Even in the summer, we’re never on vacation from tracking regulatory updates and changes. Here’s a selection of highlights and news from the last month.
- Nebraska: We've updated the due date for state forms 35-7080 Spirit and Wine Monthly Report and 35-7099 Beer Monthly Report in line with state changes. The reports are now due on the 25th of the month. We also added Nebraska wine and spirits registrations to Market Ready.
- New Jersey: For Market Ready, we added UPC information to New Jersey brand registration packets.
- New York: We've updated state form ST-810 and ST-100 State and Local Quarterly Sales and Use Tax Return with minor changes.
- South Carolina: We added cider products with ABVs less than 6% to the L-BW-I-4 Report of Wine Shipments.
- Vermont: We've added cider products to the Semi-Annual Reporting Form - Malt or Vinous Beverages Shipped to Consumers.
We also fixed a problem where container types were not showing on product exports.
(P.S. Not familiar with our Market Ready wholesale distribution solution? Check it out.)
Stay tuned for more on all of these regulatory changes and stay cool!
For detailed notes on monthly compliance and maintenance updates, check out the Product Updates section in your ShipCompliant Resource Center.