This spring, we’re making major renovations. As part of our ongoing modernization initiative, we’ve redesigned the look and feel of all elements of ShipCompliant. Your compliance tools are still in the same place, but navigation is now on the left.
We’ve also made big improvements to License setup.
- You can now edit license information directly from the table. Double click on a field to edit and your changes will be saved automatically.
- Get visibility into your license statuses with quick filter buttons. You can see what’s required, expired or expiring soon.
- Update license information from the edit drawer and see a guide to state renewal with a checklist of requirements.
As usual, we stay on top of reporting and regulatory updates to keep you fully compliant:
- Nevada: We've updated the state Combined Sales and Use Tax Return with a new revision date.
- South Dakota: We've updated the state Quarterly Shipment Report A with minor changes.
We also:
- fixed a bug preventing edits to label information on federal registrations; and
- fixed a problem with Delivery Experience order statuses showing "Exception" rather than "2nd Delivery Attempt" for certain orders.
Thanks, as always, for your partnership.