
Common carriers in the U.S. mitigate risk while meeting clients’ needs with ShipCompliant Carrier Compliance.

Carrier Compliance

ShipCompliant Carrier Compliance streamlines the tracking and maintenance of license statuses for shipments coming through the direct-to-consumer (DtC) channel. It creates a single online location for carriers to review, filter, export or integrate license information into in-house systems.

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Product Benefits

Carrier Compliance uses ShipCompliant’s robust customer license information database, and provides a portal for non-ShipCompliant customers to maintain their license information.

  • 3PL Visibility

    Gain visibility into shipment details, including winery license information and associated fulfillment method —warehouse partner or in-house shipment.

  • Required License Sharing

    Streamlined license data sharing between you and your customers.

  • Efficiency & Time Savings

    Regain time spent manually cross-referencing license information with shipments—focus on delivery services instead.

  • Risk Mitigation

    Protect your business from increased state license status scrutiny.