
[Infographic] The 10 Most Innovative Countries in VAT Compliance

Value-added tax (VAT) gaps take a toll on tax authorities around the world. Errors and tax fraud reduce what governments can invest in services for citizens or needed infrastructure improvements. Now, countries across the globe are adopting technology-driven approaches to reduce the gap and gain real-time visibility into business transactions. Throughout Latin America, countries like […]

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Sovos Expert to Discuss VAT Controls on Business Transactions at International Conference

In October, Christiaan van der Valk, Sovos vice president of strategy, will speak about the emergence of real-time VAT controls on business transactions at the CIAT/IOTA Technical Conference in Lisbon. The presentation will focus on lessons learned from ongoing work on these topics in groups at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the European […]

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Will Tax Compliance Drive Digital Transformation? – SAP Expert John Appleby Weighs In

It’s clear that company leaders understand that digital transformation is key for their very survival in a world of constant disruption, but only a small percentage actually have finished a company-wide transformation – opening the door to potential problems from lost customers to tax compliance issues. An SAP survey finds that 84% of 3,000 executives […]

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Sovos Colombia eInvoicing Solution Earns Powered by SAP NetWeaver® Certification

The Sovos eInvoicing solution for Colombia has achieved SAP certification as powered by the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform. The solution integrates with SAP NetWeaver and safeguards companies doing business in Colombia by automating real-time electronic invoicing processes as required by Colombian mandates. All companies doing business in Colombia must adopt electronic invoicing by Jan. 1, […]

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Mexico in the Digital Age: 7 VAT Compliance Measures to Know

Governments have rapidly adopted digital models to better collect every type of transactional tax, including value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST), and sales and use tax. The SAT (Mexico’s tax authority) is no different. Interestingly, Mexico has been a trailblazer in the digitization of tax, adopting new digital models and processes to ensure […]

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Mexico Postpones the New CFDI Cancellation Process until November 2018

During 2017, Mexico made several changes to its eInvoicing framework. In addition to the implementation of CFDI version 3.3, modifications have been made to article 29 A of the Tax Code designed to stop the practice of suppliers unilaterally cancelling CFDIs. This process is being replaced with a bilateral process in which the buyer must […]

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Infographic: Colombia Electronic Invoicing Mandate

Take Action Learn more about Sovos eInvoicing solutions in Colombia

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The Cost of Adhoc In-House Compliance

VAT regulations in Europe are evolving at a head-spinning pace, forcing companies to quickly adapt their internal systems to comply with complex eLedger, eAccounting and eInvoicing mandates. Adhoc solutions – either forklift upgrades of existing ERPs and accounting systems, or modules bolted onto in-house solutions – may be a short-term fix, but could cost your […]

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Manufacturers Usher in the Digital Transformation of Tax

“Since virtually every decision or transaction undertaken in a business has a tax implication, and since the digital transformation is leading to entirely new business models such as centralization of certain functions into regional or global shared services centers, tax needs to adapt— quickly—to align with and be relevant to the increasingly digital and automated […]

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Close up shot of a person figurine standing on top a map of France
How EU Countries Are Following Latin America’s Digital Tax Transformation to Narrow Their €151 Billion VAT Gap

Europe is in the midst of a digital transformation, and taxation is one of the key areas of investment. As governments across the EU seek to reduce their combined annual VAT gap of €151 billion, we’re increasingly seeing the introduction of state-controlled, real-time IT platforms that place national tax administrations at the heart of business […]

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Connected Supply Chains Drive Complex VAT Compliance

As cloud-connected technology has become more ubiquitous across the supply chain, sophisticated executives can use the data gleaned from these devices to better understand where their supply chain is operating effectively – and where there is room for improvement – including in VAT compliance. Increased transparency into how the various links in their chain fit […]

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Sovos CTO: Modern Tax Demands Modern Software. We’ve Built S1 For the Digital Future of Tax.

Sovos Chief Technology Officer, John Landy, comments on the new S1 platform.  Businesses now need a new approach to handling taxes. With the new S1 architecture, that’s exactly what we’ve built. Tax has changed. What used to be merely a burdensome obligation is now becoming a risky and technical part of every major business process. […]

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Truth or Consequences: What Is the Source of Truth for Audits?

Governments around the world are going digital – eliminating paper-based reporting and instead leveraging technology for a high level of tax compliance automation. Real-time reporting of invoices, receipts, tax payments and accounting data has led to tighter integration between business processes and tax authorities. With so much data now in the hands of both companies […]

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Brazil Launches EFD-REINF for Tax Withholdings

Update: 2 March 2023 by Kelly Muniz Postponement of EFD-REINF Deadline for Events Referring to Withholding IRPF, CSLL, PIS and COFINS The publishing of Normative Instruction RFB n. 2.133, of 27 February 2023 postpones the deadline of the obligation to submit EFD-REINF (Digital Fiscal Record of Withholdings and Other Fiscal Information) events related to withholding: […]

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The Top Three SAP Challenges Impacting Manufacturers

The acceleration of regulatory complexity is causing unnecessary strain on IT departments within manufacturing companies, negatively impacting growth. In fact, 31% of companies report that keeping up with the volume and complexity of regulations is their number one compliance challenge, and 45% say increasing costs of compliance is their number one barrier to growth. The […]

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Mexico Postpones Electronic Invoice Cancellation Policy Change until September

Mexico’s planned process change for cancellations of electronic invoices will take effect Sept. 1 rather than in July as previously announced. The Mexican tax authority, the SAT, will require senders of electronic invoices, a document called a CDFI in Mexico, to get permission for cancellation from the party that received the invoice before the sender […]

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Confusion over Columbia Electronic Invoicing Mandate Serves as a Reminder that It’s Coming
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Real-Time VAT Reporting 101: Common Terms and Definitions

More countries are transitioning from electronic VAT filings to real-time VAT reporting, automated audits, eInvoicing and eReceipts.  Learn terminology key to understanding real-time tax reporting. Latin America (LATAM) is deemed the most complex tax compliance environment in the world. Over the last decade, it has become synonymous with real-time value-added-tax (VAT) compliance and reporting. In […]

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