Andrea Prien
Title: Product Marketing Specialist
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Years in the industry/at Sovos ShipCompliant: Three years in the food and beverage industry and one year with Sovos ShipCompliant.
Favorite part of your job: My favorite part of my role is learning about the beverage alcohol industry and what is important to our clients. I now see breweries, wineries and distilleries as a complex business where compliance is an integral part of their success.
What impact do you make in your role?: I make an impact on our account executive team by creating sales material, providing training on relative topics and bridging the gap between what our clients are saying and how our sales team can use that information to excel.
Describe your ideal setting for enjoying your favorite beverage (and what might that beverage be?): Living in Colorado, I love the fall season with the cooler air and changing colors in the mountains. Sitting on a patio with friends, watching a sports game or relaxing in the mountains make for a perfect setting for a hard cider.
What out-of-state beverage do you wish could be shipped directly to you?: Hideaway Distillery is in a small town in Oregon that created a Blue Line Unapologetic American Whiskey where proceeds benefit law enforcement families and first responders. Currently they don’t ship to Colorado, so in the future I would love to support their business and help the community.
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