
Mandatory Transition to E-Invoice and E-Arşiv Invoice Applications for Healthcare Organisations in Turkey

An amendment in the General Communiqué No. 509 has announced healthcare service providers and taxpayers providing medical supplies and medicines or active substances must use the e-invoice application from 1 July 2021. The mandated scope for transition to e-invoice and e-arşiv invoice applications in the healthcare industry Published in the Official Gazette the implementation will […]

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Italy Postpones E-Document Legislation

Italy postpones e-document legislation until 2022. In September 2020, Italy introduced major changes to the country’s rules on the creation and preservation of electronic documents. These new requirements were expected to be enforced on 7 June 2021 however the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) has now decided to postpone the introduction of the new rules […]

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Russia Introduces Mandatory E-Invoicing From 1 July 2021

Russia introduces a new e-invoicing system for traceability of certain goods on 1 July 2021. Federal Law No. 371-FZ will amend the Russian Tax Code to introduce the new procedure for the traceability system, which will bring the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing for taxpayers dealing with traceable goods. Since its introduction, B2B e-invoicing in Russia […]

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How the World can Meet the Post COVID-19 Automation Challenge

It’s good to see light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, it’s too little, too late for many smaller – but also plenty of larger – companies. Thousands couldn’t weather the storm because they were particularly dependent on human contact. Others were affected disproportionally simply because COVID-19 hit them just as they traversed a […]

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The Age of Automation: How Tech Can Support Finance Teams

Find out why it makes sense to invest in tech and automation to streamline tax processes and alleviate the burdens finance teams face. The shift towards digitisation necessitates a radical adaption and shift in existing tech for industries across the board. As this occurs, tensions and anxieties rise around automation and job losses. With Oxford […]

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France: How the EU’s 2nd Largest Economy Plans to go CTC

France is introducing continuous transaction controls (CTC). From 2023, France will implement a mandatory B2B e-invoicing clearance and e-reporting obligation. With these comprehensive requirements, alongside the B2G e-invoicing obligation that is already mandatory, the government aims to increase efficiency, cut costs, and fight fraud. Find out more. France shows a solid understanding of this complex […]

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Portugal: New Unique ID Number and QR Code Regulations Bring Challenges

As anticipated, further information has been published by the Portuguese tax authorities about the regulation of invoices. Last weeks’ news about the postponement of requirements established during the country’s mini e-invoice reform, and the withdrawal of a company’s obligation to communicate a set of information to the tax authority, culminated in the long-waited regulation about […]

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Greece: myDATA law is published as e-invoicing incentives are released

myDATA updates On 22 June, the joint Ministerial Decision that sets forth the myDATA framework was published. The decision specifies, among other things, the scope of application and applicable exemptions, the data to be transmitted, transmission methods and procedures, applicable deadlines and how transactions should be characterized. Starting from January 2021, the required data must […]

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E-invoicing Trends Across the Middle East and North Africa

Update: 20 November 2023 by Dilara İnal E-invoicing systems in the Middle East and North Africa are undergoing significant transformations, aiming to modernise the financial landscape and improve fiscal transparency. Recent updates have seen numerous countries implementing electronic invoicing solutions designed to streamline tax collection and reduce VAT fraud. E-invoicing Trends in the Middle East […]

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Turkey’s Digital Transformation and E-Invoicing Landscape

For companies operating in Turkey, 2019 was an eventful year for tax regulatory change and in particular, e-invoicing reform. Since it was first introduced in 2012, the e-invoicing mandate has grown, and companies are having to adapt in order to comply with requirements in 2020 and beyond. Turkey’s digital transformation and e-invoicing landscape continues to […]

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India E-Invoicing Reform Postponed Until 1 October 2020

With two weeks to go until the first mandatory phase of the Indian e-invoicing reform go live, the GST Council slammed the breaks. Or at least, bring it to a significant temporary standstill of 6 months. As a result, the India e-invoicing reform is now postponed until 1 October 2020 Following a long list of […]

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Italy Publishes New Specifications for the FatturaPA

Anyone predicting Italy’s clearance model e-invoicing system,  FatturaPA, would undergo further reform would be right. Agenzia delle Entrate – AdE, the Italian tax authority, has issued new technical specifications and schemas for Italian B2B and B2G e-invoices. But – what do these changes really mean? And what impact do they have on business processes? Technical […]

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Turkey Publishes e-Delivery Application Manual

In Turkey, the Revenue Administration (TRA) published the long-awaited e-Delivery Note Application Manual. The manual clarifies how the electronic delivery process will work in addition to answering frequently asked questions. It addresses the application as well as its scope and structure, outlines important scenarios and provides clarity for companies who are unclear about the adoption […]

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Greece Implements CTCs for Retailers with Online Cash Registers

The upcoming tax reform in Greece is expected to manifest itself in three continuous transaction control (CTC) initiatives. The myDATA e-books initiative, which entails the real-time reporting of transaction and accounting data to the myDATA platform which will in turn populate a set of online ledgers maintained on the government portal; Invoice clearance, which is […]

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Greece Publishes Accreditation Scheme for E-invoicing Service Providers

Certification of e-invoice service providers is an important first step and milestone ahead of the implementation of e-invoicing in Greece.  The Greek Government has now defined the regulatory framework for e-invoice service providers, their obligations, and a set of requirements needed to certify their invoicing software.  Find out what you need to know about the […]

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Will the myDATA Project be Delayed in Greece and Mandatory E-Invoicing be Introduced?

Two months after closing the public consultation on the myDATA scheme, the Greek tax authority, IAPR, has yet to share the feedback received from the industry on the proposed scheme or make any official announcement in this regard. However, local discussions indicate that, the IAPR may reintroduce its initial agenda proposed back in August 2018, […]

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The New Era in Greece’s Tax System

Greece made an important step to digitise its tax system and introduce an innovative platform for taxpayers to fulfil their tax obligations. The new platform will offer businesses a collaborative environment where the data they provide to the Greek Independent Authority of Public Revenues (IAPR) will not only affect their own books but will also […]

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France Takes First Steps Towards Mandatory B2B Electronic Invoicing

Back in June this year, many heads were turned when the French Minister of Public Accounts and Action, Gérald Darmanin, went on record stating that the French Government has the intention of making e-invoicing mandatory also for B2B transactions. Now it seems that the Government – spearheaded on this topic by Minister Darmanin as well as by the Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire – has moved from word to […]

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