Weather or Not to Ship

Rachel Hoffman | June 15, 2023

Preparing your business for direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping is no small feat. Between licensure, compliance concerns, tax accuracy and regulated reporting, overwhelm may seem inevitable. With the right partner by your side, you can focus on the delivery details that matter most to your customers. But there’s one delivery element that no one can control: the weather.

There’s nothing that can ruin a wine delivery experience quite like a damaged product. Like any other perishable product, wine is affected by extreme temperatures. Though wine’s sweet spot for storage is between 53 and 57 degrees Fahrenheit, there is little harm in temperatures reaching the mid-60s mark. Wine kept in hotter condition for even just a few days can easily become irreparably damaged, and once the temperature hits triple digits the cork seal is compromised.

Here are our top tips for contending with the weather as you ship your products.

Temperature control

Dig into the details of your wine’s delivery journey. Inquire about temperature-controlled storage facilities, average delivery vehicle temperatures and how packages are stored at hold-at locations.  Some fulfillment partners provide special services dedicated to temperature-sensitive products, though they come at a premium price.

Packaging considerations

Another form of hot-weather insurance can some in how you package your products in the hot summer months. Some organizations switch from eco-friendly packaging materials to well-insulated styrofoam during heat waves. Additionally, ice packs added to shippers maintain a consistent temperature from the time the bottle is packed to the last mile of delivery.

Weather holds

When all else fails, wineries can choose to enact weather holds. It’s not uncommon for wineries to cease ground shipments and pause wine club deliveries during the summer months.

With a careful approach to temperature control, your winery can ensure that your products are safely delivered to your customer’s front doors.

Take Action

Looking to extend the white glove treatment to home delivery? Manage your customers’ shipping experience with Sovos ShipCompliant’s Delivery Experience.