What Small Wineries Should Look for in a DtC Compliance Solution

Rachel Hoffman | August 8, 2023

Congratulations, your winery has grown to a point where shipping under someone else’s license has become too great of a risk, and you’ve decided to search for a direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping compliance partner. There are choices in the marketplace, so how do you know which company to work with? As you conduct your due diligence take the following considerations into account.

True DtC compliance help

If you’re looking to do business above board, your winery must ship under its own license. Look for a software solution that can ensure compliance when dealing with the maze of state-by-state rules around brand registrations, age verifications, customer volume limits, and tax determination and reporting.

Experts at your fingertips

Your expertise likely lies in your recipes, vines or tasting room, not in tracking regulatory updates. Choose a DtC compliance partner with a team of regulatory experts who backs their product by keeping track of changing rules, so you don’t have to.

No hidden costs

Look for a partner with a clear pricing structure that doesn’t nickel-and-dime or surprise you with unclear fees. Compliance solutions should be a predictable price each pay cycle. When it comes to something as important as a compliance provider, consider unpredictability to be a red flag.

Support without limits

Choose a partner that won’t leave you at sea once your DtC compliance solution is up and running. Whether new team members need to be trained or state requirements have left you scratching your head, your emails and phone calls deserve to be answered. Unlimited product and user support should come at no additional cost.

Coming to the realization that it’s time to hold your own DtC shipping licenses is a great step in the right direction. Working with a compliance solution that offers true compliance help, the knowledge of industry experts, has a clear pricing structure and offers unlimited free support will set you up for success.

Take Action

Learn more about managing your DtC wine shipping compliance.