
New EU Brexit Infringement Procedures
New EU Brexit Infringement Procedures

On 22 July, the EU Commission opened four new infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom for allegedly breaching the 2021 Northern Ireland Protocol on conditions related to customs requirements, excise tax and VAT. The EU has brought seven proceedings against the UK over the Protocol since 2021. The Northern Ireland Protocol Following the UK’s departure […]

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W-9 backup withholding
Tax Authority Data Collection and the Analytics Behind It

Data is one of the most valuable assets of companies and individuals. Data gathered, cleaned and analysed well enables businesses to realise their utmost capabilities. With the digitization trend, error-prone paper forms, ledgers and books are replaced by electronic versions. This development gave companies more control over their data and liquidated data for further analysis. […]

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SAP e-invoicing compliance
Global CTC Updates: July 2022

Latest Changes 1 July begins the second half of 2022, and in line with that milestone, changes have started to be implemented in the CTC sphere. In this blog, we highlight vital developments that have taken place in and outside Europe that may influence the continuous transaction controls (CTC) landscape globally. The Philippines: Pilot program […]

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Philippines’ CTC E-Invoice Reporting System is Officially Live

The Philippines continuous transaction controls (CTC) Electronic Invoicing/Receipting System (EIS) has been officially kicked off for the 100 large taxpayers selected by the government to inaugurate the mandate. Although taxpayers were still struggling to meet the new e-invoicing system’s technical requirements just before the go-live date, the Philippines upheld its planned deadline and went live […]

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Hungary Supplemental Insurance Premium Tax
Extra Profit Tax: An Introduction to Supplemental IPT in Hungary

Update: 20 May 2024 by Edit Buliczka Hungary Amends Extra Profit Tax Declaration and Prepayment Rules In May 2023, the Hungarian government extended the extra profit tax on insurance premium amounts (EPTIPT) for another year. It updated the regulations again in January 2024, adding the fourth amendment to the two-and-a-half-year history of this tax (this […]

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partner network
Practical Considerations for EORI Numbers

The EU and the UK use the Economic Operators Registration and Identification System (EORI) to identify traders. What is an EORI number? Businesses and people wishing to trade in the EU and the UK must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with customs administrations. The EU […]

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Spanish IPT compliance can be challenging. In our latest blog we discuss the Modelo 480, including what you need to know to stay compliant.
Under the Bonnet: Spanish IPT Reporting

The complexities of Spain’s insurance premium tax regulations can be daunting for anyone responsible for IPT reporting and compliance for this country. Apart from the different tax authorities involved with Spanish IPT reporting and various submission processes, there are also many different declarations that tax compliance teams must be aware of. Here we’ll look at […]

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Sovos acquires Escontech
SIRE: New Peruvian Electronic Record Keeping Mandate

On 1 January every year, taxpayers operating in Peru must assess their monthly income over a certain period determined by law to verify if they fall under the obligation to keep electronic ledgers. Taxpayers above the established threshold or who wish to voluntarily keep their ledgers electronically may do so by using the Electronic Ledgers […]

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One year on for the One Stop Shop – the changes and challenges of the new e-commerce VAT scheme

In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Cécile Dessy sits down with Russell Hughes, Consulting Services Manager at Sovos, to explain how these new schemes have evolved during this first year. Listen as she answers the following questions: Question 1: Were people ready for these changes? Question 2: What are the main practical problems […]

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What is Indirect Representation, and How Does it Affect UK Businesses
What is Indirect Representation, and How Does it Affect UK Businesses?

According to European Customs Law, non-EU established businesses must appoint a representative for customs purposes when importing goods into the EU. In particular, the Union Customs Code establishes that non-EU resident businesses must appoint an indirect representative. At the end of the Brexit transitionary period, many UK businesses suddenly needed to appoint an indirect representative […]

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Romania: Questions Remain as Deadline Looms
Romania: Questions Remain as Deadline Looms

Romania has been taking steps toward introducing a continuous transaction controls (CTC) mandate since 2021. Although the Romanian tax authority only established the legal framework for implementing the e-invoicing system less than a year ago, it is set to go live soon. At the same time, the e-transport system, introduced even later, will also be […]

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Phase-2 of Saudi E-invoicing: Who should comply and how?
Phase-2 of Saudi E-invoicing: Who should comply and how?

In 2020, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in Saudi Arabia announced the introduction of an e-invoicing mandate consisting of two phases. The first phase of Saudi e-invoicing requires all resident taxable persons in the Kingdom to generate and store invoices electronically and has been enforced since 4 December 2021. The second phase, which […]

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Determining Location of Risk Marine Insurance
Determining Location of Risk: Marine Insurance

Identifying the location of risk for Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) purposes is the first step to ensuring IPT compliance in a given territory. This area perhaps isn’t as straightforward as it first seems for marine insurance. As with the location of risk rules for all classes of insurance in Europe, the starting point for marine […]

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Meet the Expert, Manisha Patel, Senior Compliance Services Representative - IPT
Meet the Expert, Manisha Patel, Senior Compliance Services Representative – IPT

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about regulatory changes and developments in global tax regimes, to support you in […]

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Ecuador November 2022 E-invoicing Changes (1)
Ecuador: E-Invoicing and E-Receipt Updates

Update: 7 May 2023 by Andrés Landerretche Ecuador updates how taxpayers cancel electronic receipts. Ecuador’s Internal Revenue Service (SRI) has published an updated version of its Guide for Taxpayers on Cancellation of Electronic Receipts. The guide details how to cancel electronic receipts already authorised by the tax entity. The improved and updated version of the […]

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VAT on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
VAT on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The recent popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has captivated investors, governments and tax authorities. An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects such as a piece of digital art, an audio clip, an online game or anything else. NFTs are purchased and sold online and are typically encoded with the same software as […]

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In Focus Why is Italy’s IPT Regime so Challenging
Italy IPT: A quick guide

Insurance Premium Tax in Italy is complex. This blog helps insurers navigate challenges in Italy, from IPT rates to reporting requirements. You can find all recent updates on IPT in Italy below in the update section. Read our Insurance Premium Tax guide for an overview of IPT in general. Update: 16 August 2024 by James Brown IPT […]

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Reciprocity Agreements and Why They Matter When Recovering VAT
Reciprocity Agreements and Why They Matter When Recovering VAT

Sovos recently hosted an online webinar on VAT recovery where we covered reciprocity agreements between the UK and EU Member States when making 13th Directive VAT refund claims. One of the questions that kept coming up is what are reciprocity agreements and why do they matter? Reciprocity When making 13th Directive refund claims, each EU […]

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