
2024 Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report

The fourth annual Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report, presented by Sovos ShipCompliant and the Brewers Association, finds that consumer interest and intent for having their favorite brews shipped to their front doors has continued to grow steadily. The report offers an in-depth analysis of a consumer poll and an economist’s review of the direct-to-consumer (DtC) beer shipping market.

The Sovos ShipCompliant/Harris Poll consumer survey finds that state laws are not keeping up with consumer demand, as nearly nine in 10 (86%) craft beer drinkers believe that current laws in the U.S. should be updated to allow for legal beer DtC shipping in more than the 12 locales where it is currently legal.  Nearly eight out of 10 (79%) regular craft beer drinkers have tried a beer while traveling that they wish they could purchase but it’s not available near their home.  

Read the 2024 Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report now:

Missed revenue for states and craft brewers

States are missing out on tax revenue by not allowing DtC beer shipping. The numbers show that consumers are willing to spend money each month for craft beer to be shipped directly to their residence. In fact, 69% of those that would like to purchase beer via DtC shipping say they would spend $50 or more per month if they could, while 43% say they would spend $100 or more per month if DtC shipping were available in their home state. 

The survey revealed the following key takeaways:

  • Sustained interest for out-of-state brews. The majority of regular craft beer drinkers (60%) would be more likely to try beer from out-of-state breweries if DtC shipping was an option, similar to the 59% who said they would do so in 2023.

  • DtC shipping can lead to increased sales. Hear it straight from the source: 86% of regular craft beer drinkers say they would be likely to try a brewery’s latest beer if there were a DtC shipping option, with 83% saying they would be more likely to purchase more frequently from that brewery.

  • Craft beer drinkers appreciate the opportunity to buy brews directly, with 86% of respondents thinking more positively of a brewery who offers DtC shipping, and 70% who would likely post on social media about the brewery. 

The Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report also profiles DtC craft beer drinker demographics. Download your complimentary copy of the report today for an in-depth look at the consumer and producer sides of this emerging market.

*This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Sovos ShipCompliant between January 2-4, 2024, among 1,970 U.S. adults ages 21+, among whom 615 drink craft beer at least once per month. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 2.6 percentage points using a 95% confidence level. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact helloship@sovos.com.

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