Joshua Reyes
Title: UX Designer
Hometown: Bronx, New York
Years in the industry/at Sovos ShipCompliant: Less than a year
Favorite part of your job: My favorite part of the job is brainstorming! I enjoy coming up with new and creative ways to make our customers’ experience using our products better.
Favorite beverage and why: Depending on the mood, either a nice crisp summer beer or a glass of absinthe.
Describe your ideal setting for enjoying your favorite beverage (and what might that beverage be?): I enjoy a late night beer by the campfire with my friends. Nothing beats just having a good time with those close to you.
What out-of-state beverage do you wish could be shipped directly to you? It would be Harpoon Camp Wannamango! Really completes the summer vacation feel I always long for.
What motivates you to do what you do here, and how do you contribute to the customer experience?: In the short time I have been here I have been lucky enough to meet our customers in person and speak with them in depth regarding ShipCompliant. Our users are passionate about what they do and are very involved in ShipComplaint’s future. They motivate me to create a better product for them. I want to help make ShipCompliant a product that gives our users peace of mind and the confidence that their tax and compliance needs are taken care of.
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