Good

Companies dealing with complex sales and use tax determination, VAT regulations and other tax challenges across the globe know that SAP alone is not equipped to support the varying requirements from country to country. As SAP sunsets support and updates for ECC and R3, companies must move to HANA to keep their systems up to […]

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Why Our Acquisition of TrustWeaver is an Important Milestone in the Evolution of Modern Tax Software

By Andy Hovancik – President & CEO Today, we announced the acquisition of Stockholm-based TrustWeaver to create a clear leader in modern tax software. TrustWeaver has become a seal of approval for the world’s largest procure-to-pay and AP systems. This is a testament not only to the effectiveness of its e-invoicing software and integrations, but […]

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