
Audio Blog: Sovos’ 13th Annual Trends Report

Sovos’ 13th annual Trends report takes an in-depth look at the world’s regulatory VAT landscape. Governments globally are enacting new policies and controls to close their tax gaps. These changes affect all companies doing business internationally, regardless of the location of their headquarters. With authorities now inserting themselves into every aspect of business operations, organisations […]

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Latest Updates in Romania B2B E-invoicing Mandate for High-risk Products and E-transport System
Latest Updates in Romania: B2B E-invoicing Mandate for High-risk Products and E-transport System

With the most significant VAT gap in the EU (34.9% in 2019), Romania has been moving towards introducing a continuous transaction control (CTC) regime to improve and strengthen VAT collection while combating tax evasion. The main features of this new e-invoicing system, e-Factura, have been described in an earlier blog post. Today, we’ll take a […]

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IPT Compliance in Slovakia A Primer on Error Corrections
IPT Compliance in Slovakia

We’re addressing Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) compliance in different countries. You can read other blogs in this series by visiting our Denmark, Finland, and the UK entries or by downloading Sovos’ Guide on IPT Compliance. Written by our team of IPT and regulatory specialists, this guide is packed full of insight to navigate the ever-changing […]

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What is a VAT Health Check?

At Sovos, our consultants are the leading experts in cross-border tax, saving both time and money for our customers. In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Becca Taylor sits down with Russell Hughes, Consulting Services Manager at Sovos to explore what our consultancy team do and how they can work with your current processes […]

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Brexit One Year On - What Do We Know
Brexit One Year On – What Do We Know?

The Northern Ireland Protocol regarding goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland continues to cause problems, leading to calls to suspend it via Article 16. But at the same time, some NI politicians are looking to capitalise on the possibility of inward investment by companies that can benefit from being in both the UK […]

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Meet the Expert Edit Buliczka, Compliance Services Manager at Sovos
Meet the Expert: Edit Buliczka, Compliance Services Manager at Sovos

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to known about new regulatory changes, ensuring you stay compliant. We spoke to Edit Buliczka, […]

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The Rise of E-Transport Documents
The Rise of E-Transport Documents

The number of continuous transaction controls (CTC) jurisdictions worldwide is increasing at a high speed. What’s equally interesting to note is a parallel development: countries that already have CTCs in place are expanding the scope of their CTC regimes by introducing new obligations around related document types, notably for transport documents. We are witnessing a […]

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Eastern Europe The Rise of CTCs
Eastern Europe: The Rise of CTCs

In a blog post earlier this year, we wrote about how several Eastern European countries have started implementing continuous transaction controls (CTC) to combat tax fraud and reduce the VAT gap. However, it’s been an eventful year with many new developments in the region, so let’s take a closer look at some of the changes on the […]

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Understanding IOSS - EU E-Commerce VAT Package FAQs
Understanding IOSS – EU E-Commerce VAT Package FAQs

The EU e-commerce VAT package was introduced in July 2021. The new schemes, One Stop Shop (OSS) and Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) bring significant changes to VAT treatment and reporting mechanisms for sales to private individuals in the EU. In the last of our series of FAQ blogs, we answer some of the more […]

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New European Union Reduced VAT Rates Approved
New European Union Reduced VAT Rates Approved

The EU Council approved a proposed directive to amend rules governing reduced VAT rates at the ECOFIN meeting held on 7 December 2021. The new rules grant EU Member States more options and flexibility in determining the reduced VAT rates to apply to certain goods and services through amendments to the EU VAT Directive. New […]

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How to Manage VAT Changes
How to Manage VAT Changes

In our previous blog, we completed the compliance cycle with tax authority audits. However, that’s not the end of the challenges businesses face in remaining compliant in the countries where they have VAT obligations. VAT rules and regulations change as do a business’s supply chains – these need to be carefully reviewed and appropriate action […]

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Easing the Stress of IPT Filings
Easing the Stress of IPT Filings

Insurance premium tax (IPT) deadlines – whether it’s month end, quarterly filing or end of year, can be stressful for insurance tax teams. Juggling regular workloads alongside the added pressure of ensuring filings are completed accurately and on time are often challenging. This blog provides some helpful guidance on how to navigate deadline season successfully. […]

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How Union One Stop Shop Impacts Other Declarations
How Union One Stop Shop Impacts Other Declarations

The EU e-Commerce VAT Package is nearly six months old and businesses should have submitted their first Union One Stop Shop (OSS) return by the end of October 2021. Union OSS provides a welcome simplification to the requirement to be registered for VAT in multiple Member States when making intra-EU B2C supplies of goods and […]

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Poland Insurance Ombudsman Contribution
Poland: Insurance Ombudsman Contribution

Update: 12 January 2024 by Edit Buliczka Upcoming Submission Deadline for Polish Claims Report The Polish Financial Ombudsman Office (Rzecznik Finansowy), like other regulatory bodies such as the Italian IVASS, requires insurance companies to submit various reports about their activities. One of these is the Claims Report. According to the Act on the Consideration of […]

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Poland’s E-Invoicing Reform Overview of KSeF System
Poland’s E-Invoicing Reform: Overview of KSeF System

Since earlier this year, when the first draft continuous transaction controls (CTC) legislation was published in Poland, there’s been good progress in the development of the CTC framework and system, the Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF). After several reiterations, the CTC legislation was finally adopted and published on the Official Gazette on 18 November 2021. Implementing […]

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IPT Location of Risk and Territoriality in the EU
European Insurance Premium Tax Reporting Requirements

In recent years, tax transparency has become a vital issue. It is becoming increasingly evident that tax authorities are adapting to online submissions for further transparency and accuracy in collecting and reporting of taxes and requesting more detailed policy information. There is very little consistency across European territories regarding reporting; differences in tax rates, submission […]

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Union OSS – Don’t be Late Registering for the EU VAT Scheme
Union OSS – Don’t be Late Registering for the EU VAT Scheme

  E-commerce in the EU saw a VAT revolution on 1 July 2021, introducing the e-commerce VAT package. One of the package’s aims is to ensure that VAT is accounted for in the Member State where consumption takes place for B2C cross-border supplies of goods – this equates to where the goods are delivered. There […]

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How to Prepare for a VAT Audit
How to Prepare for a VAT Audit

In our previous blog, we looked at the challenges that businesses face in submitting VAT and other declarations on an ongoing basis. However, the compliance cycle doesn’t end there as tax authorities will carry out audits for a variety of reasons to validate declarations. Why do tax authorities carry out audits? When VAT returns consisted […]

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