Here at Sovos ShipCompliant, we are always on top of regulatory changes and updates so you can keep your business effortlessly compliant.
- Alaska: We've fixed a formatting problem with the XML version of the state Form 500 Excise Tax Return. Also, we've fixed a problem where combos were being calculated incorrectly on the Form 500.
- California: We now support direct uploads of the state Sales and Use Tax Return, so you can import your return instead of manually inputting information on the state site.
- Georgia: We added an alternate eFile option for the quarterly ST-3 Sales and Use Tax Report.
- Kansas: You'll now be notified if you're missing tracking numbers when filing state ABC-1040 returns.
- Maryland: You'll now see Zip+4 data directly on the PDF for the state Excise Tax DWS 315: Direct Wine Shipper Tax Return.
- North Carolina: When you submit Market Ready brand registrations, they will now be sent directly to the state email.
- Rhode Island: We've updated the email address for the state Distributor Shipments Notice and Invoices.
- West Virginia: We fixed a problem with the state Wine Supplier's Report where incorrect product types appeared on the return.
- Wyoming: We've updated the state Sales Tax Return with minor changes.
We also:
- Fixed a bug causing the Market Ready workflow to sometimes crash when loading Distributor selection for Arkansas.
- Fixed a problem with certain zipcodes not showing up in our address lookup tool (Texas zip code 75072 and Arkansas zip code 72713).
- Fixed a problem where the API was incorrectly classifying freight as taxable in Michigan.
And, when you're missing tracking numbers for a report, you'll now see the total number of missing tracking numbers instead of just 50, and you can export all tracking numbers at once.
For more, check out user guides, regulatory walkthroughs, and feature explanations in your ShipCompliant help center!